pokebeach.comI’ll be the first to admit it. I’m a fraud. What started out as something to pass the time ended up being something FAR more serious. I won the North America 2011 Professor Cup Championship. And I’m NOT a Professor.
To get into the Prof. Cup, you had to BE a Professor and rack up points by running a league or judging events. It’s a competition to award the hard-working men and women who make this game possible; and I soiled its good name.
So, why am I saying this now? Why can’t I stay quiet and pretend I was always a Professor? Well, here’s some reasons:
- It’s a winning National tournament report and I think it’ll be interesting.
- I feel guilty winning expensive prizes when I shouldn’t have.
- I’m taking a 4 year break from Pokémon since I’m depressed from what I did. (Actually, it’s college. :D)
- I think it’s pretty cool I ended up winning. ;)
- And most importantly, it’s been a while since I’ve written an article.
The Professor Cup
There were certain rules for this special tourny. Skip this section if you know the rules.
- All of the Pokémon must be one type only.
- “I choose you” allows each player to choose their starting Pokémon. This was amazing!
- 25 minute rounds and 60 Card Deck.
The first rule hindered the play of Tyranitar and Scizor since both of their earlier forms aren’t the same type as they are. Also, Legends were counted as dual types and could be played in decks that had their type.
How I Cleverly Got In Registration
pokebeach.comIt was Sunday, the day everyone leaves from Nationals. It was also my dad’s birthday. However, we weren’t leaving early. My ride and buddy, were in the Professor Cup. I had helped him with his Blastoise/Floatzel water deck for the Cup so I knew the basic rules.
Nationals was decent for me. I went 6-3 with a Yanmega/Vileplume/Spinarak Deck. Yeah, you know I’m evil if I used Spinarak! Well, I did “Spider Web” in 2 matches and enjoyed it! Well, not really, it made me feel bad. :( But, gotta do whatever it takes to win.
My friend and I talked about me attempting to enter the Prof. Cup. Why not? I had nothing else to do while I waited. My friend/mentor who was with us, wanted to use my Yanmega Vileplume Deck.
He told me that if I managed to get in, then I’d use his deck. My friend did awesome at Nationals with his deck! He was playing Reshiram/Typhlosion or “Reshiphlosion” and made top cut!
My thought on Reshiphlosion before Nationals:
Ha, I’d rather use Emboar than that “Afterburning”- 2nd rate card!
How I Cleverly Got In Registration (cont.)
I had never played a Reshiram variant before so I thought it would be fun. And let me tell you, it’s a VERY fun deck. We only needed to take out 3 cards that I couldn’t use for the Cup. These were 2 Cleffas and a Tyrogue. I think we replaced it with a Magby (the starter), a PlusPower, and a Fire Energy.
Anyway, I went up to registration and wrote my name down. I told the registers that I was new to all of this and held my own league (which I do!). They said they would look into the matter to make sure I was a judge. I thanked them knowing that if I was unable to play then it wouldn’t be a big deal to me.
We all joked what would happened if I would eventually win the Professor Cup… haha…
When pairings went up, my name was on the list and Aydan Aires was ready to wreak havoc in the Professor Cup!
7 Swiss Rounds and Top Cut of 16
Round 1 – Reshiphlosion vs Blastzel (Blastoise/Floatzel) WATER
pokebeach.comThere were a lot of these decks here. I chose my starter as Magby and realized the ultimate problem. Magby is horrible and automatically loses to Tyrogue! Out of fear, this was the last time I used Magby the entire day.
My opponent started Buizel, a way to get out a turn 2 Floatzel. I was able to use a Pokémon Collector to grab the basics. Reshiram, Cyndaquil, and Vulpix. I powered up my Reshiram quickly while my opponent had a few turns where he would draw and pass. By turn 4, I was taking a prize a turn and there was no way for him to catch up.
I was able to beat my weakness! Thank goodness. Water type decks didn’t do too well. It was thought to be good to counter the Fire decks rampaging around. But, there were a lot of Lightning decks here too. And in the end, Reshiphlosion doesn’t care what type you are.
Round 2 – Reshiphlosion vs Blastzel WATER
When this round started, I knew I wasn’t going to put Magby as a starter. I chose to start with one of my Reshirams. My opponent started with a Manaphy.
This battle was extremely tough. Possibly the third hardest battle of the day! By turn 3, he had a Blastoise and 2 Floatzels on the field. Remember, this is my FIRST time playing this deck so I felt like a genius when I realized Blastoise was 1 Blue Flare and 1 PlusPower away from dying. At this moment, I figured that Reshiram can absolutlely blow through this deck once it was set up.
We traded Reshirams for Blastoises (Blastoisei?). When he brought out his 3rd Blastoise, I had a loaded Typhlosion ready to use its attack that discards Blastoise’s Double Colorless Energy. Believe me, Typhlosion can OWN a Blastoise because of its “Flare Destroy” attack.
I finally took my last prize after tanking with Typhlosion (haha) for a bit. It was a very good match and my opponent certainly knew how to play the game. He went all the way to Top 4 and he deserved it!
Round 3 – Reshiphlosion vs Tyrogue???? FIGHTING
pokebeach.comThere isn’t too much to talk about here. I started Reshiram to his Tyrogue. I went first, attached energy and played a Collector to begin setting up. On my opponent’s turn, he drew, then “Mischievous Punches” me for 30. Then, next turn, I attach and… Outrage for knockout?
Without any other Pokémon out on the opponent’s field, I won my 3rd match!
Lunch Break and the Aiming for Top 4
During lunch, my friends and I head over to the mall. I was at 3-0, and my friends were at 3-0 and 1-2. We talked about the awesome diversity at the Professor Cup; there were so many variants! Even a Steel deck! There was one type, however, that seemed to be dominating…
Dark. These decks would start with Absol Prime to put damage counters on your Pokémon whenever you laid them on the bench. Then, the opponent would build Zoroark, Mandibuzz, and Weavile for disruption and easy prizes. It was an awesome combination.
We then talked about the prizes. This year, there was some cool things. For Top 16, a very expensive Professor backpack was given out. For Top 4, a Kindle was given. Wow! Plus, Top 4 had very nice 1-of-a-kind trophies! Because it was my dad’s birthday, I figured I should try to win him a Kindle. :)
When we came back to the event hall, pairings were being handed out to the tables. Something cool about the Professor Cup is that children are the judges during these events. It was very cool to see kids not all that much younger than me running an event. They were awesome and very helpful!
Round 4 – Reshiphlosion vs Zekrom/Magnezone/Electrode THUNDER
This was the hardest match of the day. I believe my opponent started with a Minun to my Reshiram. He went first and used Minun’s first attack to put 2 Pokémon on his bench. A Magnemite and a Zekrom, I believe. I had a pretty good set up, getting a Reshiram/Typhlosion/Ninetales combo running by Turn 3. My opponent had a Magnezone and a charged Zekrom ready.
pokebeach.comWe traded blows and prizes and were fairly equal for the majority of the match. Then, when we both had 4 Prizes left, he chained 2 Defenders on his Zekrom making it a 130 HP Tank with 40 defense. This gave me trouble since it took 2 Blue Flares to Knock it Out. And when I finally Knocked him Out, he had plenty of Junk Arms ready to bring back those darn Defenders!
When I took out his 3rd Zekrom, I found myself down a Prize. However, he used his Electrode Prime’s Poké-Power to give me a free prize and get some energy acceleration. He then used his Magnezone Prime to Lost Burn my final Reshiram.
With a Revive, 2 “Afterburners”, 2 PlusPowers, and 1 Fire Energy, I revived a Reshiram and 1HKO’d his Magnezone Prime. When his ‘Zone was gone, I was able to take out the other Pokémon since his resources went dry. I took my last prize and won the hardest match of the day. Whew.
Round 5 – Reshiphlosion vs Cincinno COLORLESS
This deck used Cincinno as the main attacker, and Noctowl as the draw power. This was another tough match but I didn’t think it would give me much trouble since Reshiram has a pretty good match up against Cincinno. However, I had a pretty bad hand at the beginning and had trouble finding draw power.
When I finally got Reshiram/Typhlosion up and powered, I was pretty far back on prizes. I steamrolled through many of his Pokémon, trying to catch up to his lead.
This match came down to a coin flip, sadly. He needed only 10 more damage to Knock Out my Reshiram. He used a Good Rod to attempt to retrieve a PlusPower but whiffed. Had he gotten back the PlusPower, it would’ve been Game Over for me since the Prize lead would be overwhelming.
One thing to note is Typhlosion helped me greatly when I “Flare Destroyed” a lot of his Double Colorless.
After going through this match, I was happy that I was able to catch up and win!
Round 6 – Reshiphlosion vs DARK Tool Box
pokebeach.comFinally, I got my chance to play against this deck and I knew it would be a tough one. This woman I was playing had beaten my friend earlier so this deck would be tricky. I started Reshiram to her Absol.
I don’t remember too much about this match but I know it wasn’t that tough. I was able to take out her Absol early on so it would stop spreading the damage. From there, we traded Reshirams for Zoroarks, and luckily, since I had 4 Reshirams in my deck, I was able to out number her.
We both knew we were going to make top cut regardless since we were 5-0 before this match so it was very casual and fun to play against her. It wouldn’t be the last time I’d see her though…
Round 7 – Reshiphlosion Mirror Match FIRE
Before this match, I thought I was the only undefeated but I was wrong. Another Reshiphlosion player had the same record. My opponent was nice and the pressure was off both of us since we knew we’d make top cut (and get seeded fairly high!)
Now, although my opponent had a similar deck, he used a very unique starter I had never seen. Numel.
Numel’s first attack for one colorless allowed you to discard a fire energy and draw 3 cards. It was a great starter! Very similar to Ninetales.
Anyway, he set up faster than me, getting up THREE Typhlosions in the first few turns. We started the prize trading with him in the lead.
I should’ve lost this match. But, my opponent made a crucial mistake of retreating a weakened Reshiram instead of Knocking Out my 4th Reshiram. Had he Knocked it Out, it would’ve put me in a bind of trying to find a Revive and bringing back a 5th Reshiram. Instead, he gave me the one extra turn I needed to apply more pressure and turn the tables in my favor.
Luckily, I was able to win. With a 7-0 record, I was the only undefeated and the #1 seed for top cut. :)
Top Cut
Top cut was very diverse. From then on, there would be 50-minute rounds. All 16 of us had won a Professor backpack, thankfully too. People who were watching the event offered some of us $100 for the specially made backpack.
Oh, I forgot to say this earlier, but in every match of the Professor Cup, the winner would get 2 booster packs from Black and White. So, I had 14 packs to my name. All of which I would be selling on later since I don’t plan on playing in college.
I just need 2 wins and I’ll be in top 4! Which means I get a Kindle. I figured after I made Top 4, I would just drop since I got the prize. The trophy didn’t seem like it would be that important to me.
Oh, here’s a line up of what types made top cut:
- 2 Fire
- 4 Dark
- 3 Lightning
- 2 Grass
- 2 Fighting
- 2 Water
- 1 Colorless
Top 16 Match – Reshiphlosion vs Dark Tool Box
My opponent wasn’t the same person from my round 6 match, but he shared an almost identical deck! With 2 young judges who sat around us,
Game 1:
pokebeach.comI was turn 2 donked by his Zoroark. I couldn’t find anymore Pokémon to back up my Reshiram. I began to get nervous!
Game 2:
I chose to go first and used Collector to get Reshiram, Cyndaquil, and Vulpix. This match was more in my favor as we traded Reshirams for Zoroarks. I pulled ahead and was able to storm through the rest of his deck.
With this matchup, when the Zoroarks have been taken care of, the opponent can only snipe for small amounts of damage. With 25 minutes left on the clock, we continued on.
Game 3:
My opponent went first and quickly set up multiple Zoroarks. This match continued similarly to Game 2. It was close as we continued bashing each other’s Reshirams and Zoroarks. I believe my opponent got set up early and it was quite tough to deal with the swarming Zoroarks.
In the end, we believe this match came down to a coin flip. My opponent failed a Pokémon Reversal that could’ve put him ahead 2 Prizes. Luckily for me, I was able to pull through and win!
2-1 | 8-0
Top 8 Match – Reshiphlosion vs Yanmega/Vileplume GRASS
pokebeach.comTop 8 matches began… except my opponent wasn’t around. I asked the judges and they kindly told me that my opponent’s son had won Nationals in Juniors. Congratulations! I waited for around 10 minutes patiently but when my opponent arrived, they told him he would have a Game 1 loss unfortunately. Alright, only this man stood between me and my beloved Kindle! Let’s go!
Game 2:
I had a pretty good start but my opponent had trouble setting up. I remember him having two Yanmas, an Oddish, and a Sunkern on his bench when I had almost been completely set up. I proceeded to do Blue Flare turn after turn and secured the win. IUt was kind of sad that he had to forfeit the first game but having his son win Nationals is probably worth it.
2-0 | 9-0
Should I end this lie and Quit?
Finally, I won my Kindle. Now, I could give it to my dad for his birthday. I was almost ready to drop out of the Professor Cup when my friends told me they were doing a “mutant draft”. They said I might as well go all the way. After all, 2 out of the 3 opponents in Top 4, I had beaten soundly earlier in the day. I decided I would attempt to go all the way and win this crazy tournament.
Top 4 Match – Reshiphlosion vs Donchamp FIGHTING
Game 1:
pokebeach.comMy opponent was this kind woman from the southern states. Being an old player on Donchamp, I knew it was a very smart choice for this tournament. I figured if she got out a turn 2 Donphan, I could be in a huge pickle.
I had a pretty bad starting hand during this game and she was able to get out an army of Machamps and Donphans out. I scooped within the first 10 minutes to preserve time.
Game 2:
I had a better set up this time. My opponent seemed to focus on setting up her Machamps in this game. Once I had 2 loaded Reshirams ready for battle, I continued to take prizes left and right.
Game 3:
I had a fair start in this match and got set up a little bit faster in this game. This time, my opponent focused on swarming with Donphans. With the help of early PlusPowers and Junk Arms, I was able to 1HKO most of them giving me the Top 4 win!
2-1 | 10-0
The other match was still continuing and it was played by 2 people I had played earlier. The Round 2 man (Blastzel) and the Round 6 woman (Dark Toolbox). The dark deck ended up winning that.
Top 2 Match – Reshiphlosion vs Dark Tool Box Revenge
Game 1:
pokegym.netWe greeted and congratulated each other for making it all the way this far. I was happy to be playing her again because she was a very laid back individual. She set up Zoroarks and attempted to take out my Reshirams but I was able to outswarm her with both Reshiram AND Typhlosion. Winning this Game, we moved to the final Game of the night.
Game 2:
This game was very fun. We both set up pretty fast. Something unique happened though; my opponent brought out her Darkrai & Cresselia LEGEND early on. I read it and decided I should probably get rid of it this turn. I had a Reversal, 2 PlusPowers, and a Junk Arm in my hand.
I was able to Reversal the Legend up, and play 3 PlusPowers due to the Junk Arm. This gave me a HUGE lead and opened the path to victory. I took that path and didn’t look back.
2-0 | 11-0
I was the 2011 Professor Cup Champion?
The Coin I Earned
- 22 Black and White Pokémon Packs – I ended up selling all of these for $30
- Amazon Kindle – My Dad has it to this day but we’re probably selling it for Laptop money.
- A Professor Backpack – I gave this to my friend who, in return, paid for my gas and hotel costs.
- A NICE Trophy – It’s being sold on eBay. I know this might get flamed.
- An Invitation to Worlds 2011! – I’m kidding.
Decklist (Not exact, but what I recall)
Pokémon – 174 Reshiram BLW3 Cyndaquil HS
2 Vulpix HS/CL 2 Ninetales HS/CL 1 Magby TM/CL (Useless!) |
Trainers – 284 Pokémon Collector3 Professor Juniper
3 Revive 4 Junk Arm |
Energy – 15
15 R |
Final Revelation
Hands down, don’t do what I did. I’m sure there’s going to be some sort of consequence for my actions and I’ll accept it. I don’t expect anybody to honor me for what I did but I felt like it should’ve been said.
Now, it might be low that I’m selling the trophy, but my family is having some money issues right now. Kent State University is very expensive. So, I’ve been selling all of my Pokémon merchandise so I can pay for my food plan and get a laptop.
I’m going to be on hiatus status for the next 4 years. I’ll probably be at every Nationals, but I’ll just borrow a deck from some of my good friends.
That being said, I’ll probably still be active in the Pokémon community doing research for my friends for future tournaments.
All in all, this was my first Nationals and I loved it. I can’t wait to see all fo you next year. And until then, See ya!
Ohhhhh, wait a sec. Who wants to buy the trophy? It’s very nice and one of a kind. Here’s the link: http://r.ebay.com/V0dtcu
Congratulate me or diss me. I’ll take all comments to heart. :)
Aydan Aires
awesome! great article! dont worry i forgive you!
Awesome, I hope everyone else is as forgiving haha
Kent State University you say? I go there for Photo-Illustration. :D
Awesome, although I’m planning on quitting Pokemon for a few years, I still want to be involved. Hows the Pokemon around campus? Lol
Does Kent State know how awesome you are at cheating your way through organized events? I’m sure they would love to.
Kent state probably doesn’t care about his pokemon career one way or another..
Yeah right, Kent State doesn’t care one bit. And I would bet a billion dollars on that.
More a Magic campus as far as I can tell but there are a few players around.
We get a lot of foreigners up at Canadian Nationals as well, and it shows just how sketchy competitive Pokemon is. Keep clowning, I approve! :D
Really? Strange that we never see them at the top tables (except for that kid in Seniors from NC a few years back).
