en.wikipedia.orgHello everyone, welcome to my second article on SixPrizes. In this article I am going to discuss CMT, the second most popular deck in our current format, as well share several different variations of CMT. I will also go over some of the potential techs that can go into a CMT list.
CMT (Celebi Prime/Mewtwo EX/Tornadus EPO) is a deck that swarmed our format after Next Destinies was released. It had a very successful States, taking several first place positions and dozens of top cuts. People immediately took to the deck because it is a fast, consistent deck that easily incorporates a card that has defined our current format: Mewtwo EX.
Before Mewtwo EX was released, it was one of the most hyped cards ever to enter into Pokémon TCG, rivaling the level of hype that Darkrai LV.X GE received. Unlike Darkrai LV.X, Mewtwo EX was not a massive flop. This is because Mewtwo EX is a powerful, easy to set up card that has only one truly effective counter: Mewtwo EX.
It’s for this reason that so many people have a genuine love/hate relationship with this card. It’s a very effective card that, with a bit of luck, can win you games, but it can also be the key factor as to why you lost a match. However, I am not here to bemoan the pros and cons of Mewtwo EX, I am here to discuss CMT. I’ll start with List #1:
Standard CMT List
Pokémon – 12 2 Tornadus EPO 1 Smeargle UD/CL 1 Shaymin UL |
Trainers – 35 4 Professor Oak’s New Theory
4 Dual Ball 3 Random Receiver
Energy – 13 9 G |
As we go along, I will use this list as a baseline for you to compare to the other CMT lists. In this particular CMT no large risks have been taken. Very few consistency cards have been cut to make way for any unusual or overly creative techs.
The only techs that will stick out are Tyrogue, which is utilized mainly to improve the Zekeels matchup; Shaymin UL, which is mainly used for moving Energy off of damaged attackers to fresh ones before they are returned to hand by Super Scoop Up; and Super Scoop Up, which is used to return damaged attackers to your hand and to allow you to use Shaymin UL Poké-Power more than once.
This list was built with the overall consistency in mind. With four Celebi Prime, one Smeargle, plus a strong Trainer and Supporter line, consistency is rarely an issue with this list. However, to me, it does not posses a strong feel of originality; a feel that it is your own.
Yes, that may sound incredibly tacky, but it’s the odd techs and unusual Trainer lines that make a list your own. If you’re looking for something more creative for your CMT, then the next three lists will definitely be more to your taste. On to list #2:
Terrakion Variation of CMT
Pokémon – 14 4 Celebi Prime 2 Tornadus EPO |
Trainers – 32 4 Professor Juniper
4 Dual Ball 3 Switch
Energy – 14 7 G 3 F |
Of the four lists present in this article, the Terrakion variation is my personal favorite. Why? To be blunt, CMT has always had a slight disadvantage versus Zekeels, the current BDIF. With the inclusion of Terrakion into your CMT, Zekeels actually becomes an even matchup. Plus, with the likelihood of Zoroark DEX becoming a significant part of our format, having Terrakion as part of your arsenal will give you the type advantage over Zoroark as well.
Despite what you may think, adding Terrakion to your list does not require the removal of many consistency cards. In this particular list, all that was required was an altered Energy line (which has little-to-no negative effects on the overall consistency of the list) and a thicker line of Switch. I do believe that these small alterations are more than worth the spaces they take. The question is, do you? Now, list #3:
Regigigas Variation of CMT
Pokémon – 14 4 Celebi Prime 2 Tornadus EPO |
Trainers – 33 4 Professor Juniper 2 Seeker
4 Junk Arm
Energy – 13 9 G |
pokemon-paradijs.comSince there has been CMT, there has been this argument, “Is Regigigas-EX worth playing in CMT?” Like any card, it has both good and bad traits, but the choice to run Regigigas-EX is down to you and you alone. This list was made to incorporate Regigigas-EX, and as such there are several unusual Trainer lines in this CMT.
To start with, there is a relatively thick line of Switch. This is because Regigigas-EX has a massive Retreat Cost of four, so having a high number of Switch is nothing short of a necessity. Switch is also effectively used in combination with Seeker and Shaymin UL. Here is a theoretical situation:
You are playing against Zekeels, and you have a fully charged Regigigas-EX in the Active Spot with an Eviolite attached and 100 damage on it from your opponent’s Zekrom, which hit you with a Bolt Strike during the previous turn. You play Switch, sending up a fresh attacker (Tornadus, another Regigigas-EX, etc.) with no energy attached to it.
