As you may (or may not) know, we held an affiliate program for Underground in its early stages, but I’ve closed it off to the public for over a year now, mainly since I had other stuff going on and I didn’t have time to devote the attention the affiliate program would need.
I’ve since gotten my act together a little better, and am happy to say the affiliate program is back up and running!
I’m going to create a little bit of a FAQ right here to explain exactly what an affiliate program is and how our program works.
1. What is an affiliate program?
An affiliate program is basically a system that allows you to promote a website or product, and earn compensation for efforts. The biggest affiliate program is probably the one run by Amazon.com, called Amazon Associates.
You can promote any product on Amazon through a special URL, customized with your unique affiliate tag, and if someone buys the product (or any product, within a certain timeframe) after clicking your link, you’ll earn a commission of somewhere between 4 to 7%.
2. How does this apply to SixPrizes?
We have one product (Underground), and I’d like to reward anyone who refers people to join UG, or more importantly the site in general.
3. How can I join the 6P affiliate program?
If you are a registered free member of the site, you’re already in. You DON’T need to be an Underground member; as long as you can login to the site and rate articles or comment in the forums, you’re good.
4. How can I get started?

As I mentioned earlier, the way an affiliate program works (at least online) is that you get special URLs, customized for you, to promote. You can access your URLs here.
You can then track your affiliate stats via a link at the top of the site (next to your name).
5. How do I get credited for a referral?
If a user clicks your link and then registers for a free account on SixPrizes, they are in the system under your name, and you will receive a commission if they at any point down the line sign up for an Underground account.
If a user clicks your link, but is already a registered member, then you will not receive any commission. Our software can only track if the user clicks your link and registers a new account.
5. How much does it pay?
It’s currently set at 20% per referral each month they are an Underground member. That equates to $2.99 a month chunk for you (minus PayPal fees).
As far as how much to expect to earn, I’ve only allowed a handful of people to be affiliates at this point, but they’re making maybe $10 a month on average with relatively minimal promotional efforts. You can’t expect to get close to that number for a while though; you’ll need to be patient. It will take a few months. Your success will also be dependent on the tactics you use to promote your links.
6. Any tips for promoting my links?
First, I’d recommend creating a simple URL that redirects to your links. This is what your link will look like out of the box:
Not the simplest URL to remember. However, if you own a domain, you could 301 redirect something like http://mysite.com/sixprizes to your affiliate link.
Or if you don’t have your own domain, then you could do something as simple as creating a customized bit.ly link. Anything to make your URL simpler is good.

Then, check out the tips on your links page for more specific ideas.
7. Where do the links go?
One link goes to the SixPrizes home page, and the other to the Underground sales page. I’d coded things so that after clicking the links, if the user is not logged in, they will be prompted to login or register.
This will help you get referrals, since after all, you only get credit if they register.
And if the user is already logged in, then they’ll go straight to the destination page. That way, if you’re promoting the home page for example, you won’t annoy anyone who’s already a member, but will hopefully capture newbies.
8. How do I get paid?
You must have a valid PayPal account, and you must enter your PayPal e-mail on this page. If you don’t, then you won’t get paid.
9. Anything else?
I had typed up some information here a while ago, though I think I just reiterated most of it. Check it out anyway though to be sure you’re completely in the loop on all of this.
If you have any questions, feel free to ask away in the comments or shoot me an e-mail.
I’m trying to be pretty laid back with all of this; if you want to help promote, go for it, and if not, that’s perfectly cool too. I really appreciate if you’re even reading this. Thanks and have a great one!
sigh… there goes another chance at money for not having a paypal account
I’ll definitely hook up my Pokemon movie site with you eventually, Adam :D
Hmm….. Much to think about, this is.
I might message you later adam. I’ve been working on a little something in my spare time.
Sure man, zap me an e-mail whenever and we can talk.