Yeah, but from what i’ve heard it’s not really any of the “good” players, usually b/c they’re trying to avoid getting caught and then having rewards taken away(i know this b/c a friend of mine considered doing it this year to clinch his worlds invite, but found out he could lose his invite if he doubled up on Nats). and speaking of breaking rules…
Yeah, it’s like anybody could create a fake Name and PoP ID and go to any Nationals they want. By me getting into this Prof Cup shows some disorganization. But I in no way support myself!
Really this guy isn’t the only guy. I’m sure a lot of people who weren’t professors did play at the event, I know of some who played last year. And I’m sure a lot of foreigners go to other nationals.
It is a problem, but lets not blame it all on this guy, he is just 1 of many. Its not fair to take all the wrath out on him just because he’s an easy target.
Good job both on the social engineering and on winning the tournment. Have fun at university! Don’t burn out in the second semester, it’s a classic :)
I hope not! Don’t want to waste money!
congrats!….but what a dick
dicks get chix bro
Good lad I say! If you’ve got the balls to enter in the first place, fair play to win it.
Love it….
Thank you!
I already felt bad for Cecily since she made it to top 2 and didn’t win, but now that I know she lost to someone who shouldn’t even have been in the tournament? That’s just awful, man.
Aw man, I understand where you’re coming from. Cecily was by far my favorite opponent of the day. She’s very skilled and it was so fun playing against her twice in the same tournament!
So give her the trophy.
These kind of statements are outlandish and out-of-hand. Please cease your stupidity.
Why doesn’t he give me the trophy instead, or you. You, Cecily, and I each have won the same number of games in the finals. So why can’t I have it?
You can’t just take the prize away from the winner if a head to head event, and then give it to the 2nd place finisher. It doesn’t work that way, look at the 2004 BCS championship.
This guy should get it, but if he gets the title stripped there is nobody else to give it to.
Thanks for the heads up, we will be in touch.
Dan, you’re my hero
Please read my post…
What does that mean? =0
he’s the head of the professor program for P!P :p
Oh, whew, I thought it was a physical threat
nice empty threat bro
lol, threat? Seriously?
Verb1.get in touch – establish communication with someone.
“get in touch” is actually an idiom, not a verb. Thanks.
Legal action would most likely come in the form of a Civil rather than Criminal Suit, as it would have to be proven that AA broke Indiana/US law. If it could be determined that AA did indeed break Indiana law, the transporting of the spoils across state lines and the subsequent sale of them (online no-less) could fall under Federal jurisdiction. Jesus.
Civil action then could be P!P taking AA to court for punitive/compensatory damages commensurate with the level of his offense against the company… and that would be for a Jury to decide. None of this will happen though.
P!P legal will send him a letter demanding the return of each item, and instead of suing him, they’ll ban him for life. Which is an appropriate punishment for what he has done. P!P doesn’t want AA coming back. They want him to go away…
…just as they want this whole thing to go away as quickly and as quietly as possible.
But don’t quote me.
ye no. I applaud your attempt to feel important.
There argument would never hold especially since they let him into the tournament…it would be negligence on their part. Plus do you really think a powerhouse would take a 18 year old college student to small claims court? It would be horrible for P!Ps image and image is worth way more important for a company than the results of a tournament…
You take your car to my autoshop to get repaired, I even have my diploma hanging on the wall. I have no idea what I’m doing and mess your car up. This is clearly your fault because that you didn’t check to make sure I was legit despite the fact I completely protrayed myself as a licensed mechanic?
Yep. Don’t make excuses.
Also, would be even worse if he used a secret deck that no one knew about and play tested in hiding for it……
no that wouldn’t be bad.
Knowing about a secret deck and not telling us when you are being paid to tell us that stuff, that is bad.
I hope you get banned. Such scum.
Atleast all the drama about your article is going away e.e
So Jwittz and Fulop try to take advantage of the Pokemon community and you defend them, but AA is allowed to enter a tournament by the judges and you call him scum. Cool story bro.
Why such harsh words Kenny?? He “snuck” into an event he wasn’t qualified for. Not on the level of “scum” in my eyes.
Not like it will help you. One less player isn’t going to help you win, you scRuB.
You could get in trouble…Eeeeeek
Almost as in trouble as starting Cleffa and going second… Yeah, I know.
Best Report Ever
Wow lol I hope you don’t get in trouble in all honesty I wudve done the same thing ig I looked older lol congrats and good luck!
Wow, those running the event must be feeling pretty red-faced now ;)
On the other hand, this was a really fun read. Very witty and even kind of hilarious that you’re selling the trophy to top it all off xD
Congrats on winning!
Thank you! That means a lot!
‘happy birthday dad, here’s a kindle i won by lying my way into a tournament i had no right to play in’…your parents must be so proud =/
LOL!!! I might try and do that next year. It’s obvious they don’t check any backgrounds or anything to see who’s registered. LOL
^ Completely true
Not a great idea considering what’s probably going to happen to Aydan (sorry dude).
Probably? This is probably a minimum 5 year ban (if not life) for sure.
Well written article, but totally not cool! I can understand an honest question of whether you had enough professor points or not to enter – but knowing there was no way you qualified – not cool. Sorry. I know Pokemon appreciates you running a league, but did you really think about the consequences? Was that a good example to set for your league players? You know “with great power comes great responsibility”…
Yes, I totally understand where you’re coming from. In no way do I think what I did was right. At first, it was just a way to pass the time :/
Thanks for the response though, it means a lot!
I’m totally can’t resist this…. “Idle hands do the Devil’s work.”
No, I’m not preachy, it just fits too well.
Yeah :/
Seriously. You don’t think you should return the prizes instead of selling them? This is what you see as the spirit of the game? As a parent, I’d be very disappointed if one of my kids behaved this way. No matter what money troubles are involved, selling things you should never have gotten isn’t right. Decent article; bad example.
Yes, I agree. And I understand it wasn’t in the spirit of the game at all. I’m proud that i won but still dissapointed at myself. I can’t change the past and I’m just going to keep moving forward. Next year, I’ll actually qualify.
Thanks for the response!
next year you won’t be able to play.
You’re right…
you’re right he’ll be in college making something of himself.
a fool possibly?
“Spirit of the Game” is in no way associated with the selling or returning of prizes. Because selling and returning is not Pokemon.
You’re a horrible parent
Isn’t there supposed to be like a Pokémon employee dressed in a black suit wearing black glasses knocking at your door to make you pay ? XD That professor test is hard and it makes it worthless effort if people like you can just sneak inthe Professor Cup… I wish Pokémon was what it was 10 years ago.
I really do not care about AydanAires or the prizes cause those are gone and there is not much that can be done about that…But I feel Pokemon International Company needs to CORRECT everything related to AydanAires… remove him from the event results, correct all statements and articles and award the correct person who actually won the Professor Cup Cecily Cunningham….She should get what she already won for 2nd place ( as a apologizy for the even happening) but also Pokemon needs to dip into their pockets and go ahead and give her all of the first place winner prizes for the Professor Cup. (thats right make a 2nd 1st Place Winner Trophy just for her, actually make it better so there is no confusion on who the real first place winner truelly was and should be). Correct all history and records to reflect her as the true Professor Cup Winner of 2011….All websites that post honest honorable comments and articles about Pokemon events like Pokebeach etc… Now I know players are patting AydanAires on the back and saying it was cool you pulled this off blah blah blah…but you know what in other circles of championship type events there would be some form of charges filed…in some matter or another… Small Claims, Civil etc.. ( and actually there are several Professor & PTO Attorneys who play this game and work for it) because this dishonesty did in fact cost the company money, not counting the emotional affects it had on Pokemon employees who made the mistake of this getting bye with no one catching it and also CC who was so proud of her 2nd Place Professor Cup Win and her own community (me and many others )shared in her celebration to find out what happen and that she could have actually won it if there was not a illegal player (or really did win it cause AydanAires could not legally play in this event)… It sad that something like this happen to a game that has brought so many age groups and different cultures together and it is like a black eye… Now AydanAires announces his dishonesty on a public forum about what he did…brushes it off like it is not big thing cause he is not playing anymore cause he is going to college, proudly boost he sold his prizes and even offers the Trophy up for sale…. Wow unbelievable… But wait he said he runs a league and also expects to return to the game and even states he will play in next years Nationals…. Pokemon USA; is that league still active, him entering any Pokemon events again….really…. I have said my peace and will not return to this forum to review or read any comments because they dont matter to me….I have said what I needed to say and CC you need multiple apologizes from several people…. AydanAires, Pokemon, Admission Personnel, Head Professor….to name afew…
They can’t really say she won, now can they. Because she didn’t.
Well they can say it if they like, freedom of speech and all, but it won’t make it a true statement.
Eh, you played well and won what looks like an interesting tournament.
I’ll leave the rights and wrongs of what you did up to the people whose business it is to deal with these things.
You are my fucking hero dude.
Shame though that you’re going to get a life-ban from Pokemon and probably worse, but still, the fact that you made it in and won is pretty amazing I feel.
boom goes the dynamite http://pokegym.net/forums/showthread.php?t=151823
Isn’t going to end well…
well, what did you expect?
Making is public and admitting to the guilt happily isnt going to make people less angry, but rather more.
Brave? Perhaps.
Stupid? Definitly.
I don’t get why he thought it was a good idea to come out and brag about it. If it was me I would either give the stuff back (if I truly felt guilty like he claims he does), or just keep my mouth shut and accept the prizes quietly.
Im not sure if hes bragging about it, he really feels guilty about it, or hes just plain stupid.
But im leaning towards option C.
Option B actually
If he doesn’t plan on playing Pokemon ever again, I see no reason he wouldn’t come forward to claim this one. Not saying it’s right in any way, but the kid definitely pulled quite a stunt.
I don’t get why he thought it was a good idea to come out and brag about it. If it was me I would either give the stuff back (if I truly felt guilty like he claims he does), or just keep my mouth shut and accept the prizes quietly.
didn’t start well
You might not be a professor, but you were BETTER at the game, so who cares if you’re or not professor…
Everyone can earn the right to participate because professor program is for everyone…
It’s 0 cool, cuz you’re not a professor, BUT as you said, you can’t go back in time
Hey everyone, it’s Cecily, you know, the girl who got 2nd :/ I know you’re all probably waiting with bated breath to hear what I have to say about all of this, so here goes:
To be honest, I’m outraged, disappointed, sad, and a whole slew of other emotions, but overall I’m going to try and talk about this calmly. I’ve been speaking AA’s praises for the good matches since the Prof Cup because he was a good player with a good deck that was extremely consistent and hard to beat, and he was a nice player with a good attitude, unlike some players that tend to get a little caught up in the game, and I’ve been saying that at least I lost to a really good player with a really good deck. Now I come to find out the kid wasn’t even supposed to be in the tournament? Gotta say that stings a bit.
You can ask anyone from my league I’m extremely involved all throughout Indiana. I judge for several leagues, I help run several leagues, I travel 4 hours or more to both judge and help run leagues, I play competitively, I donate artwork that I worked hard on to my league, I probably donate more than half of my year to Poke’mon, be it judging, running a league, or helping/playing in some way. (And by the way you want to talk about money problems, I’ve been
unemployed for the last year and am going to College at Ball State and STILL made time
and came up with the money to dedicate myself to this game) My reward is getting to spend my time doing what I love with some of the best friends I’ve had, having fun meeting and playing with people at competitions, and now through judging being able to play in an exclusive tournament with some of the most knowledgeable people in the game. As a person who’s only been playing for 2 seasons and has only been judging for one, and it being my first time in the Professor Cup, this thing was kind of a huge deal to me. (An even bigger deal to me when I was winning, even bigger when I realized I had made it into top 16, and even bigger when I made it into top 4 and finally top 2.) Now I find out that one of my best competitors of the day and the guy who eventually stole the title of 1st place at the North American Professor Cup, a guy who I’ve been praising this past month is actually a phony? I’m astounded and hurt.
I’ve got to say what hurts the most is you’ve waited this long to come out about it. You should have said something about it there. Also, the fact that you didn’t try and contact Dan and I about it after the fact and instead went and wrote an article about it, making me and the good men and women that work hard for the Professor Cup and all the Professors in general look like fools, was a bad move on your part. The other thing that hurts is that you didn’t offer me the trophy and the rightful title as the 1st place winner, which I might sound slightly selfish for saying this and I’m sorry, but I kind of think I deserve it. I feel cheated out of something I worked very hard for, and the least you could do was give me a heads up and offer me the real title and the real trophy I deserve. You deserve the packs you got because you played the rounds, I’ll give you that. But to be honest, and again I’m sorry to say this because I thought you were a really nice guy until this article, you don’t deserve the backpack, you don’t deserve the Kindle, you don’t deserve the trophy, you don’t deserve the recognition and title, and I’m almost inclined to say you don’t deserve to be involved in Poke’mon again. I hate to say something like that to anyone, but I look at anyone in the Masters division and think that they need to watch their actions a little more closely than anyone else because they’re role models. I know I try to act as a role model to all of my league kids because like it or not, they look up to me. Especially so since I’m a Professor and help run leagues and am so involved and do fairly well as a player. If you do something major like this that is so dishonest, you’re not being a good role model and don’t deserve to be a part of something like this. Not only that, you didn’t go about telling people in the right manner.
I could probably go on about this more but I think you get the point. I’m extremely hurt and disappointed, and I hope you do the right thing and take that trophy off Ebay and get in contact with Dan about what to do. The only thing I can say for you is that at least you did eventually come out about it, and I’ll give you that. However, I think you need to be reprimanded for all of this and give credit to the people who deserve it, instead of making all of us look bad when we work so hard for this game and for this program.
I’d also like to add I’m extremely hurt by all of those people that view what he did as funny or as right. It’s not funny, and it wasn’t right. He shouldn’t be congratulated. There are plenty of good players who are just as good, if not better, at the game than he is that try to pass the test and don’t, and they don’t get to play. Just because he cheated his way into a victory does not make it in any way right and takes away from all of those who worked hard to do what they did.
Morally right? No. Legally fair? Yes.
Legal by what circumstances? Certainly not the Professor Cup rules.
Legal, by the people who let him in the cup in the first place. There are rules, but they did not enforce them. Is Aydan the one to blame for that?
The way that he phrased things to the people running the event could have been mistaken by anyone. It seemed that he was inquiring about having enough points, not about being a professor in general, and typically when you run a league and are a professor you have more than enough points. He took advantage of the situation.
In the end he shouldn’t have tried to enter in the first place, and when he did he should have spoken up immediately. Now it’s too little too late.
This really doesn’t change the fact that he expressed possible issues when signing up. The judges who were supposed to check into this issue didn’t. Apparently his charm and guile got him into the tournament. Past that, he didn’t actually do anything legally wrong.
He knew what he was doing was wrong though. He knew there was no way he could be in it. He lied and should have spoken up, or better yet just shouldn’t have done it in the first place.
Again, morally wrong, yet legal.
You must have really wanted a kindle… if not then go make yourself a trophy that says Prof Cup Champ. Problem solved. He’ll get a ban of some sort and it’ll all be over.
Yes!!!! He knew he was not a Professor….. He knew he should not be allowed to play..but for fun he lied his way through….Blame yes he is to blame for his part of what he did….
Are you fucking retarded?
Stop bitching about how shitty your life is, no one gives a fuck. Getting a job in a year is not difficult for a college student. You’ve only been playing for 2 years and judging for 1 you aren’t entitled to shit. You don’t deserve the title in the least, you LOST, it doesn’t matter if he was an illegitimate opponent you still LOST. He was undefeated seed and won undefeated he was obviously the best player there. He deserves to play in the professor cup just as much as you, he’s not professor, but he does run a league that he spends his own time doing to help others. That should qualify him for the professor cup because he has been helping out kids in the game for over 3 seasons, if I recall correctly that’s more than you. Aydan deserves to play in the professor cup just as much as everyone else. Just stop bitching, you look pathetic, you lost, except the lost and quit fucking complaining.
Congratulations to Aydan on the win and I think you handled the situation very well. I think you deserve the title, you give back to Pokemon by running a league and that is more than enough for you to deserve a spot in the professor cup.
You absolutely do not deserve anything. You really need to get over yourself and stop using this as an excuse for losing. Because it’s not. You don’t deserve first. You deserve second. Because he won.
AA for pres.
“The rightful title as the first place winner”
You lost twice to this guy.
As a Pokemon player I do thank you for your service to the game. You do a lot of great stuff to the game, and what makes this game great is the Pokemon Professors who volunteer. I do value you guys a lot and can’t say enough about you guys. All players need to say a big thank you each day to their Professors.
But, come on, as a player anyone can tell you that you got beat twice fair and square. Sure the guy should not have been there, but it was a level playing field.
Congrats on getting 2nd it was a great feat and you had a great day. But you didn’t get 1st.
Wow she lost twice to a guy that shouldn’t have even been there. Had he not been there she wouldn’t have been second place making her the what??? the first place winner. Sorry bro. Faulty statement is faulty.
No, Im pretty sure if he wasn’t there they still would play the finals. Some might say, lets stop at the semi-finals, but I think they might trudge ahead for the finals. If he wasn’t there, there’s nothing to say that someone else would not have beat her.
Maybe she would have won, who knows? She did a great job and deserves congratulations. But, she lost twice to someone on an even playing field.
She deserves a heck of a lot more than a congratulations. She deserves her trophy. What’s sad is how highly she talked of this guy back home… If he felt half as guilty as he claims he would’ve passed down the trophy for someone who actually deserved it. I’m not saying he’s a bad pokemon player. Cecily has already told me he was a phenomenal player but if he didn’t even do the work to get there (when I know that personally Cecily works her butt off for our league and the others she’s involved in) then he obviously deserves nothing more than a compliment for his talent. He doesn’t deserve the prizes and DEFINITELY doesn’t deserve the money he’s selling them for. That’s just sick.