Next, you drop down Shaymin UL and move the energy from the damaged Regigigas-EX to your new active. Then, for the grand finale, you play Seeker, bringing you damaged Regigigas-EX back into hand, and then attack with your new, fully charged active Pokémon.
pokemon-paradijs.comIn a deck running Regigigas-EX, I consider Seeker to be superior to Super Scoop Up; this is because with Seeker, you are not basing your entire game on the luck (or lack thereof) of a coin flip. Mind you, playing Seeker with Regigigas-EX does involve altering your list. Some of these alterations include adding a second Smeargle (improving your odds of not starting with Regigigas-EX, as well as making it so that Seeker isn’t the only Supporter you play for the turn), and – as I mentioned before – a thicker line of Switch.
Another card included in this list that isn’t found in most CMT lists is Eviolite. Eviolite is added primarily to block the 20 damage that Regigigas-EX would otherwise do itself via its Giga Power attack. This doesn’t mean that Eviolite is a card made only to benefit Regigigas-EX. Versus mono-Fighting decks such as Quad Terrakion, if you attach an Eviolite to your Tornadus (EPO or EX) all damage done to them, taking Tornadus’ Fighting resistance into account, is reduced by 40 damage.
This gives you a massive advantage over your opponent, improving an already-positive matchup against mono-Fighting decks. Here is list #4:
Teched Out Variation of CMT
Pokémon – 16 3 Mewtwo-EX NXD 1 Tornadus EX 1 Terrakion NVI 1 Shaymin EX |
Trainers – 30 4 Professor Juniper
3 Pokémon Catcher
Energy – 14 8 G 2 F |
BulbapediaYes, this list is a bit on the nutty side, but there is a method behind the madness. I’ll start with Heatmor. Let’s face it, when you play CMT and your opponent flips over a Durant, you want to cry inside because you realize that you’re in for a harsh match. Heatmor is a card that makes playing Durant much more bearable, and much less complicated. Please don’t misunderstand me, I am not saying that Heatmor gives CMT (or any other deck, for the matter) an auto-win versus Durant, it simply improves your Durant matchup.
In list #2, there was an explanation as to why Terrakion is a such a positive addition to CMT. The difference with this list is there is only one Terrakion instead of two, and there is one less F Energy. With only two F Energy in deck, you’re not overly likely to draw into them exactly when you need them.
This is where Energy Search comes into play. Instead of hoping and praying that you’ll draw into your small number of F Energy when you need them, Energy Search allows you to search your deck for any one Basic Energy (A.K.A. your F Energy).
The last unusual addition to this eclectic list is Shaymin EX. While this card is considered a staple in many CMT lists, I am not sure that it should be considered a staple to every CMT; but I will get more in depth with Shaymin EX later on. The reasoning behind Shaymin EX’s addition is relatively simple. This list runs multiple techs, and when you run a list with multiple techs, things sometimes just go haywire.
Starting with Heatmor or Terrakion, those horrifying moments when your hand is full of Energy and then you draw into an Energy Search or Energy Retrieval. These things sometimes happen. That’s were Shaymin EX comes in. It is for those games when you need to make a comeback, or when you need a late game sweeper.
CMT: The Tech Garage
In the second part of this article, I will go over multiple interesting techs that could be worthwhile additions to your CMT lists. Some have potential, some are not as successful as you would like, and some are stuck in the murky waters of opinion. I’ll start with the Supporter techs.
pokemon-paradijs.comJudge is a card that fell off the radar after the fall of Yanmega variants, and struggled to be found in many other lists since. However, with the release of Zoroark DEX, Judge has once again returned to annoy us all. In CMT, there has been some mild debate as to whether or not running multiple copies of N was a wise decision. As CMT is generally a fast deck, N could be more of a hindrance than a help in some situations, especially toward the end of the game.
Judge has the potential to be a solid idea when added with N. N should never be completely removed from any deck, but a 2/2 split of Judge and N could be a sound addition to your CMT list.
