Hey everyone,
I can’t believe it’s October already! September was a total blip to me. I’m hoping this month goes a little slower… I’m not looking forward to the chilly weather the winter months bring.
Anyway, I need you to vote in the UG Writer of the Month poll! But first, let me go over some Underground related news…
1. How did you do at Battle Roads?
We’ve got a thread going on said question in the forums here. I’d love to hear how things have been going for you!
2. Schedule for October
Here’s what we’ve got planned:
10/4 (Tuesday): Alex Fields – Mew Box Analysis + Tournament Report
10/6 (Thursday): Frank Diaz – Recorded Games (Reshiphlosion vs Mew Box and ZPS vs Gothitelle) + Commentary
10/11 (Tuesday): Chris Fulop – Secret Deck
10/13 (Thursday): Josh Wittenkeller – Intricacies of the Mirror Match
10/18 (Tuesday): John Kettler – Fall Battle Roads Season Summary + Predications/Suggestions for Regionals
10/20 (Thursday): Jay Hornung – Strategy Talk, Deck Analysis (ZPS, Rogue, and 1 more)
10/25 (Tuesday): reserved (for Writer of the Month top 2)
10/27 (Thursday): reserved (for Writer of the Month top 2)
3. Late Articles
I want to publicly apologize to everyone for the late articles in September. We had a string of 3 in a row that didn’t get published on time, and I’m really sorry about that. I’m the type of person that feels terrible when I don’t stick to my word, and this is definitely one of those scenarios.
I’ve addressed the issue with the writers and everything should be straight this month. I can’t guarantee we’ll be perfect from now on, but you should expect the new articles to be published by the afternoon (EST) every Tuesday and Thursday. I’ll give you a heads up otherwise.
Writer of the Month Poll
As always, these polls are super important because the top 2 vote-getters get extra writing opportunities each month. It’s basically your way to control who you want to see write more articles, so please take your time and vote for whoever truly deserves your vote.
Your vote should take into account not only who wrote the best articles, but also who was the most helpful in the forums. It’s pretty much a combination of all factors to determine which writer overall provided the most insights and help.
Voting ends Thursday, October 6th at 11:59 PM EST.
You are allowed to pick up to 3 of the most deserving writers.
[poll id=”37″]
Make sure you click “Submit” after you check off your selections.
Thanks for voting and also if you are comfortable sharing WHY you voted for who you did, that would be very helpful for both me and the writers. You can leave your responses in the forum thread for this post.
But thanks so much for taking the time to vote, read this, and be an Underground member! Finish Battle Roads strong and start thinking about Regionals! We’ll be doing our best to help you get ready for them. :)
…and that will conclude this Unlocked Underground article.
After 45 days, we unlock each Underground (UG/★) article for public viewing. New articles are reserved for Underground members.
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