His Trophy*
Why is this about the prizes? Pokemon isn’t about prizes.
What game are you talking about? Pokemon is all about prizes. Also, read the above article if you want to see what he won and is now trying to pawn off for money.
And just to clarify, I don’t mean playing Poke’mon is all about winning prizes, I meant Poke’mon is very generous and gives away a lot. A lot more than some other card games, that’s for sure. Sorry if that sounded bad, I didn’t mean it that way. Poke’mon is really all about having fun :) But prize support is great
Uh, unless you’re a money grubber then no, pokemon isn’t about prizes.
Uh, unless you’re a money grubber then no, pokemon isn’t about prizes.
I thought you meant Poke’mon doesn’t give prizes, ’cause that’s what your comment sounded like. I was like “What are you talking about? They give away stuff like crazy!” Sorry, I got confused by your comment. I would never sell a prize I got from Poke’mon, as is evident by the fact that I still have all of mine from the Prof Cup and get mad at people who do sell their stuff they got as rewards. Just because they’re exclusive and will sell for more doesn’t mean you should sell it. It’s a memory and a trophy of what you accomplished.
It’s not just about the prizes. It’s also about recognition. I know Cecily just wants the recognition and at least the trophy if the guy doesn’t even care enough about it to keep it. I just personally think she deserves the rest of the prizes given and a big apology from the guy. The least he could give her is a personal apology. I mean she genuinely talked highly of this guy. smh…..
Thats right…”spirit of the game”….which in this case it was not…. He got all the praise, all the knowledgement, prizes, title….. ao it is not just baout the prizes
The only reason play is that its so easy to beat even the higher level pokemon players in cali so its easy prizes…. so don’t say pokemon isn’t about prizes
she was undefeated….to everyone else…so yes it would have made a difference..
That’s not entirely true…if he wasn’t in the tournament AT ALL, she wouldn’t have played him AT ALL, and therefore could have ended up playing an entirely different line of players, which would be an entirely different reality. If she didn’t play him and played someone else in swiss and ended up beating them, she would have been in a different seed in TC and played a different player and could have possibly lost. So if he wasn’t there, she may not have even gotten to T2. Just speaking from a logistical standpoint.
As for this whole ordeal, I think that he should have openly admitted that he wasn’t a professor, or not entered at all. Even if he didn’t do that, he shouldn’t have written this article, or he should have contacted whoever this Dan guy is. But I’m not really involved in this, so my opinion carries little weight.
I’d have to respectfully disagree with you. At the point when I played him in the swiss rounds it didn’t matter whether I won or lost, I would have made top 16. Then I didn’t play him again until top 2. Now, since, as AA’s said, we can’t go back in time, I can’t play the person who got 3rd, although they didn’t play off so no one really knows who technically got 3rd place. I only lost to him and one other person the whole day and worked very hard to even get 2nd, and if the 1st place winner is a fraud who else is there but me to get it? Yes, I lost to the guy twice because he was a good player, but that doesn’t discredit my wins either.
I’m not expecting anything from this. I can only say I’m one of the people most effected by this and that I’m hurt, and I’m hurt by people’s comments blaming the staff or anyone involved in this besides AA. I do feel that I deserve at least some amount of recognition, or at the very least an apology from AA, neither of which I have received. In most cases when someone wins something fraudulently and is stripped of their title the win then goes to the 2nd place winner. I don’t feel it’s too much outside my boundaries to say I deserve the title and the trophy. It’s not like I’m asking for all of his prizes, I’m not asking for any more prizes, I’d be willing to trade in my stuff for the 1st place stuff. But like I said I don’t expect anything. P!P has their hands full with all of this and the last thing I want them worrying about is me. I can only hope that AA has the strength of character to apologize to me and everyone effected by this and return the prizes he won wrongly. Whether they come to me or not is up to P!P and like I said I would like them considering I rightly got the top spot in the tournament, but I’m not going to bug them about it or demand anything.
I’m sorry you don’t feel the same way, but it’s hard to know what it feels like until it happens to you. I don’t really feel like I’m asking for much, but I respect your opinion.
Ok I can see where you were coming from. You have very valid points. And I have already said this I think, but great job in the tournament. You had a great day and must have played very well (perhaps you can write a tourney report for six prizes?) Getting to the finals of any tournament is amazing and it takes a lot of luck, skill, practice, and intelligence; I know firsthand that it is very hard to get in the finals of anything.
But, lets look at this like a Judge would, lets look at presidence. Assuming that the winner gets stripped, I still would not back you getting the trophy it just is not something that is commonly done. For example, look at the 2004 BCS title in College Football. USC beat Texas and won the title. Years later their star player was found to be committing serious infractions, and USC was stripped of its title. If you look through the record books and try to find who won the 2004 BCS title, you will find lots of white. Just because USC got stripped, does not mean that Texas is now the champion, they lost to a team on a level playing field. And thats the situation here. It would not be fair to the other players for you to end the tournament with a loss and a title. The 3rd and 4th place finishers went as far as you did, they would have a share of the title as well. My honest opinion is that you ended the tournament on a loss, and nobody wins after losing in the finals fair and square. THe fact that your opponent should not have been there does not really factor in anywhere. But, thats just my opinion and the presidence of sports, if Pokemon would like to disagree then thats great, more power to ya.
Again, no disrespect is meant, I just want to give out my honest opinion and tell you the opinion of someone else. You did a great job at the tournament and deserve a big congrats.
I was looking at it from more of a pageant standpoint. Although I’m not entirely confident on how they work or anything, I seem to remember a few cases of winners being stripped of their crown and it being passed on to the 2nd place winner. I’m really not that familiar with how things work in the world of professional sports :/ Really, it’s up to P!P, and like I said I don’t expect anything. The thing I would like most would be an apology, but honestly I’m not really holding my breath. Recognition would be nice, along with the trophy, especially since he doesn’t seem to hold either in high regard and I would. Some people are saying I deserve the other prizes but I don’t really agree with them, I think they’re just saying that because they know me and they know how hard I work. I already got my prizes.
Thanks for your congrats! I might consider writing a tourney report but honestly I’m new to this website so I’m not really sure how that works. That and my opinions would be a bit muddled by my hurt over this matter right now :/
Actually what CC should do is use the Appeal process through Poke’mon and file an appeal for the Professor Cup… There is already documented proof of the admit of guilt in multiple forums by the actual guilty party, so she has every right to file a tournament appeal just like any other Official Sanctioned Event. Poke’mon has to review the appeal just like any other case and she has the right to do that…. Plus we have done seen that Dan Brandt has knowledge of what has happen so that helps…. CC you should do that and I will gladly help you..
You’ll have to Facebook me how to do that.
Yes in pageant or in a race you can strip the winner and give it to the 2nd place. Totally agree with you. But, Pokemon is not an event like the pageant. IN a pagenat you don’t really compete against other people you answer questions, look confident, walk in a dress and high heels, and other stuff like that. You are scored based on what you do, and what you do alone. You don’t compete against someone else to see who has the better dress, or who can answer questions better. But you do in Pokemon, so you can’t just strip the title from the winner and give it to the 2nd place finisher, because that 2nd place finisher didn’t do anything more than the 3rd or 4th place finishers.
I know its gotta be hard right now and you are rightfully angry, and you should be. What happened was not fair to you, but the thing is you did have a chance to win and did not.
When things settle down, I think you should get fair chance to air your side of the story. Im sure Adam would love to have your article. It would be nice to see the games from your eyes.
in a pageant you compete against people. you try to outcompete them by giving smart answers, wearing the right gown, wearing the right swimsuit. there is still work to be done in a pageant.
in a race you also compete head to head with fellow competitors. hell a race even has a top cut like pokemon. your time must be in the top group for you to qualify for the next round.
why try to force the sole example of the BCS 2004 title when there are more instances were cheating champions were stripped of their crowns and second-placers are awarded the title instead?
No you don’t directly compete against people in a pageant.
You try to give the best answers, show the best talent, and look great in a swimsuit. What other people look like in a swimsuit has no bearings on what you look like a swimsuit.
But, what my opponent does does matter in Pokemon. I can play the same game against two different decks, and win one and lose another. In a pageant I can wear the same dress and walk the same, and if the judging is the same which it should be, I will get the same score no matter who are my fellow competitors.
Your performance in a pageant does not effect the performance of other contestants. But it does in Pokemon.
The BCS example is a great example, and it is the norm. I can come up with other examples. Georgia Tech was stripped of the 2009 ACC title and they did not give the 2nd team the title. A basketball team in North Carolina called Northern Guilford was stripped of its conference title.
In every instance of teams and players competing head to head, the losing team never gets the title after they lost. Yes it happens in racing, but not in head to head events.
It does happen in head to head events. It happened in Serie A. It happened in World Little League Baseball. In 1992, a Philippine team beat a US team but when it was discovered the Philippine team fielded an ineligible player the title was given to the US team. So your head to head events arguments doesnt apply 100% of the time. I see your point but the final decision really depends on what the ruling committee of such sport /competition decides. In the end its Play! pokemon has the final say on this matter and we will need to abide by its final decision despite our own opinions.
I commented about series a before. The little league is the only example you brought up that actually fits. It is a valid example, but its one against a million other examples.
i will just wait on what Play! Pokemon decides since both of us has made our point. laters pikkdogs.
The 2004 BCS title is actually an exception more than rule. In the Olympics if the gold medalist is found guilty of cheating, the medal is returned and the silver medalist becomes the new gold medalist. In the Tour De France if you are found guilty of doping the 2nd-Placer becomes the champion. I can make a long list of other sports but i think you get the drift. Of course it will be Play! Pokemon’s decision that matters in the end whether they will declare Cecily the rightful winner.
I see where you are coming from, but I think that the football metaphor is more applicable. In the structure of competitive play, Pokemon is more like Football then it is the olympics or the tour de france.
Say we are all running the 100 meter dash. I win, but they find out that I am really too young to be competing. They then give the medal to you because you came in 2nd. I totally I agree with this.
But Pokemon is not like running or biking where we all get into one big arena and do the event individually. It is like Football where we pair up and then play each other.
Lets take the 2004 BCS for example. USC beats Texas, but it is later proven that they committed infractions so they strip the title from USC. Now they cannot give it to Texas because Texas lost fair and square. They cannot even give it to Auburn who was undefeated, because they weren’t in the title game. So the title goes vacant because by the books nobody won that game.
Pokemon is head to head like Football. Yes I understand in the olympics it would go to the 2nd fastest runner or sprinter, or javelin thrower, but that is not one on one competition. It cannot be proven who would have won the Professor Cup, so it should either stay with the winner or be vacant.
BCS Football isnt like Pokemon. Whoever plays the BCS championship depends on some weird algorithm. If you want a sport that really plays head to head like Pokemon then its the other football which in the US is known as soccer. Olympique Marseille beat Juventus in one Champion’s League Final but was caught game-fixing and Juventus was declared the winner.
Wouldn’t game-fixing mean that the other team WOULD have won if cheating hadn’t taken place? This is unique in that the winner was not eligible to play, let alone win, but second place still lost.
On a list of champions of the french league you were talking about, according to ESPN.com:
1991-92 Olympique Marseille
1992-93 Title not awarded *
So they did not give the title over, according to ESPN.
But its preposterous to compare Pokemon to soccer rather than Football.
You don’t flop in Pokemon like they do soccer. And you don’t where those small European thong type things, okay well I do, but nobody else does.
The weird BCS system does not matter, what matters is that in head to head sports, when the winner is stripped, the title gets vacated.
I do appreciate the comedy in this post.
you got me there with my example.
but to make my point, Juventus was stripped of their Serie A 2006 title and Internazionale was declared the winner. So here goes your head to head sports argument.
This situation was weird because it went to the court system and everybody messed things up. This situation is different to because it is point based, while Pokemon is head to head. So in a way, this situation is like a race because it is point based. It was not a head to head tournament. So this is more like the olympics.
Think of an example with a tournament, not a league with a point system.
serie a is head to head you get to play all the teams in your division
I see where you are coming from, but I think that the football metaphor is more applicable. In the structure of competitive play, Pokemon is more like Football then it is the olympics or the tour de france.
Say we are all running the 100 meter dash. I win, but they find out that I am really too young to be competing. They then give the medal to you because you came in 2nd. I totally I agree with this.
But Pokemon is not like running or biking where we all get into one big arena and do the event individually. It is like Football where we pair up and then play each other.
Lets take the 2004 BCS for example. USC beats Texas, but it is later proven that they committed infractions so they strip the title from USC. Now they cannot give it to Texas because Texas lost fair and square. They cannot even give it to Auburn who was undefeated, because they weren’t in the title game. So the title goes vacant because by the books nobody won that game.
Pokemon is head to head like Football. Yes I understand in the olympics it would go to the 2nd fastest runner or sprinter, or javelin thrower, but that is not one on one competition. It cannot be proven who would have won the Professor Cup, so it should either stay with the winner or be vacant.
Beat twice….he should not have got to win…CC would have gone undefeated….Like in a Title fight (which this is like the two main winners) they fight and one person wins and you find out they had alternated taped gloves that made them solid (cheating) or they find out the winner was on steroids….(cheating) if a person does not qualify for whatever reason they should not play. In almost all competetive events players have to play by certain rules and guidelines and he broke those guidelines…. Disqualification….
How do you know she would have beat someone else in the finals? Sure he should not have been there, but he was. She did not beat anyone in the finals, and so should not win the finals. I beat as many people as she did in the finals, why shouldn’t I get the trophy? A million other people have the same defense.
Look at the 2004 BCS title. I said it many times so I won’t say it here.
Yes he should not have been there, but we can’t go back in time and pluck him out. Nor can we make up opponents for her to play. Nor can we assume she would win in any game she played against anybody.
The end all to this conversation is that the guy should get the title stripped, if they wanna ban him or ask him to give back the trophy that is something else. And once they strip the title, they call it a day. If he decides to apologize I would apologize to the professor community as a whole, he does not owe her an apology. She is at a weird place right now, but that does not change the fact that she lost.
Thats my point. Professor or not, he Outplayed her and earned what he got, regardless of it not being right. He deserves a trophy for getting that far without the judges handling it, IMO.
Yea that is the right message to send to all players..cheating no matter how or in what manner is right and good for the game….
And Cecily’s point is the winner wasnt eligible to compete in the Professor’s Cup. Yes he did beat Cecily but he didnt meet the criteria of eligibility. I think Cecily deserves an apology from the winner as well as the committee that oversaw the 2011 Professor’s Cup.
According to the judges at the entry, he DID MEET the criteria of eligibility.
According to the judges at the entry, he DID MEET the criteria of eligibility.
Great point. If he wasn’t eligible they should have told him. And if he wins, how can they possibly do anything against him? They are the ones that let him in. If they are banning anyone for a year, it should be them selves.
Now he knew that it was wrong when he did it, but he was allowed to do it, so why should they take it away after the fact.
All those race dopers also ran the race, won it but were later stripped of their titles. Why? because usage of performance-enhancing drugs made them ineligible to win it. Following your logic then all those race dopers shouldnt have been disqualified right? Participation in an event doesnt necessarily make you immune to future sanctions if later on you admit or are caught being ineligible for the said event.
No, thats not what I meant. Following the example.
I was a doper who entered the race. I told them, “I want to enter the race, I think Im clean but I took some steroids a while back, can I enter?”
They say, “Ahhhhhhhhhh, i don’t know.”
THen you wait and they announce the line placements and they gave you a land.
You win, and then they take it away because you doped.
Thats the example. He was honest with them from the start, and they let him in.
Honest with them? He deliberately concealed the fact that he knew he wasn’t supposed to be there. To go with the doping example, the “I think I’m clean” was an outright lie. The fact the organisers made a mistake doesn’t justify it in anyway. If he honestly DIDN’T know he didn’t qualify then that would be a different story.
Wrong analogy. AA played fairly.
He’s not a Professor….
First off, I want to apologize to Cecily. Even in my article I said how much fun it was to play you. Had I not found myself thieving a spot in the roster, I believe you had the best chance at winning. But that means I basically stole 1st place from you :/
Next, I want to explain to everyone what happened in MY EYES. I’m not asking everyone to understand~ just to listen. All day I’ve been harassed online. I’ve also been congratulated. It’s very stressful and I understand it’s one of my consequences.
I’m nothing more than an 18 year old boy who was extremely curious. I needed to pass time so I entered the tournament by telling the 3 Professors at the registration desk that I should be on the list since I’ve ran my own league for over 3 seasons. This is true. I am not a professor in any way. They said that they would look into it. They obviously didn’t but I know that it’s my fault to begin with.
I’ve been called a lot of rude names today and I just want everyone to know that I’m not “trash” or “scum” or on th same level as a jewelry store robber. I’m a kid that did something stupid. I lied about something small and it has escalated this much.
I’m not a devil spawn or anything like other forums say. I’m no angel either. Just a dumb kid who lied and ended up winning the whole Cup.
However, I was the person to sneak into the event, I was also the person who played his heart out that day. I played through tough matches with a deck that i thought sucked before that weekend. I won those matches. I won the Professor Cup. I didn’t cheat my was through the whole event; I lied to get into the event.
I’ve made many people upset and I want to send out my deepest apologizes to everyone, especially Cecily, P!P, and the kids who ran the event. I’ll accept my punishments. I’m dissapointed that I lied my way into the tournament, but I am proud for winning the national event. I’m happy with the outcome but I’m sad for the people I walked all over. Even if I’m banned for life, I want to make peace with the Pokemon Community. Even if it takes a long time. I’ll find a way.
Didn’t mean to “like” your post.
If you want to “make peace” with the community, you should shut your trap. You are 18. You are going into college. You need to take responsibility like a man. Stop hiding behind the “boy” moniker you used.
You should not have been in the tournament at all. Obviously, most extremely playtested players will outperform most of the professors most of the time. It is a matter of practice and familiarity with the game (not just a given deck).
I do not know you except with how you are conducting yourself through out this whole thing. You obviously are not sorry enough. Stop thanking people who are supporting you. It just makes you look like even more of a jerk.
You put something out on the internet that you knew would be extremely controversial. So, again, shut your trap, take the criticism (no matter how rough it is), and stop thanking people for supporting you.
Didn’t mean to “like” your post.
If you want to “make peace” with the community, you should shut your trap. You are 18. You are going into college. You need to take responsibility like a man. Stop hiding behind the “boy” moniker you used.
You should not have been in the tournament at all. Obviously, most extremely playtested players will outperform most of the professors most of the time. It is a matter of practice and familiarity with the game (not just a given deck).
I do not know you except with how you are conducting yourself through out this whole thing. You obviously are not sorry enough. Stop thanking people who are supporting you. It just makes you look like even more of a jerk.
You put something out on the internet that you knew would be extremely controversial. So, again, shut your trap, take the criticism (no matter how rough it is), and stop thanking people for supporting you.
You say Aydan should shut his trap to make peace. Yet, you also tell him to take responsibility for his actions and to stop hiding behind this facade. However, if he had not come clean about this situation, would you say that he didn’t take responsibility for this and was a coward for not doing so?
Heck, if he had not said anything at all, we all wouldn’t be here right now, would we? And this situation would’ve never seen the light or ‘justice’ that everyone claims he should receive.
The thing is he went about telling people the wrong way. He should have contacted Dan privately, and he shouldn’t have put the trophy on Ebay. You don’t just go making things public and then cause a bunch of havoc and grief for people that you’ve already caused a bunch of grief for.
I agree, but by the looks of where this discussion went, it would be no different if the article mentioned that he contacted Dan privately, or if Dan himself had mentioned the situation. Everyone would still be accusing him of a coward and not taking responsibility for his actions, which is harsh.
The thing is he shouldn’t have written the article in the first place. It comes off as bragging about doing something wrong, especially since he didn’t even try and deal with it privately, he did it publicly. And he shouldn’t have put the trophy up on Ebay, because that makes it seems like he doesn’t really care about the Cup in the first place and is basically saying “Look what I got away with and now I’m going to profit off of all of these people’s grief”. So yeah, kind of make him look bad. He should have spoken up about it immediately. Dan was the one that awarded him and he should have said something to Dan right then and there. If not he should have messaged him. Instead he got everyone involved and made a lot of good people look bad and now they have a lot of stress on their plates because of the dumb actions of some kid.
You do not deserve anything. You are not he first place winner in anyones book. AA could have stacked his deck and you would not be the first place winner. You lost. That’s that. Complaining about your life and trying to get everyone to pity you does not prove your points. Why? It’s his choice to say whatever he wants. If he said that then he probably would not have received his prizes which he rightfully earned, despite his legitimacy.
He should brag about doing this, it was an admirable feat. One to be noted.
I find it absolutely proposterous that you expect him to contact you and give you his prizes. That is ludacris. You got 2-0d because of your inferior skill and inferior deck. You did not win. If you eliminate him from that tournament standings, you’re still second. And if he had not even played int he tournament, it is once again absolute ludacris for you to assume that you would have one. All swiss rounds would have been different as would have your top 2 game. You probably would have lost that too.
There is no reason to go about this privately, and it makes no sense for you to continue on about how it should have been kept private.
Also, his actions where in no way ‘dumb’ as you so childlishly say, and were in fact quite ingenious which is apparent with his 1ST PLACE TITLE.
Stress over what? It happened a month ago.
I don’t know what I did to deserve this post, but it’s really uncalled for.
First, I wasn’t complaining about my life, I was simply explaining the work I had to do to even make it in, work that AA didn’t do. Second, he shouldn’t brag about this, what he did was wrong. It was not admirable in any way and the people he hurt did not deserve it. Third, I expected him to apologize, nothing else. I think I at least deserved that. And I feel he should have privately apologized to me first, along with Dan, and should have never written an article. I would like to think that I played hard and worked hard and deserve 1st for him being a fraud, but I repeated many times I don’t expect anything but an apology, which I’ve gotten. He should have gone about this privately to avoid all of this drama that could have been handled quietly, and then supporters like you wouldn’t praise him or get ideas to do it next year. That ruins it for everyone. His actions were dumb, he just got very, very lucky and got away with it. And I’m stressed now because of people like you who I have to keep defending my opinions on the matter against, stressed that I’m involved in this bad news in any way, stressed because now I have my several leagues that I’m involved in asking me a bunch of stuff, and stressed because it’s a stressful situation. The tournament happened a month ago, but the article happened now.
I don’t know why you’re being so rude to me. If anything I’m sticking up for the Professors that worked hard to put on this tournament and worked hard to be in it and got cheated. I’m not full of myself, I simply said it’d be nice to get recognized as the 1st place winner, but in no way expected it. I definitely don’t deserve my skill being called inferior or my deck being called inferior.
He’s being rude to you because you are a dumb bitch and being a little whiny bitch.
You got 2-0ed in a best of 3 series. Your deck was inferior as was your level of skill.
This is not acceptable in this community regardless of your heritage as an American and free speech. Bringing this young lady down with words is embarrassing to read. Please stop.
Ok, I think you don’t understand the aim of the Prof Cup.
It’s to determine the best player among the Professors.
It’s not to determine the best player.
Obviously not because AA won :)
More like, what did you not do to deserve this post? Please go back and read all of your comments. :)
Yes, you absolutely were. You complained about how “hard it was” to go a year without a job. Leave your house. If you’re a college student you could easily get a job within the time span of a year. And most likely, within 3 days. You are simply too lazy to do so.
It takes much less work to judge a tournament than it does to go through umpteen hours of playtesting and then racking your brain all day on game day.
What he did was wrong, according to your false, white-knight morals. I believe what he did was magnificent. He went undefeated in the professor cup, a verrrrry admirable achievement.
If that is all you expect, why do you constantly beg and plead for the first place title and trophy from him? Do not act as though this has not happened, because you have done this multiple times. And you do not deserve anything, other than what AA chooses to give you.
Well, that doesn’t really matter. He didn’t do that, and chose to write an article. An equally acceptable outcome. It’s his choice, and you should not act as though he is in the wrong for making that choice, simply because it does not benefit you.
That is total nonsense. His act has cleared up an exploit in the system to ensure that this will never occur again.
His actions were clearly not dumb, seeing as though he walked away with the 1st place loot, the best prize available. I see nothing dumb in winning such prizes.
OH MY GOD! QUESTIONS???? There’s nothing stressful about that. Stop being a drama queen.
I’m not being rude at all. You are the one being rude in this situation. You are in no way standing up for anyone. You are simply using this as an excuse to claim first. You absolutely do, don’t pretend like you don’t.
And obviously you do. Because you lost. That’s clear to everyone.
I’m honestly disgusted seeing most of the comments praising this guy, or at least supporting what he did.
I’m even reading people calling you a “dumb bitch” for being upset about the fact someone who wasn’t a professor won.
“blahbah he was superior” but people just don’t understand the Prof Cup isn’t made to determine who’s the best player of all, because if it was the case it would have been called the US National Championships (you know, the tournament this guy failed because he ISN’T the best player).
I’m just speechless at how people are so happiy congratulating the guy for what he did. He’ll think “that’s ok, that was nothing serious” and will continue being dishonest for the rest of his life.Yeah, I know most people are like this, and that we aren’t in a pinky world, but at the very least I thought he wasn’t going to be supported by so many people that just don’t seem to see where is the problem.
Wow making overarching statements about the guy’s life based on one event.
That’s really rational.
Man, dont take it out on her.
Don’t tell me what to do. She is being ridiculous and should be told so.
You little twat, what right do you have to go and tell someone who works hard for pokemon, which might I add IS THE REASON WE ARE ALL HERE, that she is in the wrong. Look at you, what do you have to gain or lose from this situation, NOTHING, both AA and Cecily have had very stressfull days, and you are just causing problems.
AA shouldn’t have won the tournament, nor was the way he told people about what happened the right thing to do, infact AA has made a lot of mistakes, but the fact is we are all human and that happens.
Here is a little scenario for you AAGOTFIRST, you are in a triathlon, and 10 hours in you are in side by side your opponent, then on the last 100 foot stretch you just lose and you don’t really mind because it was close, but then a month later you find out your opponent took steroids and shouldn’t have been able to enter. How would you feel considering you had been working hard and training hard for months. And while your opponent had worked hard in their training, they did the wrong thing. OF COARSE YOU WOULD BE STRESSED.
Stop giving Cecily such crap and look at the situation from both sides. Being a fan of AA since his first post here, I really wish this hadn’t happened due to the crime should fit the punishment and I don’t like the idea of losing a great player, but he may just have to live with that.
I do think he won fair and square and would deserve the trophy in any other situation but the fact is that he should’t have been able to enter.
I do think the considerate thing to do would be to take the trophy off ebay, if not for all the people AA has annoyed but just to be considerate. I have no right to make that choice and have no right to say what is right and wrong, but neither do all these haters. And while I am aloud to state my opinion, no person here has the right to abuse AA or Cecily. So stop acting so childish and look at both sides.
I sincerely hope this situation gets properly resolved, because I do not believe AA is completely in the wrong but he is by no means in the right.
The sad fact is there is no black and white in this world…just a lot of shades of grey.
Your name-calling demonstrates to me how irrationally upset you are. I have every right, as I am an American :). I’m actually not here because I play pokemon, I’m here because I have an interest in this article :). I know many people who play Pokemon who are not currently reading this article. I’m not here to gain anything. I’m here to defend AA in a situation in which he is in correct standing. Please don’t pretend like you know what I have to lose or gain in any given situation. Nope. AA’s in quite a good situation. I’m not causing problems, I’m giving solutions :).
Once again, you clearly don’t understand that it is fully AA’s choice to do this instead of make it private. Please don’t white-knight and declare what is right or wrong.
Also, don’t pretend like you know what mistakes AA has made, let alone declare a universally-applying statement to all of humankind. A baby who dies at birth did not make any mistakes :).
Pokemon’s not a triatholon, so I’m just going to skip replying to paragraph. PS: baseball.
I am looking at the situation from both sides, and when it comes down to it, Cecily is being 100% selfish.
Um, nope.
Thank you for noticing this, please go edit your post to fit this statement.
And you need to fix this sentence, too.
Nice try at an intelligent statement to wrap it up. It failed, however.
—-I sincerely thank you in your effort to defeat my concrete arguement. I am sincerely happy to reply with this message. Unfortunantly there is no option to add a large red stamp at the top that says “REJECTED”, so I’ll do it here instead.
Since you feel the need to address everything paragraph by paragraph, I’m gonna make every word in my statement a separate paragraph so as to disorient your tiny little brain.
Seriously, your perspective on justice is unhealthily skewed. Do you think Casey Anthony was innocent too? Sheesh.
This situation is very similar to applying for a scholarship. Since your maturity level leads me to doubt that you are anywhere near college age and your intelligence level leads me to doubt that you will get into college once you reach that age, I figure I’d better explain the process to you, emphasizing its similarity to our situation in this article. Lets say there are two high school seniors, whose names just happen to be Cecily and Aydan. Cecily has volunteered for many hours (this represents her volunteer time as a Pokemon Professor) while Aydan has volunteered for none (since he isn’t a Professor). A particular scholarship grants money (the prive of the Cup) to the student who has demonstrated the highest academic ability (the best deck) and had volunteered for at least 50 hours of community service (this represents the required participation as a Professor in order to participate in the Cup). Cecily has volunteered this many hours, so she says this on her application. Aydan, however, has not volunteered at all, but on his application, when asked to present a record of his service, says that he is president of the Volunteer Club. While this is true, the Volunteer Club is actually focused on football games played by the Tennessee Volunteers rather than community service (this part of the metaphor accounts for how Aydan never technically lied, but presented and withheld information in a deceitful manner so as to get past registration without speaking falsely). Both of our students send in their applications, but a few months later, it is revealed that Aydan had a higher Grade Point Average than Cecily, and therefore won the scholarship (this represents Aydan outplaying Cecily). However, it is later revealed that Aydan did not meet the community service requirement.
Do you know what happens to a college applicant in Aydan’s theoretical situation? No, you probably don’t, you don’t know much of anything.
Cecily would also receive the scholarship since she was the second best student. In addition, the colleges that Aydan was applying to would be informed of his wrongdoings and be advised to deny him admittance.
That’s right: NO COLLEGE.
Not going to college may not sound that bad to you, since you are destined to be denied everywhere you apply. Let me put it back into the context of the Pokemon TCG: Aydan will lose his title as winner of the Professor Cup, lose his Kindle (“Sorry dad, the people I stole your birthday present from want it back,”), lose all the packs of cards (He already sold them? Well it looks like he’s gonna have to head down to Target and buy himself some more), and lose his trophy (Be prepared for his eBay seller rating to DROP). These will all be given to Cecily. In addition, Aydan’s not getting through the doors of any sort of Pokemon tournament unless he brings real life Pokemon, in which case he’s gonna get whatever he wants.
Now, I know you’ll probably be tempted to reply with a response similar to “Pokemon’s not a triathlon scholarship, so I’m just going to skip replying to paragraph,” demonstrating that your IQ is far below room temperature, but I ask you to please try your hardest to understand my metaphor. Have an adult help you sound out the big words.
lol did you really just compare Aydan to Casey Anthony?
He’s upset and thinking irrationally. I’m hoping he’ll be feeling better sometime soon.
You’re frustration shows me that you are not thinking clearly.
Don’t call me a troll, I’m a Homo sapien. I do not live under a bridge I live in a house. Just because I make valid and intelligent points does not mean that I’m not credible.
Even if you hadn’t said TL;DR, it would still be clear that you didn’t read my post because your comment makes no sense. You have an attention span less than that of a gnat, and a level of intelligence to match, so I’m not surprised that you started to read my post and then gave up because you had a headache from reading too many words at once. Poor baby. As for my “frustration,” don’t flatter yourself. You haven’t said anything meaningful enough to emotionally affect me. Maybe someday, when you’re all grown up, you’ll be able to upset people, but for now, your illogical words are useless. Forget frustration; your belief that I offered up any sort of apology shows me that YOU are not thinking clearly, if you are even thinking at all. The fact that you do not understand the implications of being labeled as a troll further demonstrates this. The points you’ve been trying to make, rather than being valid and intelligent, are nonsensical enough to lead me to believe that you have not even read this article through. Was that TL;DR too??
I understand that your inferior intelligence makes it difficult for you to comprehend what I’m saying. Once again, apology accepted in advance. You clearly do not have any idea what my attention span is. Even if you did, it’s abstract and not concrete so you could not compare it to any sort of concrete thing, including insects. Intelligence is also abstract and cannot be compared to such a concrete object.
I would like to take a moment here and really say that I’m sorry for you. I thought that you may at least make a few good points but you have effectively made no good points.
No it’s just that I don’t feel that watering down my intelligence with your unintelligence is really a good way to spend my time.
I will do whatever I want. Do not try to tell me what to do :).
Obviously I have, or you wouldn’t be making such a rager post.
You really lose some solid credibility at the end there with such out-of-hand and overarching points with no analysis. You jump to senseless conclusions that are clearly unintelligent and not at all backed up. Please go back under your bridge. Thanks.
It’s disgusting that you think my intelligence is inferior to yours when you had trouble reading my statement about a gnat. Did I say “Your attention span and intelligence are less than a gnat”? No, I didn’t. Read my post again. I said your attention span and intelligence were less than THAT OF a gnat. Therefore, I was not comparing the abstract concepts of your attention span and intelligence with the concrete gnat itself, but rather the abstract concepts of the gnat’s attention span and intelligence. Learn to read.
You’re not sorry for me. I understand that saying that makes you feel superior to me, but I know you don’t really feel sorry. Jealous, maybe. As for your “watering down” statement, besides the fact that “unintelligence” isn’t even a word, if you really don’t want me to affect you, then don’t reply to what I say. There’s no way you can resist that though. I don’t really care what you do, I can trump your arguments without even trying.
Your use of the word rager is quite humorous, I don’t think you know what a rager is. Look it up on Urban Dictionary. Call it what you want, but you know as well as I do that I am not frustrated, and I’m not going to be unless you start to make sense. You haven’t given me anything meaningful enough to cause any sort of emotion. Finally, if you really believed that what I said had no credibility, then you shouldn’t be stealing my quotes. I already used “go back under your bridge.” Try to be a little more creative.
Yeah, you’re mad.
Stop trolling please kthx.
I can’t believe I’m being accused of trolling by the person who created an account YESTERDAY. Hypocrite much?
I understand that your inferior intelligence makes it difficult for you to comprehend what I’m saying. Once again, apology accepted in advance. You clearly do not have any idea what my attention span is. Even if you did, it’s abstract and not concrete so you could not compare it to any sort of concrete thing, including insects. Intelligence is also abstract and cannot be compared to such a concrete object.
I would like to take a moment here and really say that I’m sorry for you. I thought that you may at least make a few good points but you have effectively made no good points.
No it’s just that I don’t feel that watering down my intelligence with your unintelligence is really a good way to spend my time.
I will do whatever I want. Do not try to tell me what to do :).
Obviously I have, or you wouldn’t be making such a rager post.
You really lose some solid credibility at the end there with such out-of-hand and overarching points with no analysis. You jump to senseless conclusions that are clearly unintelligent and not at all backed up. Please go back under your bridge. Thanks.
First of all, I like how you have a point a) and no b) because you just forgot. I’m not going to try to prove anything from this, it just gave me a solid laugh.
It’s clear to me you know nothing about the Caylee Anthony murder and just looked up the verdict minutes ago. If you knew what you were talking about, which would be a first, you would understand that the evidence heavily pointed toward Casey being guilty of murdering her daughter, but the jury unanimously voted her innocent, likely in order to increase the value of their stories once they sell them to the media. My point in making that metaphor was to compare your lack of moral judgement with that of people who ignore the evidence and say she is innocent just because the jury said so. You demonstrated this exact belief in your citation of the US Judicial System. So I called it right even though I was being metaphorical. I must be psychic. The fact that you think you have an audience is just sickening; the paragraph in which you said this, between your lack of knowledge of current events and your twisted arrogance, speaks to your lack of credibility rather than mine.
Before we delve deeper into the college metaphor, I would just like to state that I am currently attending one of the top 25 colleges in the nation, and I was granted the maximum merit scholarship as well. I guess my username doesn’t reflect whether I am intelligent or not. However, the fact that you created an account clearly just to troll this article shows that you have no experience on this site or with the Pokemon TCG in general. It is you, not I, who is pretending to understand things. Learn about the Pokemon TCG before you post on this site. I thank God that I do not know you, but your lack of logic speaks greatly to your character. While I do not know you personally, I’ve seen enough of your material to see you for what you really are: a troll.
“Pokemon is not a scholarship, so that pretty much invalidates that entire section, and also adds on to your questionable credibility.” WOW. Did I not totally call that you would say something like this? I could be a professional fortune teller! Anyway, let me tell you about comparison, since you evidently don’t know what that is. Comparison is when you justify an opinion on a situation by citing action taken in a similar situation. These two situations are similar, and I think we should look to real world examples like mine to decide what should be done here. So I guess all of the stuff I said is going to happen, as long as from this point forth the rules are upheld. Also, I’m glad you find enjoyment in my insults, because there’s plenty more coming.
I am not being irrational; I’m not even frustrated. On the contrary, YOU are the one who is being irrational, saying that someone who is not a Professor should be allowed to win the Professor cup. It’s called the PROFESSOR Cup, not the Professor and Anyone Who Can Deceive the Judges Cup. Aydan has admitted that he was wrong; I suggest you do the same.
Thanks. Glad to see I was able to make you laugh. Are you recovering from your frustration?
Um, nope. It’s called FaceBook. I don’t need to look up the news, the I have a News Feed.
I am now declaring you uncredible. You constantly jump to perposterous conclusions without any sort of evidence.
Also, bringing up a case that really doesn’t mean anything and was just blown out of proportion on the news doesn’t validate any of your points. It simply just gives another example of how basic your thinking is.
There wasn’t evidence given. Stop being such a sheep following the herd, please. Thank you.
Um, nope.
You’re still frustrated. If you’re going to keep making sad attempts at being intelligent, at least try to be clear-minded.
Before I delve deeper into your next paragraph, I would just like to state
COOOOLLL STORYYYY BROOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!! No one cares.
Obviously it does because you have no such swag.
I’m 100% that I have much more experience than you. However, my experience on 6P, or within the Pokemon TCG does not affect in any way my arguments or your unintelligence.
Nope, there you go again pretending to understand things. I’ll ask you nicely again. Please stop trying to pretend to understand things which you clearly do not understand.
I am not a troll.
If you recognize my intelligence before I actually use it, maybe you should take someting from it. It’s good that you’re making progress to being intelligent from seeing how I am intelligent. Next, you just need to apply that to yourself.
I know what a comparison is :).
The name doesn’t mean anything. What about basketball? Do basketballs when at basketball? No, silly goose. People win at basketball :).
I suggest that you stop being so frustrated and irrational, because it’s clearly not working out for you very well.
I’m not frustrated. If you want to find out why, try actually reading my post before you respond. Also, I don’t really care what part of the internet you used to find out about Casey Anthony, my point still stands that you don’t know enough about it to be have a credible opinion on it. It doesn’t matter if you declare me “uncredible” because that word doesn’t exist. I guess that reflects negatively on YOUR credibility in the end. You keep assuming that I’m wrong, but unless you provide some sort of evidence that any of my conclusions are “preposterous,” I have no reason to consider anything you say. I may be a sheep following the herd, but the herd usually has a good reason for going in the direction that it’s going.
I like how you made a big deal about how I wasn’t going to go to college, but once you found out that I’m already there, you decides that “no one cares.” Just apologize. You are not in any valid position to assess my swag, but even if you were, it has nothing to do with intelligence. I’m fairly certain the only things with which you have more experience than me are trolling and losing arguments. Since this is an article about the Pokemon TCG, your lack of experience with it actually does affect your credibility very negatively. You practically copy-pasted your original statement about me not understanding things and put it again in this comment, so I’ll go ahead and use my college as a reason to believe that I am far more likely to be on the correct side of this argument. If you want a chance to refute this, bring something new to the table. This also goes for you being a troll; simply saying “I am not a troll” gives nobody any reason to believe you.
I never said anything about recognizing you as intelligent, so I think you may have been reading a different comment that said you were intelligent. Probably your own. It has been made clear to me that you’re having trouble thinking about this. That reflects negatively on your intelligence. If you knew what a comparison was, then you should have recognized the obvious meaning behind my comparison. You failed to do so, so I took the liberty of educating you. You are entirely avoiding my point about it being the PROFESSOR Cup. Just as an NBA All-Star game would be exclusive to NBA players, the Professor Cup is exclusive to Professors. Stop twisting my words to avoid the uncomfortable facts.
You can keep typing “frustrated” and “apology accepted” many times as you like, but unless you back up your statements with logic, all your ever gonna get from them is carpal tunnel.
Hey man, I appreciate the response. I agree that people on here are doing more hating towards Cecily when it should be aimed for me.
I just wanted to poit out that I have done the required hours of service. The one thing I didn’t do is become a professor :/
Al in all, what I did was wrong
Stop pitying yourself. You’re taking this way too hard. It’s not even a big deal. Haters just hating. They jelly.
This is the most uneducated attempt at trying to troll. Seriously. On the net? Where do you find it in yourself to bring Cecily down? She has more say in it then you could ever have. If this is your idea of a good time then what good do you have to offer to this community? Its sad. She is upset, and you are only trying to stir up this fire. Please stop, its just unhealthy, for your sake.
I am quite educated, and I’m not trolling. I’m not bringing anyone down. Obviously she doesn’t. She doesn’t have any say. It’s called America, bud. I’m no here to have a good time I’m here to make valid points and defend AA. There’s nothing unhealthy here, I’m eating salad.
i like what you say but keep out the bad language
Well all I can tell you is that we’ll never know what would happen or what wouldn’t happen if he did or didn’t do the things he did. Nor can we change what’s already happened. Also, I bite my tongue a bit for saying this, but he had no control over the reaction that he received anyways.
it’s his trophy he can do whatever he wants with it
What I mean by this is that, yes he did a good thing in coming clean. However, after getting all of the details out there in the first palce, he should stop interacting with the community on the topic except to continuously say “sorry.”
By continuing to explain himself and thanking people who supported his actions, he is not coming off as remorseful. This is not going to endear him to the community. So, if he really wants the community to forgive him he needs to just take the criticism silently (or respond privately). He needs to let the people vent and let it go.
why should he be remorseful? he was curious and the judges screwed up… not his fault judges weren’t paying attention
I think reading things like your comment reminds me how much fucked up this world is…
Lolololol. So what you’re saying is that someone supporting a champion of a tournament is a metaphor for the whole world?
From what I have noticed, I don’t see any traps laying around that are labeled with AA’s name. Wah, stop crying. Yes he should have. Professors can be good, don’t make excuses for yourself. IT WAS HIS FIRST TIME PLAYING THE DECK, BRO. DON’T MAKE EXCUSES LIKE HE HAD ALLLL THAT TIME TO PLAYTEST!
He has no reason to be sorry. AND WHO ARE YOU TO DECLARE HIS DEGREE OF ACCEPTABLE SORRY-NESS???? You’re no one. “You’re a jerk! I know”-New Boyz. That’s the point. Stop being dumb. Please stop pretending to have any idea what you’re talking about.
ignore this hater bro
Thanks airhawk.
you’re ‘disappointed’ you lied your way into the tournament? obviously not ‘ashamed’ since you’re ‘proud’ you won…=/ =/ =/
pffffffffffffft =/
you’re ‘disappointed’ you lied your way into the tournament? obviously not ‘ashamed’ since you’re ‘proud’ you won…=/ =/ =/
pffffffffffffft =/
I appreciate the apology. I really think you went about just about everything to do with this the wrong way. I think you owe a lot of personal apologies to a lot of people, and you’ve made a lot of people look really bad when they don’t deserve it, not to mention a lot of people are going though a lot of trouble now thanks to you. I know personally I’m going through a lot of stress thanks to this and am pretty upset about the whole thing.
I don’t think you’re scum or any of that, I just think you did a lot of things that weren’t very smart and really need to rethink your character. I hope you learn from this and eventually grow from this.
You better believe I’m going to be filing an appeal about this, however. If you were smart you’d take down your trophy off Ebay until this all gets settled.
You cheated me, and I’m pretty pissed about it. You made me look like an idiot for saying you were a good player, and I’m pretty pissed about that. But it’s not my place to punish you beyond making the guilt put on you for what you did a little more personal.
He doesn’t owe anything to ANYONE.
Stop acting like you have some sort of entitlement to an apology. Cuz you don’t.
Ummm they obviously do deserve it if they have a reason to look bad.
What’s stressful? It’s a pretty straightforward situation.
Yeah you do, stop acting like some sort of cry baby all the time. RETHINK HIS CHARACTER? Who are you to declare what someone’s character should or should not be? Who do you think you are???? What you should learn is TO NOT BE SUCH A SORE LOSER!!!
See, stop crying. Leave the trophy on ebay, it’s yours AA. He won it, stop crying. There’s no punishment to this sort of thing other then getting some sort of suspension but keep being a sore loser. He beat you fair and square and you’re just using this as one giant excuse to try to slip into a first place you 100% do not deserve.
He didn’t cheat. The only reason you should be upset is because you are in every possible definition of the word, INFERIOR to AA. Stop. Crying.
I won the game.
Like this comment. It makes you look like a childish tool. It is just going to continue to make people frustrated at you.
Are you referring to some sort of plastic toy? That kind of childish tool?
Please stop trolling. We’re trying to keep this intelligent.
I would have to disagree. I’ve yet to read any “intelligent” post from you. Just QQ.
Thank you sir. Glad to see there is in fact another poster in this discussion who does not possess the brain of a used lab rat. :)
I’m not trolling. If you had the ability to comprehend English, you would see that I am pointing out an unintelligent comment. Don’t accuse me of trolling because I am correct.
QQ moar SIS
What does that have to do with anything? You shouldn’t have been there in the first place.
QQ moar BRO
I have no idea what wining a game has to do with winning a championship.
let the haters and losers hate and lose… the judges let you in and even let you get all the way to the finals so that’s that…all these other people are just salty. Also I don’t blame you for selling the trophy college is damn expensive nowadays
Also I would like to add that if it were not for one of my leaguemates, Austin, I wouldn’t have known about this article. I can’t say I’m a regular visitor of Six Prizes, and thankfully he is.
I’m sorry that you lost to someone who should not have been in the tournament. But here’s the fact of the matter:
1) You got 2-0’d in a best of 3 match, being beaten on a level playing field.
2) Even if he wasn’t there, you still only won through top 4, and as a result are NOT the ‘true prof. cup champion’ you think you are.
I’m sorry if this is cold, and I’m sure people will hate me for this. Was he wrong for entering the prof. cup while not being a qualified prof? Yes. Did Cecily have a fantastic performance at the prof. cup? Yes. However, did he X-0 the tournament? Yes. Did the registration staff mess up and allow him through to the tournament? Yes. If you’re blaming one guilty party, blame them all, it’s not a 2-way street. Was it wrong? Yes. But we can’t go back and change the past, and, cold as it may be, giving Cecily an undeserved title is wrong, too. Sorry if I’m an ass, flame me if you want, but the fact of the matter is he was allowed in, he played to perfection, and he won the tournament. While I agree he deserves a permaban from the game, I think that is the only action P!P should take.
You hit the nail right on the head.
Does Texas have the 04 BCS trophy?
Because they lost. It didn’t matter who they lost to, they lost.
Thats because no one likes Texas…
Might want to look at how they work the Olympics… they give the gold medal to the next in line…
And that’s helpful to the discussion how?
“And that’s helpful to the discussion how?”
this hasn’t been a discussion really.. its been a stupid opinion based fight that clearly is getting no where. You already know my opinion that LYING and CHEATING deserved to be punished and also counts for disqualification even after the tournament has long been over. Clearly you think Once you are not caught, its Fair to every Player that he can reap the rewards.
I’m done with this… All I know is that next year, the Professor’s Cup may not happen at all, or some players may not play in it because its now a joke.
I do not think there is a full appreciation of how important the Professor Cup is to the Professors who work their butts off to organize and run leagues. Probably one needs to go through this experience to understand what the professors are saying. Without the professors and league organizers one wouldn’t enjoy organized pokemon play. I guess its easier for others to appreciate someone who was able to play in the Professor Cup, win it all, eventhough he wasnt eligible. Going around the system and beating it seems to be admirable for others than the effort made by those who played by the books, worked hard to be eligible, and worked hard to make local leagues possible.
In no way have i stated that I support what he did. What I did say was that, although entering illegitimately, he did still play and win all his games in a legitimate manner. Do I appreciate the time and energy professors exert in order for OP to run? Absolutely. Is what he did wrong? Also, absolutely. However, again continuing to reiterate the points in my post, did the registration staff mess up and allow him through to the tournament? Yes. If you’re blaming one guilty party, blame them all, it’s not a 2-way street. The fact of the matter is MORE THAN ONE PERSON WAS AT FAULT. Yes, he had ‘malicious intent’ and yes he DOES deserve to be punished (with a permaban from op, imho) but what’s done is done.
Like I have been telling other people. Pokemon is head to head, while things like the 100 meter dash are individually.
IF we run a race, and I won but I cheat. They take the title away and give the title to you. Because my performance does not effect yours at all.
But in Pokemon I can play the same deck the same way against 2 decks, I can easily win one, but lose the other. Who my opponent is does effect whether I win or lose in Pokemon.
While it does not in a race. So we can’t take the olympics for an example, we have to take head to head sports like football, basketball, and baseball.
In 1992 Little League Baseball, the Philippine team beat the US team. However it was later revealed that the Philippine team had ineligible players. So the title was awarded later to the US team. There’s your head to head example pikkdogs.
However what pikkdogs and my examples show are that in the end it really depends on what that sports ruling committee decides. so all of us may have our opinions but it is really what Play! Pokemon decides is what really counts (whether we agree with it or not).
Not exactly. Our examples show that 99 percent of the time, in a similar situation, the trophy is vacated and nobody has it.
But PP will decide what has to happen, it will be a shame if they strip it from him for their own mistake.
Didn’t like it. You screwed up the event you little ….
Very Team Rocket of you.
Just based on the way you described it, I’m more dumbfounded at the fact that you were able to register for this, and they didn’t double check to see if you were indeed a judge. I may not know much about this league, but from what I can tell, it’s put in very high regard, but to able to waltz right in and register for this cup and have it not taken care of they way everyone expects them to… There’s obviously an issue there. With every win you got during the WHOLE day, they should’ve checked for any issues regarding the legality of your wins, or even the eligibility of your registration. It’s highly unheard of that someone can just go do what you did…
With that said, you’re also at fault here. But I’m not going to reprimand you for what you did, at least not as much as everyone else is. From what it sounded like, you did not cause any problems during the cup, they didn’t address any problems, and you won the cup. That’s all there is to ti. So congratulations on the win.
They do have End of Tournament reviews, but since Nationals is close to Worlds, they do both together.
Again, with such a ‘prestigious’ league, I don’t think they should skim on those reviews, just because of the convenience of the events running close together on a timeline.
Agreed, this kid found a huge “lazy” loop-hole. His dishonesty is wrong and humility is his punishment, but P!P needs to make sure that he isn’t taking all of the fire from angry players since it IS THEIR ENTIRE FAULT (regardless of his dishonest act) that he was entered and won the cup (haha so ironic).
Couldn’t do the Prof Cup this year due to a problem with a league report due to the French Distributor.
I had 50 points while the tournament asked for 55.
The first word which is in my head is : asshole.
Hope you like your lifetime ban, I sure will.
Oh, and of course you say it only when you know you’re stopping Pokémon because you don’t risk anything except being banned from the op.
You’re such a coward.
A well written article and clearly exceptional skill in winning.
But what you did was bad and makes me angry. I wanted to go to the European professor cup but i didn’t! I spent hours researching and writing an article on the professor cup but i couldn’t go.
What you did made a mockery of the system and was a slap in the face to all the people who worked hard to earn enough points. Do you know how many events you have to run to qualify? I do and i’m not prepared to give up that many tournaments to judge so i accept that i can’t play the professor cup!
Ok, maybe the organisers should have noticed. Or maybe they had enough faith in the community that people who had no right to play would not fraudulently enter the competition.
You should give back the prizes and offer an apology to the hard-working men and women who give up their time all year round to run events so we can play this wonderful game. I can’t imagine how annoyed some of them must be that after all that judging the one event they were rewarded with was ruined by someone arrogant enough to enter when he knew he had no right.
You played well in winning and wrote an exceptionally well-written report. But you should be ashamed of yourself.
Trust me sir, i’m ashamed. It hasn’t hit me until reading all the other sites how badd this is hitting the community.
If you’re really ashamed then at least de-list the cup from ebay and return it to somebody who deserves it. Either the lady you beat in the final or OP. This is the only Prof cup 2011 trophy there will ever be and it’s in the hands of someone who should not have it.
Keeping the bag and kindle (although wrong) i can kinda understand but the trophy….
Thank you
He won. The trophy is his. Stop being jelly bro.
you salty bro?
Don’t act as though you understand what should or should not be done in any situation. Because you clearly don’t. They’re his prizes, if he doesn’t want them… he should SELL THEM.
look at all of the site traffic this is bringing in.
“I’ll probably be at every Nationals, but I’ll just borrow a deck from some of my good friends.”
=> Don’t worry, I think TPCi hopefully make sure you won’t have to make the travel to Nationals
Haha, I laughed at this. Because it’s actually true and funny
It doesnt actually seem to me like you are regretting it, or feeling guilty at all, you know?
I am. It’s just almost impossible to express it online. This news is on every Pokemon Website right now and Im trying to deal with it. Its hard though. But all my fault, I know.
“I’ll probably be at every Nationals, but I’ll just borrow a deck from some of my good friends.”
=> Don’t worry, I think TPCi hopefully make sure you won’t have to make the travel to Nationals
I wish you could keep playing. You are the greatest troll I’ve seen thus far in Pokemon. I’m impressed.
Good luck in college dude.
I was surprised to be called a Troll all day today. I guess I qualify for that, huh?
Haha after what you did? Hell yea. You publicly admitted to winning a tournament that you had no clearance to be in in the first place. THEN you’re selling the trophy. Bold move.
Your hot news across the Pokemon Community. Best trolling I’ve probably ever seen.
Haha after what you did? Hell yea. You publicly admitted to winning a tournament that you had no clearance to be in in the first place. THEN you’re selling the trophy. Bold move.
Your hot news across the Pokemon Community. Best trolling I’ve probably ever seen.
why would you do a 3-2-3 typhlosion if you didnt add any rare candy?
I love you because you focus on the real issue here
This needs to be voted to the top.
I knew I forgot something! Rare candy was in there somewhere..
Hahahaha, this is the best post ever.
Yo article sent to pokemon LULZ
what is up with all the trolls on this subject right now, i see one article online on 6P about the professor cup i read it and the next thing i know i see more than 30 people flaming this one innocent man. Ayden has done NOTHING wrong in my book, Play! Pokemon should have dealt with the issue from the start of the tournament. He also said “i’m all new to this and i run my own league” which indicates he might not have enough points to play and besides at the end of all this, this game is for FUN not for people to be evil about some person winning a tournament legitimatly. Pokemon is a fun game not a warzone!
Thank you, but what I did was wrong. I accept that.
You played a game you liked as long as they’re was no issue from the start to the end i’m sure it will be fine. They’re will be a subject about it up on the pokemon website. But i’m sure that they will take it as a example next year to check up people’s event history
You obviously don’t understand. What he did was wrong. If he had never tried to do this in the first place they would have never had to deal with him. There were plenty of other things to do that day besides screw with us. Not only that, but he didn’t have the guts to admit it until a month after the fact, and he didn’t do it privately, he put all of the Professors on blast. So excuse a few people putting him on blast for making a lot of good, honest people look bad.
Like I said in my comment above, I think the Professors and everyone involved with running Pokemon are great people, but you can’t say that they’re without fault in this situation.
As for the privately vs publicly thing… Controversy is great for news. And it forces a fix to be put in place to prevent this type of thing in the future.
“some person winning a tournament legitimatly.”
except he did not. How can you ‘Legitimately’ win a tournament when you don’t meet the requirements to even be in the tournament?
Ask the judges who let him in in the first place. According to them, he met the requirements.
Ask the judges who let him in in the first place. According to them, he met the requirements.
Winning and Entering are two very different things, since i don’t remember him cheating the entire tourney only not rightfully entering
Well whats up with the registration having loopholes big enough to raise such hate and anger in this community? It seems as though, even though this guy doesn’t deserve the win, that people are not pointing their fingers in the right reason. At least this will hopefully spark the idea for better registration processes as well as change the terms of punishment and the legal issues. I’m not sure he should be sued, even though he was dishonest, since P!P let an unqualified player into the cup. I think a nice long ban is appropriate followed by an official apology from the Cup winner AND P!P, but soon this will be a thing of the past that only strengthened the rules and community.
I’m not cool with the dishonesty that was shown but is the rage on these public forums morally better? A way to prevent things like this from happening is to strengthen the community in the first place. While this thread is on fire right now I pray that you all wont let this burn you. This was a very entertaining article and very well written, being ironic. But the fact that you are selling the spoils is very insulting to the young lady who deserves them and the rest of us who find these tournaments as healthy competition. The trophy and other spoils are yours by the terms of “prizes” so i doubt they can be taken away from you legally but if you really need the money then put your faith in other places besides dishonesty and demoralization. Being part of this community is not something to take for granted. I hope that your punishment isn’t lifelong or in the legal documents, but I hope you realize what kind of person this makes you look like. It’s not cool…I pray that you can financially support yourself in school by other means. Good luck and God bless.
Well whats up with the registration having loopholes big enough to raise such hate and anger in this community? It seems as though, even though this guy doesn’t deserve the win, that people are not pointing their fingers in the right reason. At least this will hopefully spark the idea for better registration processes as well as change the terms of punishment and the legal issues. I’m not sure he should be sued, even though he was dishonest, since P!P let an unqualified player into the cup. I think a nice long ban is appropriate followed by an official apology from the Cup winner AND P!P, but soon this will be a thing of the past that only strengthened the rules and community.
I’m not cool with the dishonesty that was shown but is the rage on these public forums morally better? A way to prevent things like this from happening is to strengthen the community in the first place. While this thread is on fire right now I pray that you all wont let this burn you. This was a very entertaining article and very well written, being ironic. But the fact that you are selling the spoils is very insulting to the young lady who deserves them and the rest of us who find these tournaments as healthy competition. The trophy and other spoils are yours by the terms of “prizes” so i doubt they can be taken away from you legally but if you really need the money then put your faith in other places besides dishonesty and demoralization. Being part of this community is not something to take for granted. I hope that your punishment isn’t lifelong or in the legal documents, but I hope you realize what kind of person this makes you look like. It’s not cool…I pray that you can financially support yourself in school by other means. Good luck and God bless.
Buddy seriously u are an idiot, I’m hopping u get lifetime ban
Buddy seriously u are an idiot, I’m hopping u get lifetime ban
I’ve been reading the ‘PokeGym’ thread about this situation, and it seems that Aydan has decided to return the prizes / equivalent monetary value of the prizes to officials.
Regardless, I still think he rightfully deserved them.
” I still think he rightfully deserved them.”
Good way to promote Cheating.
I’d like for you to prove that he was cheating, and I’ll give you some reasons as to how he didn’t: (Frankly, I don’t think I have to tell you, you’ve heard it from me multiple times, Bilbo… if that IS your real name.)
He entered legitimately, despite lying. Judges didn’t check properly and said it was okay to enter him. He was entered legally. He played legally. Nothing was illegal in his deck. He didn’t play anything illegally. He won his games, legally. He made it to Top 2, legally. He beat Cecily legally. He won legally. He is the winner. Winner wins the prize. He got the prize. Legally. Also, legally.
I cannot make it any clearer than that.
“You know what, its not even worth the arguement. You are right. let him get away with this, and keep his money/stuff. See how many try it next year and how many of us dont even bother showing up or perhaps even running tournaments or leagues for people to participate in.” Quote from TLesky on Pokeqym
^exactly how i feel
Hell, Im pry never gonna try the Professor Cup again..
And how it that relevant to him cheating? You can’t just pick out things out of context and hope to argue successfully with it.
And if that’s how the community is going to react to this, then I’ve lost respect for them entirely.
“He was entered legally”
making a mistake does NOT make anything LEGAL.
Actually, what he did was an illegal entry according to the tournament rules. Section 2.1 of the tournament rules states: “By participating in a PLAY! Pokémon tournament, all PLAY! Pokémon members agree to abide by the tournament rules outlined in this document.
Anyone is allowed to participate in sanctioned Pokémon Organized Play tournaments except for the following:
The tournament staff for that event, including but not limited to the Tournament
Organizer, judges, score runners, and scorekeepers.
Current employees and family members of The Pokémon Company International.
Employees of Nintendo, GAME FREAK inc., or Creatures Inc.
Employees of companies that are responsible for Pokémon Organized Play in the
operation or coordination of Organized Play in their countries
Former employees of any of the above companies within 60 days of their final date of
Any player who has been suspended from participating in Pokémon Organized Play
events by Pokémon Organized Play
Players without invitations to play in special invite-only tournaments, such as the
Pokémon World Championships”
Notice that last one there. The Professor Cup is supposed to be an invite-only tournament. Also, for anyone who has said he wouldn’t need to give back the prizes; from the Professor Cup page on Pokemon.com: “Players who are found in violation of the rules of eligibility are subject to suspension from Pokémon Organized Play and loss of prizes.”
Yes, the people doing registration should have caught it, but it doesn’t change the fact that he entered an event that he did not qualify for.
You could say that, but ti doesn’t really spell it out. Its more of an interepretation.
Regardless, he asked if he was eligible and they said that he was. It wasn’t like he forged documents or anything.
The judges left the front door and open and told him to come in. Can ya blame him for walking in?
To be clear, this is his current story of how entry went down. This was posted on PokeGym: “I went up to the registration desk that had 3 professors and told them that I had my own league and asked how many seasons would give me enough points. They said 3 and I told them I had enough and I should be in the systemThey said they would look and so forth” Aydan, if that wasn’t you writing that let us know. That sounds a little different than the judges asking if he qualified and him telling them he ran a league. let me repeat the most important part of that statement, “I told them I had enough and I should be in the system”. Aydan knew what he was doing and decided to do it anyway.
Now let me highlight the section you will highlight in counter to that: “They said they would look into it and so forth”. I get that. I see your point. I’m not going to say that P!P was completely innocent. But the question was did he cheat in any way, and while he did not cheat playing in the tournament as far as I or anyone else knows, his entry into the tournament could very well be considered cheating. I would be a lot more willing to agree with you if his story was, “I went up to the registration table and told them I wasn’t sure if I could play or not, and they told me they’d check.” It’s only slightly different, yes, but that slight difference really makes a world of difference when it all comes down to it.
That said, I don’t think Aydan deserves to be crucified for this. He has said he’s done wrong and hopefully he has learned something about integrity from the experience. I also don’t think that he should be praised for his actions. When all is said and done, though, this is between him and P!P, and nothing that any of us says is going to change that.
Thanks for bringing this over. I did go up to the desk and said that I should be in the system since I had ran my own league in the past. So, I did say i Should be in the system (as I thought) and they were going to look into it.
But, as you say, it can be viewed as me cheating into the tournament. I don’t think thats the case because I told them I was unsure.
But thanks for cleaing up some things/
how is that cheating? he got into a tournment and won it.
That’s such an epic fail. The only way in which this guy cheated was through bypassing the amount of work it takes to get into the tournament.
I’ll give you a grats on the win, but I know that i’m kinda mad a non-prof won, I had several friends of mine go 5-2 and just barely miss the cut(one of which I think you beat round four) and a friend in TC, who all earned their Prof points legit, and it makes me bad that an Imposter won, I can’t not give you props for winning,but it does tick me off that you would try to pull a stunt like this.
*successfully pulled a stunt like this
Wow, what a can of worms that we have here. Here is my two (or
…) cents:
AA I am extremely disappointed in you. You do not know me,
but man what a colossal failure in your character from Sunday 16th
until this very day. HEAR. ME. CLEARLY. I am not calling you a terrible person.
I am not calling you scum. I am not making a generalization form this instance
to cover your whole life. But you absolutely did make a HUGE mistake that
really comes down to a character issue. When push came to shove your character
failed you on this occasion.
Then to go off and promote the sale of goods that you should
not have any right to, it astounding. You were not sorry when you wrote this.
You should immediately take that eBay auction down.
Then to continuously thank the ridiculous people that are
supporting you just goes to continuously show a flaw. Even if you are sincerely
appreciative of their support (which if you are truly sorry, every ounce of
support should tear convict your conscious even more), you just need to shut
your mouth and not reply with “thank you.” It just makes you look like a fool
that does not care about right or wrong.
Obviously, I feel that the punishment should be extremely
severe. It is bad enough that you did cheat your way to a tournament victory,
but then you essentially disposed of the evidence (the prizes) before the
authorities have a chance at collecting them back. This usually offers a deeper
glimpse into a person, and for you it does not look good at the moment.
In conjunction with that, if you really want to take
ownership of your actions, just keep your mouth shut. Take the criticism like a
man. I know that some people are going over the top, but what did you expect.
You contaminated something that is VERY important to many people in this
community. The least you could do is stop egging them on.
In all honesty, I do feel that a lifetime ban is just for
this (sorry, that is never a pleasant thing to say). Not just for the actions that
you took that day, but for continuing to sell the items and for how you have
conducted yourself today. You say that you are cool with whatever consequence
come your way, but are not acting like it. If not a lifetime ban, then maybe a
12 year ban. This would easily go past your “off” time in college. However, it
would allow you to teach your kids the game some say (if you have kids). There
is no reason why they should be punished for your transgression. I also feel that you should be banned from writing for SixPrizes (Adam you need to do this). You also should have all of your accounts on Pokemon websites frozen for a lengthy period.
Moving on, I want to say some other things. Have people
seriously lost their sense of personal integrity? You name should be very
important to you. There are many things you cannot control in this life, but what
you stand for is something that you can control. Your name is a symbol of what
you stand for. Your name is like a Brand. It is very powerful. Everything you
do reflects on your name. People should be diligent in protecting their name.
Obviously, this sense of morality (regardless of religious affiliation) has
been lost on some people. I actually feel pity towards those people. My heart
breaks when I see people soil their name with something stupid like this.
know that I am not perfect. I have made a LOT of mistakes. I have gotten in
arguments on this site that I am not proud of. However, I usually try to make
things right. After Adam Bruggerman called me out in my Nats report, I realized
that he was right. I publically admitted my fault [again thank you for pointing
out your side to me Adam, it was just a valid as mine]).
To the people who say that he won fair and square. NO. HE.
DIDN’T. He should have never been in that tournament. The professor’s do a ton
of work for the game. Often times this means that they do not get as much
testing in as the players. Therefore, in general they are not as on top of
their game as the rest of us. Players versus Professors 9 times our of 10 is
not an even playing field. You people really do look foolish for trying to make
this argument.
Yes, the administrative staff made the mistake of letting AA
get away with even signing up for this.
They made a mistake, but it IS different from AA. AA actively deceived the
staff. He knew the truth and failed to come forward. This is completely
different from making the passive mistake letting him in. Do they deserve some
type of correction for this (likely falling in the “Professor Ladder”)? Yes.
But, do not try to place equal blame. AA was intentionally deceitful.
For people saying that AA was not the first person to
illegally enter this event, your point is what? Just because someone else has
done it does not make it right. Stop trying to absolve AA of his fault with
this argument.
To other people who are public figures (writers, high
profile players, etc.) in this game, do you remember what I said about your
name being a Brand? Well, I would advise you to remember this. First, I am
extremely disappointed in a couple of you for supporting AA or at least taking
an acceptive stance towards what he did. It is obvious that the majority of
this community looks upon what AA did with disgust. It would be wise for you to
keep your mouth shut and just let it pass. I know that as of this moment, I am
disappointed/lost respect for a couple people who I actually looked up to.
Finally, to Cecil, I am incredibly sorry. I know that this
must be extremely difficult for you. I want to thank you for all of the hard
work that you put into this game. Trust me, it is greatly appreciated. I also
appreciate you relative restraint. You have truly acted with class through
this. However, I do not think that you can be retroactively awarded first place
officially. I wish that I could say otherwise, but essentially, you should be
credited with a non-contest and the title should be vacated.
Now, as a continuation of that thought, I do think that
someone within the community should purchase the trophy off of eBay and give it
to you. If I had the money (I unfortunately have literally $0 right now), I
would gladly purchase it for you to help set things right. It would joy my
heart if someone would do this for you.
Wait, wait… So you’re suggesting buying the said trophy for Cecily? That isn’t any better than Aydan putting the thing on sale in the first place, and now you wanna buy it from him to give to Cecily? If that’s how she’s getting it, she doesn’t deserve it any more than Aydan does.
Yeah I edited that because it did not come out like I wanted it to..
What I meant is that if AA did not take it down or if P!P did not demand it back, someone should buy it and give it to her.
I understand what you meant up there, and what you mean ‘now’. And again, why would you buy the trophy from Aydan and give it to Cecily? She doesn’t deserve it that way either.
Fair point. Thanks for correcting me.
If you’re going to react like this, you might want to stay away from 4chan.
Dude, Ayden, you’re so pro. You just walked into the Pokemon Center, pretended you were a nurse, and robbed the bank. All of Team Rocket, Team Aqua/Magma, Team Plasma, Team All-of-the-others, and especially, Jesse and James, are very humbled at how you’ve grown up and taken the crown to be their sole leader. You freaking Chen-locked the whole tournament. I’m not saying it was the right thing to do, but Team Rocket doesn’t play “nice.” You just Admin’d them, flipped double heads with Sharpedo, and put down Aerodactyl
A year-long ban…sure. A year-long judging ban for the judges who didn’t catch you? Just as responsible. If someone snuck into a Poker tournament and was underage and won, guess who would get fired? A lot of people. Guess who would have a great poker report? You, hahaha
Thanks man, your response made me feel better. But, as said, what I did was wrong and will take responsibility
Thanks man, your response made me feel better. But, as said, what I did was wrong and will take responsibility
You lost. You do not in any way shape or form deserve first place in any body’s book. BECAUSE YOU LOST. YOU GOT SECOND.
Congrats on the Professor Cup Win! Way to go managing to get undefeated with Reshiphlosion. Reshiphlosion seems to continue showing its true power as a pretty good deck right now, especially for a Professor Cup format.
Also, I am kind of concerned. Since it turns out your not a Professor (or really a Professor with not the right amount of points to play in the Professor Cup), you could be getting into BIG trouble from P!P, especially since you won the tournament. Whatever it is, I just hope your punishment isn’t too harsh.
This is awesome. Perfect grammar and everything. Did you really run two Quilava and no Rare Candy, though?
He’s going to return everything. Discussion over, Jesus Christ, people. :(
As much as I hate to say it, Aydan won fair and square, he wasn’t there fair and square, but that was by fault of the staff. he didn’t expect to get in, but he did, and once you’re in a tournament, may the best player win. Apparently, in this case, Aydan was the best player, and he won the tournament, if Cecily thinks that she deserves the trophy, in my opinion, as much as it pains me to say it, she doesn’t. Aydan won the tournament, not her.Albeit,as I previously stated. he wasn’t supposed to be there, but, again, that is the staff’s fault, not his.
If we should be upset at anyone, it should be the staff, not the winner.
Selling the trophy will right the wrongs you made? Making money off of something that should not be yours in the first place?
I don’t think you feel sorry enough. It seems like you ‘say’ your sorry just to receive sympathy from everyone, when really this is to rub it in everyone’s face that you won these things and got away with it.
Might want to apologize to your friends too… they may also see some punishment that you WILL be getting..
Am I the only one here who finds the situation EXTREMELY STUPID? The staff let him in, and he won. End of story. The staff made a mistake, and they paid for it in him winning, so why are we mad at him? It’s not his fault that the Staff was blind. And to that I will say something that I think has been long since overdue:
Congratulations on winning the Professor Cup, Aydan, well played.
Lots to say here
1. Big ups for coming clean about it. You did the right thing.
2. It wasn’t all your fault. The judges should have been checking things, you shouldn’t be able to just walk up and enter. If you leave the door to your house open, can you blame the theif?
3. Your not the only one. I know a bunch of people who have snuck into this event before. It just so happens that you won and decided to tell everyone about it. The judges have been incompetent in this aspect for a long time. It was just a matter of time before this issue came to a head. I would not be surprised if 5-10 percent of the entrants were not professors. So don’t feel so bad about this.
4. Great job in the tournament. The fire deck was the best play, and you played it well. You rampaged through almost everyone else, only a couple games were close.
6. It shouldn’t be that big of a deal. Yes the cup is supposed to be to reward people who have judged and pledge their time to the game, but when it all comes down to it, it is a Pokemon tournamnet like any other. And there was no question who was better at the tournament.
7. Don’t give up the Cup. You won it fair and square. If you want to sell it to buy frivolous things like food, then that is your choice, though I would be homeless before I would have sold mine if i did win won. Don’t give it to the second place lady, you blew her away twice, she does not deserve it. If you enter a tournament on equal footing with other people and you tear them up, you deserve the cup. No matter if the judges were incompetent enough to let you in. If I were you, I might unlist the item just so you will have it if Pokemon asks you for it back. But, if they don’t strip it from you Reggie Bush style, then by all means sell it, a lot of people would love to have it.
8. Prizes are yours, you sold em all anyway by now, so not much you can change about it.
Great points. Second this post.
Seems like you entered this tournament before without being a Professor….
“Big ups for coming clean about it. You did the right thing. “More like bragging about it not realizing the consequences that are about to happen… Selling the trophy is the right thing to apparently (and you even mentioned that!)
“You won it fair and square.”Hell no he did not. Being a fraud in the tournament and winning counts as fair?
“And there was no question who was better at the tournament”you do know this game at times will not show the better player winning…. Having a bad start means you are terrible at the game? Even the Best have bad starts and not win. He is by far NOT best, in game and by far Out.
” It wasn’t all your fault. The judges should have been checking things, you shouldn’t be able to just walk up and enter. If you leave the door to your house open, can you blame the theif?”
If I steal your identity and take all your money, I guess its not my fault then… Its clearly your bank and you for making this happen…. these terrible comparisons are bad (yes mine is horrible XD) and have nothing to do with what happened. It is CLEARLY his fault for Lying to P!P, selling off prizes that were earned unfairly, and pretty much bragging about it online.
“Half the people who are calling for your head are just jealous. “I truly feel bad for Cecily after seeing this comment…. Claiming she is jealous of losing to a fraud? Wow… no words…
Not once on this article did he say that what he did was right. He took responsible for his mistake and did come clean about it.
I will back him up and say that him winning was indeed fair and square. The judges didn’t address any problem. They clearly allowed him to take part in this league. That is fair. And the judges’ mistake.
I understand your thinking about ‘the game will not show the better player winning’. But let’s look at the solid facts: he came out number one in a league. Better than the ‘legitimate’ players. So what if he had bad starts? WHO HASN’T? I’m pretty sure EVERYONE had some games with bad starts. But did they top the guy who won? No, they didn’t. He was a better player.
I’m not going to address your comparison, because you had said it yourself that it was a lousy one, at that. However, I will address that ‘lying to P!P’ isn’t as clear as you say it is. They have partial, if not equal, fault in not making sure that he was okay to take part in this league. With that said, he can do whatever he wants with the prizes he won, because the judges did not say anything about it.
I will share my compassion towards Cecily’s loss in this league, but again. It was fair with the judges at the time.
Since clearly One Staffer let him in, and he proceeded to win and make bank with his prizes after being a fraud, Its clearly not his fault.
Jeez, Lying I guess can never get someone in trouble these days… everything is the other guys fault…
No matter, he is still getting the Perma Ban.. him and his friends… (yes, we have their names)
1. Agreed that his attempt to sign up was Aydan’s fault.
2. Listed him down anyways, their fault.
3. He was able to play. Was it his fault? No, it were the organizers’ mistake. Is he wrong for taking advantage of this fault? Yes. But most of the debate around here if it was legal or not. The judges saw no problem, and his participation was legal.
4. You contradict yourself here. He wins, yet the prizes shouldn’t have been his? The prizes are for the winner. He won. He receives the prizes. Was it right? No. Was it fair and legal? If they let him play, and Aydan won, yes.
5. Refer to above; it is his prizes and he can do whatever he wants with them.
6. Since when has bragging been a fault by anyone? Or been a fault AT ALL?
7. Agreed that it is their fault for not catching this sooner. And they are highly expected to notice something like this much sooner, or had preventative measures for these situations.
8. I don’t see anything on this article, except on your own comment, that shows he decided to come clean because he expected no punishment, or the league’s inability to provide punishment (your quote ‘Can’t do Sh!t’).
I’ll assume all remarks at this point are purely sarcastic, so I won’t use energy to address those.
Nerd gonna nerdrage
If I give you my financial information and you steal my money, yes it is my fault.
If the judges would have been checking on things like they should have this would not have happened.
I love all the judges for being there, but anybody who was there could see they were not fully organized. Next year they should spend more time on getting on the same page. Or charge us 10 bucks to enter so we can get some more competency out there. If the judges get paid they can spend more time getting on the same page. This is nothing against the judges, they all did a great job and deserve out thanks, but the system was flawed with disorganization. We saw it in the hour and a half wait for round 1, and now we see it at the professor cup.
um, the ‘hour and a half wait for round 1’ was to repair the round and drop all the people who reg’d the night before for the shirt and no-showed. you’d rather 50+ people got free round 1 wins? =/
I understand that. Like I said if we all paid 10 bucks to get in, people would not be getting a shirt and skipping out and the judges might be more organized.
No disrespect to the judges who were there. I thank them for being there, I really appreciate it. I understand that any faults that they are blamed for is more the fault of the organizers, and possibly some players. So no disrespect to judges, I love em.
I understand that. Like I said if we all paid 10 bucks to get in, people would not be getting a shirt and skipping out and the judges might be more organized.
No disrespect to the judges who were there. I thank them for being there, I really appreciate it. I understand that any faults that they are blamed for is more the fault of the organizers, and possibly some players. So no disrespect to judges, I love em.
No, they shouldn’t get free wins. The people should get their free shirts and be asked if they intend to drop before round 1. That, or there’s a separate way for people that don’t want to screw the pairings to get free shirts without no-showing.
why in the world should people who have no intention of playing get free nationals shirts? =/
Maybe the better question is “Why in the world should people who have no intention of playing get free nationals shirts and also make everyone else wait an hour and a half?”
“If I give you my financial information and you steal my money, yes it is my fault.”
well i guess i can keep the money then….
Do note: he said that if he himself gave you that information, it is his fault. If the thief acquired it himself without means of obtaining it from someone who actually gave it to him (like most real-life identity theft situations), could you really blame the one who was stolen from?
Then its the Banks fault for thinking its him taking out the money. Honest Mistake by them right?
Is it?
Just who IS the ‘bank’ in the Pokemon situation?
The One Lone Judge that signed his name into the Bracket. Perhaps he was found that he was not a Professor before hand? Perhaps they were to not let him in?
Maybe, his name was in the bracket, but was really meant not to?
this would have been caught at the Tournament Review that they have following Worlds.. Why not after Nationals? Cause they are to busy preparing for Worlds.
also, Whoever Overlooked him could have not been doing his job properly. If it was anyone else that he asked to enter, they would have looked into it… no?
One Judge/Registration person didn’t do their job properly. ONE. If every other judge would have determined him ineligible, then he still to this day is still ineligible.
This is entirely true. But since that one judge/registration person didn’t do their job, the integrity of the entire event has been called into question. Sure, if every other judge would have determined him ineligible, he would have been ineligible, but (and no offense to the judging staff) they did not.
As has been said before. This is a legal matter now and the morality of the actions should not be taken into account in this discussion. You can’t use both to argue at the same time.
Last, you keep saying that the Tournament Review would’ve caught it, what would have been the reaction then? The title would have quietly been taken from him, a ban handed out possibly, and maybe the prizes would’ve been requested back, but I think that’s about the extent of it. Stop screaming for his head if the “right thing to do” is going to land him in more trouble.
Do note: he said that if he himself gave you that information, it is his fault. If the thief acquired it himself without means of obtaining it from someone who actually gave it to him (like most real-life identity theft situations), could you really blame the one who was stolen from?
If I give you my financial information and you steal my money, yes it is my fault.
If the judges would have been checking on things like they should have this would not have happened.
I love all the judges for being there, but anybody who was there could see they were not fully organized. Next year they should spend more time on getting on the same page. Or charge us 10 bucks to enter so we can get some more competency out there. If the judges get paid they can spend more time getting on the same page. This is nothing against the judges, they all did a great job and deserve out thanks, but the system was flawed with disorganization. We saw it in the hour and a half wait for round 1, and now we see it at the professor cup.
This was the best read ever, and probably the most amazing thing I’ve ever heard in the Pokemon community. It may have been wrong, but getting as far as you did was Clever, not to mention not your fault for them not catching it sooner.
in 4 years, I hope to play you.
it was one judge who represents the entire staff… you can’t seperate that one judge when he works with the whole… also you can’t assume that any other judge wouldn’t have let him slide as well
Great article and good job going undefeated. You deserve your trophy and shouldn’t care what the haters and losers think. The judges let you play and win the tournament so that’s that. Good luck in college! It’ll be the best 4 years of your life.
I know there’s no way to know this, but I really wonder what P!P/POP would have done if this Ayden hadn’t fessed up. I mean, in theory, they would have caught this problem at some point, right? I’m thinking maybe after Worlds sometime, they’d have some downtime and get to some data entry. Then the flag would go up. Then what? Would they have just ignored it on the assumption that Ayden would never speak up? Have they done anything to past players that played in the Prof Cup without the proper credentials? Now, they are forced to respond. I expect their reaction to be knee-jerky.
Clearly after what others have said, you did nothing wrong… Lying, cheating, and pretty much taking everything that was undeserved is not at all your fault….
Glad I now know what the word “fair” means…. ^
You’re turning this into a ‘moral’ issue, when it’s been a ‘legal’ issue since the beginning.
How can it be anything but a “moral” issue since P!P cleared him into the tournament? That pretty much nullifies anything legal that has to do with this.
How does it nullify the legal situation at hand? They LEGALLY let him play, and he LEGALLY won. It’s a moral issue as well, yes. But is that REALLY the point?
“Ayden doesn’t not win, because what he did was morally wrong, even though he was let in legally by officials, and legally won the cup.”
Am I the only one who finds that ridiculous?
“even though he was let in legally by officials”
OVERLOOKED by officials. They would have found this mistake after Worlds and still end up Banning him and switching the Title to Cecily. Being OVERLOOKED by One official doesn’t make it Legal.
Taking Steroids and then Winning Gold Medals doesn’t mean its LEGAL….
BUT THEY DIDN’T FIND THE MISTAKE. That’s the fact. Was it Aydan’s fault that he was overlooked? If anything, HE was the one who made sure to the officials to check him twice. But they didn’t.
In fact, they didn’t even come back to him after they ‘found out’ if he was okay to go or not. They just put him there. Sounds perfectly legal to me.
If being overlooked by ONE official isn’t enough, then why don’t they tighten up the registration process?
The fact of the matter is, THEY LET HIM IN.
THEY HAVE NOT HAD THE TOURNAMENT REVIEW SESSION. That’s the FACT. Yes it was Overlooked AT the tournament, But once they had the chance to go over Nationals and Worlds, Red Flags would have gone up.
Hell, I should start lying to enter things now. Could get in a Bar underage and they let me Drink. Get Arrested? Nah, its their fault for letting me in and giving me a Beer! I’ll be totally fine!…..
So who’s fault is it that they didn’t have this review session?
As a matter of fact, the bar in question would get in as much trouble as you. Oh. How quite similar to the judges that let Aydan into this league.
Who the * said that the Judges were not in trouble? Of course they are at fault. But saying they are Far more at fault then him? Outrageous!
Sucks on the officials for not doing their homework. AA won a string of games fairly and that netted him a prize. If the organizedplay people want to change this series of events I suggest they get a time machine, because this is now part of history and nothing else will do.
What I mean by a legal issue was that he didn’t do anything to cross the line legally. Everything wrong that he did was in his morals. P!P passed him through everything in their legal standards. What can they do to him if they allowed him to play? Their system was faulty and even though it was wrong he capitalized on their errors. I agree with you completely. And I feel like the people who are insulting Cecily and praising AA have nothing better to do but cause these two stress. Something to understand is that this community recognizes players by their appearance and attitude at these events and on this site. Trolling this young lady is unfair and its unintelligent.
No, just read Pokegym. It’s definitely all his fault, and he should lose his career, college, shirt, dog, etc. I’m guessing his only chance at life will be to write country music if they have any say in the matter.
The following was posted here on the forums: https://sixprizes.com/forums/pokemon-tcg-news-gossip/3975-official-pokemon-drama-thread.html
Feh, of course, the ONE day I take off from my haunt, this huge blowup
happens. Having read the entire thread on the ‘gym, AND the almost 300
posts on the FP article, here’s my summarized thoughts on what should
take place:
~The second place finisher should be given the trophy. I don’t care if
he “beat” her or not, it’s the only just way to rectify the situation
~Mr. Aydan Aires should be left to his own punishments. TCPI has
confirmed that they are dealing with the situation, it’s not our place
to stone him, even more so now that he’s stated he will return the
~This thread, unlike the one on the gym, will be left open. I am a
firm believer in HEALTHY discussion. That said, flaming like we’ve been
seeing on the front page is not bueno.
~The FP article should have the ebay link removed
~The FP article should have comments locked, and receive a redirect to
this thread on the forums. That allows us to moderate the flaming, and
control the influx of users.
~There should be a letter of apology to both TPCI and to Miss Cecily Cunningham sitting on the front page by tomorrow morning.
That said, as a moderator on 6P, I apologize (even though I had no
control over it, i only do forums) for this reflecting so negatively on this site, we
really are better than this.
~Zackary “Yanmega Guy” Ayello, 6P/gym forums name Cabd
Hey Pikkdogs how about the other 2nd-placers who were declared winners when the winners were found cheating?
name some of them. It never happens in a head to head competition.
little league world series in 1992
You missed at least 200 more Head to head competitions…. ;)
the little elague thing is the exception. We already busted the other example.
The little league is one example for you. I have 100 examples on my side.
I’ve been around Pokemon for a year now and around 6P for several months… It’s interesting that the people who don’t post on here at all normally are calling for Aydan’s head. Anyone telling him to give up the trophy and stuff needs to understand that kind of thing is between him and P!P. No one else. Raging about it here won’t help anything.
Now… We all know what’s going to happen. Aydan’s going to get banned. Be it one year, five years, or lifetime… You can be sure he’s getting banned. But as has been said before, he was not the only person at fault. He informed the judges that he “wasn’t sure” if he qualified. How often does this kind of thing happen? It seems like someone who comes up and says “I don’t know if I qualify for this” would be checked into before anything is posted.
I love P!P and every organizer and judge I’ve talked with and been involved with is fantastic but I dearly hope this will not turn into everyone just screaming about how terrible Aydan’s actions were. Changes need to be made and this brings them to the limelight.
To Aydan: I like the article and congrats on the win. I hope that this doesn’t affect other portions of your life but I definitely hope you learn from this experience and can teach others how much of a mistake it was. Good luck in the future, but I doubt I will ever see you at another Pokemon event.
To Cecily: I understand how upset you are and how frustrating this is but please don’t rage too hard. You were beat. Whether he “deserved” to be there or not, you were beat. No offense, but you can’t claim the Professor Cup title and if it or the trophy is given to you, I hope that everyone who hears about it understands that you were beat by someone who was playing in the tournament as well. Regardless of his eligibility, you didn’t win. I don’t want to sound like I’m beating a dead horse, but you’ve talked him up as a player for weeks now because he beat you fair and square and would’ve kept talking him up if he didn’t come forward to claim responsibility for his actions. I’m sure you’re a great Professor, but he beat you in a fair game.
To The Haters: You didn’t lose or gain anything by Aydan’s actions. Stop screaming about how terrible a person he is and go back to fussing about Chancey coins.
Plus, all the haters do by posting on here is give people like me a chance to troll them
“To The Haters: You didn’t lose or gain anything by Aydan’s actions”
Basically makes the Professors Cup a joke from here on out…. Makes even Becoming a Professor a joke
well if the shoe fits…
No. It makes the judging staff look foolish. And that is horrible, but it was a grievous oversight. Like it or not, that specific mistake is the reason for this entire fiasco.
Funny how only 4 people(pikk, Tyler Z, AAGOTFRIST, yohenry) know what their talking about, everyone else is just spewing moral garbage. Anyways, congrats on your win and pointing out a problem in the Professor Cup. You’ve shown that they haven’t been strict enough with the background checks on the participants for the tournament. Who knows how many have gotten in without being professors before? I doubt any of them have won it or written an article like it you have, but now that someone has it has become known to P!P and will hopefully be addressed. No matter which way you look at it the problem lies with those who were suppose to check if he had the points. If they did their job then this wouldn’t of been an issue. He thought he wouldn’t get in, but they let him in anyways and he went with it. Sure at first he wasn’t qualified to join, but apparently those making the roster decided he was qualified and let him in, thus making him a legitimate player. He was deemed legal to enter the tournament by the other professors and won so, now he has the right to do whatever he wants with his earnings and owes no one anything. The reason why he wasted his time apologizing to the Cecily is beyond me. He owes no one anything, not Cecily, not the other professors, not even P!P. They let him in the tournament so there is no reason he should be punished in anyway. This is just an over-dramatized event that will hopefully make P!P enforce better organized events.
And for him to X-0 in Swiss and get to Top 4, the Organisers didn’t even pause and go, hang on who is this guy?! (As well as checking maybe the others in Top 4 for their points etc etc).
AA should be able to keep his trophies, albeit feel incredibly guilty when getting a bedtime story from his Dad’s kindle, they should especially not be given to the person who lost twice to him.
“Anyways, congrats on your win and pointing out a problem in the Professor Cup.”
But it wasn’t a problem that NEEDED pointing out.
So many people are focusing on the prizes. But to the Professors that feel cheated, I suspect it’s more about the prestigious tournament that P!P puts on once a year. It’s about deck construction with a unique format. It’s about bragging rights that you made Top Cut, or if you won one of the trophies. It’s even about having contributed enough to P!P to have earned the right to play in the first place. (Passing the Professor Exam year after year, and earning enough points that season.)
Aydan deceived the people at the registration desk (which included some volunteer PokeParents) into thinking he was a Professor by focusing on the points he said he earned by running a league for 3 seasons. But if you’re not a Professor, you earn ZERO points! So there was no entitlement to play just because of the league. He just wasn’t a Professor in the first place.
So you can congratulate him on making the staff and volunteers look foolish, and on making a lot of people feel cheated out of a special tournament that they look forward to all season. And sometimes not even get to play because they’re still too busy working the Nationals event.
Why am I writing this, adding to the commotion?
Because I’m the guy Aydan beat in Top 8.
“…only this man stood between me and my beloved Kindle! Let’s go!”
Great, so the reason he’s playing in this tournament is because he’s bored and wants $150 Kindle?
My son had just won Juniors, so I was high on life already and genuinely did not mind losing (I went far enough to earn the Professor backpack), so I was genuinely happy for him. Reshiphlosion is a tough matchup for my all-grass deck, and I have no reason to believe that had we played a Game 1 that the match outcome would have been different. But to learn that my opponent was playing through a deception that whole time, that he genuinely felt bad for me forfeiting Game 1 but not bad enough to admit what he was doing at that time…and furthermore didn’t drop after winning the Kindle, but instead kept playing because his friends were busy in the Mutant draft? Literally disgusting…which is defined as “revulsion or profound disapproval” for those of you who think that’s the wrong word.
There’s even more to my side of the story…I’ve PM’d with Aydan since Nationals, because he wanted to raise some money selling the trophy to go to Worlds. I offered to buy the trophy to help him out, and at least have it as “the one that got away”. If anyone’s going to buy it, I feel someone who played in the Tournament and got close to winning ought to have it rather than a collector or vendor. But since Aydan says he’s not going to keep it, the point is moot.
The main reason I’m adding my voice to this is because a number of you are looking up to him for what he did. He knew what he did was wrong, and only now he’s developing an appreciation of the magnitude. I hope some of you can also see beyond the lulz and appreciate that he did more than just sneak in and win some prizes.
I’ll just respond part by part.
If someone is not allowed somewhere gets to said place on accident(more or less), that is a problem with the security and not said someones fault. So then the security needs to be checked so that doesn’t happen again. It NEEDED to happen otherwise the problem would’ve been unnoticed and something worse could have happened.
No matter what Aydan could have said to them the people working at the registration desk should have checked if he was qualified. No matter what way you put it, THEY DIDN’T DO THEIR JOB! I know they were just giving him the benefit of the doubt, but they were suppose to check anyways.
Something you guys don’t get is that you are volunteering to be professors, you don’t have too. You cannot be cheated out of something that you are not entitled too, assuming your are entitled to something for volunteering is rather selfish. P!P is being nice and allowing the Professor Cup, but leaving it your hands to keep everything organized and legal. Which you guys failed at.
Some sap story like everyone else where your morally disgusted. Look it doesn’t matter that you played him or that he felt entitled to his winnings, because after all he did win regardless of being a professor or not, the fact that you guys didn’t ever think to double check to make sure everyone is suppose to be there IS YOUR FAULT. Maybe if you guys had any sort of regulations like the ones you guys enforce at every other tournament you wouldn’t of had to lose to him in top 8. Also you ever think that he didn’t originally feel bad about it is because he figured it was all fine and dandy because you guys let him in? Wouldn’t you think that everything was alright if you were in his shoes? Please don’t reply with “I’d never do something like that” or some garbage actually put yourself in his situation, where he thought he’d be denied but wasn’t.
Whats the point of this part? You were going to buy it, but then he said he was going to return it? Just patting yourself on the back for trying to be nice?
Very few people have revered him, I know I never said anything like that. The fact that he his putting the entire blame on himself like the rest of the community is doing is completely ignorant and confusing. He just tried to get in for fun and they let him because they were being nice. Sure he took advantage of the situation, but the situation shouldn’t of been given to him in the first place. That is all he did, he didn’t kill anyone, he didn’t steal anything, he just played in a tournament that you guys allowed him too and won.
I am honestly appalled by the professors and those who have posted against him. The professors are all offended for some dumb reason even though the fault lies in the hands of the professors. Your all spewing sap stories to get people to hate the kid and its working people have made so many over the top threats its disgusting or “revulsion or profound disapproval”. Have any of you read through pokegyms forum? Ignorance and hate is all that lies in that thread, all intelligence or forgiveness gets shot down immediately. I love the pokemon community, but this event makes me sick to see all this unnecessary hatred for something that was just for fun. Who cares who won or what they do with the prizes. Isn’t the main theme of this game and the thing you professors teach so often is “too just have fun”? Why can’t you just take it for what it is, a mistake, and “just have fun”? That’s what I thought the pokemon was about, but apparently its just about the “bragging rights that you made Top Cut, or if you won one of the trophies.”. It really makes me think twice about this community, if the smallest mistake can cause such a large amount of hate in such little time is this really that great of a community? -_-
You are correct that the staff is partially to blame for letting this go through, and either they gave him the benefit of the doubt that he was a professor, or there was some other fluke that caused him to be registered in the tournament. That is being admitted in other forums, and I’m not contradicting that either. But fundamental thing is, Aydan created this situation.
And neither one of us needs to speak for him, he’s doing well enough responding sincerely to people, and he said he’s going to post another article about this.
To your first point, “It NEEDED to happen otherwise the problem would’ve been unnoticed and something worse could have happened.”….. what could possibly have been worse than this? A non-professor registered to play and subsequently wins the whole tournament, writes an article somewhat bragging about the accomplishment, and gives away or sells the prizes for their value, especially the trophy?
How could Aydan think everything was fine and dandy when he knew from the very beginning he wasn’t a Professor? And later thought to himself “should I end this lie and quit?” after making Top 4? I suspect no, because dropping right then probably would have raised some eyebrows and possibly risked his Kindle reward. And he still would have walked away with a smaller 4th place trophy. Who knows if he still would have written a similar article.
Yes, I read the entire PokeGym thread article before posting here. You are really going above and beyond defending Aydan, and fine, that’s your perspective on the matter. But please don’t dismiss other people’s “dumb reason” for being upset. SD PokeMom seemed to express it quite well in this post:
While I understand the hurt you feel and definitely agree that there is quite a bit of trolling going on in this absurd discussion, I don’t think that it’s fair to say that this is not a problem. Whoever checked him in made a mistake by assuming he was a professor. It’s not a matter of “do you have the points or not” it’s a matter of “are you a professor”. It seems like they should be able to look at a database and go “yup, he’s good” or “no, doesn’t qualify” right up front. That should be obvious evidence to anyone that the system is flawed.
There is also quite a bit of hurt coming through this post, and for good reason. But you can’t come out and say that it’s because you want to dissuade those who are looking up to him. You’re hurt and you want your side of the story heard, the end.
It’s true. I snuck in, won some prizes, and above all else, disgraced a tournament for hard working people. It’s been tough the last 12 hours reading comments spewing up all over forums.
1) They let you in, you didn’t sneak in.
2) You disgraced nothing, they disgraced them self by not doing their job.
3) Ignore all these people and just wait for P!P to contact you. Don’t do anything until they tell you to do something, if they contact you at all. You haven’t done anything, but make the tourney organizers look stupid, which is something you shouldn’t be too concerned with.
I’m putting my vote in to get rid of the professor cup. If people that are not Professors are LEGALLY allowed to sneak past security to get in can win, its just another dumb tournament.
Best article I’ve read on this website. Also, You clearly won and people need to stop crying about it. If the official’s can’t do their jobs then it isn’t really your fault is it. As if everyone on here has never abused any system whatsoever.
If it were an accident, it would be fine. You knew you shouldn’t have been playing, but you did; which is what the problem is (mainly).
Winning the tournament is a big achievement, but seriously…
What the hell were you thinking?
You could get banned from pokemon for this. Lying to judges, collecting prizes ($500+) that you were ineligible for…
This article reeks with the stench of throwaway troll accounts
Beautiful hack dude. You deserve the prize more than anyone else. God luck in school!
lol at the eBay description:
“This trophy is a one of a kind piece of Pokemon TCG History, won by the most skilled professor in North America!”
Most skilled professor my ass lmao.
I’m sorry, I am not that description at all
It is sad that you seem proud of your deception. It’s as though you feel you really pulled off something special when all you have done is betray the trust of those that host the games. Will they now have to consider security measures because some creep wants to be a show off. I would question why you don’t do the honorable thing and return your “coin”(such cool, hip, language you use) but obviously your personality demands that you make the most of your weak mind. Prisons are full of individuals like you. Good luck with your future. Maybe you’ll find a way to deceive the courts and get into a prison you do belong in.
You know that most likely Pokemon will give you a lifetime ban from the game. Not only did you bring yourself down but you also brought your friend who is a Professor and knew that you didn’t belong there, and didn’t say anything and will most likely be banned also.
I’m glad you don’t play in our league or tournaments because I wouldn’t let you in after what you have done.
You posted on PokeGym that you were going to return the trophy and other stuff back to Pokemon, but its still listed on e-bay. Why????
You have LOST the trust of all of us and should be punished.
Any reason you didn’t run reversal in the deck?
Surely I’m not the only one who thinks Tyler Z, AAGOTFIRST and whoever
else making obscene statements should probably removed from the game as
well and sent back to Yu-Gi-Oh! or whatever hell hole game they come
Or maybe I’m one of the few people in this world with a sense of morality.
If they don’t play Pokemon, idk. I can only hope for bad things – and I
don’t like willing bad things to happen to others. But some of the
comments here are just ugh.
Is this really the traffic you want coming through here? I may rethink my underground subscription altogether.
Surely I’m not the only one who thinks Tyler Z, AAGOTFIRST and whoever
else making obscene statements should probably removed from the game as
well and sent back to Yu-Gi-Oh! or whatever hell hole game they come
Or maybe I’m one of the few people in this world with a sense of morality.
If they don’t play Pokemon, idk. I can only hope for bad things – and I
don’t like willing bad things to happen to others. But some of the
comments here are just ugh.
Is this really the traffic you want coming through here? I may rethink my underground subscription altogether.
How did your Top 2 opponent run DCL? Aren’t dual types not allowed.
Dual types were allowed as long as one of the types matched your deck.
I don’t comment here often, but whether he is right or not, all I can think about is this when I read the article and comments:
“It’s not cheating if you don’t get caught.”
Now isn’t that a great philosophy for people to have while playing Pokemon? Or even in life? I know I shouldn’t take an example of something and make an overarching statement, but with the amount of people who are fine with his actions, I just need to point that out.
There are rules that must be followed. He misguided the tournament officials (by saying that he runs league) and he even acknowledges that he soiled the tournament that celebrated the hard work of actual professors. Why does he feel “guilty” and “depressed”? It’s simple: he feels regretful for doing something wrong.
I don’t understand why people are fighting. He didn’t follow the rules, and just because he wasn’t caught doesn’t mean that makes it acceptable. Furthermore, AA says himself that he did wrong and that he soiled the tournament. Now it’s up to the higher officials to find the appropriate consequence for doing something he should not have done in the beginning and keeping it in secrecy for so long.
are there any comments on this article?
LOL! I just understood the picture. Imposter Professor oak. That is brilliant :D
anyway, no comment on the matter really, i don’t care.
Nice battle reports, I always think its fun when they change the rules for events (like you can only play with one type of pokemon or no holes/rares etc.)
Moral of the story is you all got beat by someone that would have beat you anyways had he taken/passed a stupid test.
You think that because you have ‘apologized’ you have the right to not give back the trophy, nor take any punishments. That’s taking the easy way out. If you commit a crime (like you did), and say ‘oh, yeah, that was a mistake. Lets move on’ you would be dismissed as an idiot.
I’m posting this here so that people get their fair warning.
Adam has removed the article from the front page listing, as some of
you might have noticed, but I’m now going to be giving out bans,
warnings, and other infractions to members that decided playing troll on
the article was fun. Everyone involved has 24 hours to redact (edit
and/or remove) any statements they left that they feel are offensive.
(If your argument was unpopular but sound and valid, PLEASE leave it,
i’m only speaking to the hard-core trolls, you guys know who you are)
Furthermore, the article is now once again open to comments with
approval, and should the community prove itself to have gotten better, I
will remove the moderation requirement for new posts.
This is a grace period. The infractions will start at 12:01AM Friday the 5th, Pacific Time
You trolls should be ashamed, and i’ll see to it that you don’t just “get away with it”
~Zack “Yanmega Guy” Ayello
~6P mod
As promised, a list of offending users has been compiled. Those of you that goofed off will find warnings/infractions/bans waiting for you tomorrow morning.
To those of you who commented respectfully, regardless of which side of the argument you were/are on, thank you, it makes my life easier.
I’m so pissed that I didn’t think of this first.
What exactly do you mean by that?
AydanAires do you want to set things right . First pull the trophy off Ebay right now. Tell the highest bidder you are sorry but you can not sell it. Next get a hold of Cecily Cunningham and offer her the Trophy you owe her that much. As for the other 2 prizes you recived the Kindel and a Bag She earned 1 of each when she got 2nd place so as for it I would just keep it as if you give it to her then she would have to pass her prizes to 3rd and 3rd to 4th and 4th to 5th and so and so. If TPCI says you have to give it back then I would. I also would make a better appolagy to not just Cecily Cunningham but to all the players who played. Finally I would ask TPCI to ban your self for up to 5 years. Not Life this will give you some time to think about what you have done.
I am just going to write a couple of things:
1st: you do deserve a lifetime ban from this game as you just used the spirit of the game as toilet paper.
2nd: you should be ashamed of yourself. In fact you just robbed all the professors (and I am one of them, in Europe) which basically works for free all year(s) long to do what is a FREE SERVICE to all the players.
The tournament is meant for them to be a reward from the Pokemon Company. For some of them is the one and only tournament they will be playing this year. I am not very expert about situation in US, but in some of the European countries the OP is carried on just by people that do it for passion. Some judge and organize every single tournament in a country, even paying the rent for the room by themselves if the money they collect is not enough.
You should be ashamed, as you just stole the only reward they have.
I really hope you do get a significant ban, and as it looks like you won’t care in the next 4 years it should be lifetime.
And good luck with the rest of your life.
With this up, locking this comment area. Please use this new thread to post comments.