If I’m being totally honest, playing this card is not a sound decision. Copycat is based purely your opponent’s hand size, which varies every single turn and is extremely situational. When I first heard of playing this card, the person who suggested it gave this theoretical situation:
You’re in the middle of a Mewtwo war and your opponent just got a KO on your Mewtwo EX. The idea is, instead of playing N and reducing your opponents hand size to near nil, you play Copycat and take advantage of all the extra cards your opponent just got from the Prizes your opponent just took. This may sound wrong to some, but I would rather hinder my opponent than help myself. What say you? Do you agree or disagree?
We are currently experiencing a format in which Special Energy cards such as Prism Energy, Special D Energy, and Double Colorless Energy are played as frequently as Junk Arm. It seems that the minds behind Pokémon TCG realize this as well, as Lost Remover has essentially been reprinted in the form of Enhanced Hammer.
The ability to remove a Special Energy from your opponent’s field can give you a strong advantage against your opponent, especially in the CMT mirror. Despite the advantage that it can give you (the key word in that sentence being “can”), Lost Remover is a card that you should generally only run one copy of.
pokemon-paradijs.comRevive, also known as the poor man’s third Mewtwo EX. CMT gains a major benefit from Revive, as it means all of your Pokémon lines get a +1. In fact, Revive is good enough that running a 2/2 split of Revive and Energy Retrieval could replace Super Rod in CMT; you can get away with this because CMT only runs Basic Pokémon.
Of all the techs and options that have and will be mentioned, I personally consider Revive to be one of the strongest options.
Energy Exchanger is a card that has been considered an option in many decks since the day it was released in Undaunted, a trend that has continued into CMT. Before I continue, I’ll explain what Energy Exchanger does. It allows you to trade one Energy card in your hand for any other Energy card in your deck.
Why is this relevant? Because it allows you to your deck for any Energy; this means you can search your deck for a DCE. In certain situations, trading a G Energy for a DCE or even a F Energy could be the difference between winning or losing a match.
The problem is, there are times when you don’t need to swap your Energy, and there are situations when you don’t have any Energy in hand to swap. It’s for these reasons that if you should play Energy Exchanger, you should only play one copy of it, as two is rarely necessary.
Shaymin EX
I know that Shaymin EX was briefly discussed in list #4 (Teched Out), but I felt that it needed a more in-depth look into. Before, I mentioned that Shaymin EX is a staple in many CMT lists, but that I wasn’t certain it should be a staple.
At 110 HP, Shaymin EX is easily KO’d by some of the most popular Pokémon in our current format (Zekrom BLW, Zekrom-EX, Tornadus EX and a PlusPower, Terrakion and a Black Belt, etc.), which is not a good trait on a Pokémon-EX.
Even though Shaymin EX can be easily KO’d, its strength as a late-game sweeper is currently unmatched, and when combined with N, can be absolutely devastating to your opponent. Not to mention that Shaymin EX has both Resistance and a type advantage over Terrakion, giving you a massive advantage over Mono Fighting decks.
Cleffa HS/CL
Cleffa is a solid idea in deck such as Zekeels, Reshiphlosion, and Vileplume UD variants. Cleffa is not, however, the best card for CMT because the goal of CMT is to be attacking and dishing out damage by turn 1, a goal that can’t be successfully achieved when you use Cleffa’s Eeeeek (which ends your turn). There is a much better option that fits the synergy and idea of CMT like a glove: Smeargle.
If you’re looking for a second opinion on deciding between Cleffa and Smeargle, I would suggest that Smeargle is the better of the two options by leaps and bounds. In the end, Cleffa really doesn’t have a place in CMT.
Tyrogue HS/CL
Ah, Tyrogue. Despite the fact I’ve been donked by this little – enter expletive of choice here – on multiple occasions, I still really like this card. Tyrogue is used primarily to KO Cleffa, other Tyrogue, and Tynamo. Surprisingly, the addition of Tyrogue actually improves the Zekeel matchup. This is because Tyrogue can KO Tynamo with no Energy cost (and for those of you thinking of the 40 HP Tynamo, all it takes is one PlusPower).
The problem is, with only 30 HP, Tyrogue can be KO’d by a Mewtwo EX with only a DCE, other Tyrogues (gee, a card that is countered by itself… sounds awfully familiar, doesn’t it?), and, with enough PlusPowers, every other card in the format. Despite how easily it is KO’d, Tyrogue is still a valuable addition to CMT.
CMT Questions and Answers
Super Scoop Up or Seeker?
1.You may be wondering, Seeker or Super Scoop Up, which is the better option for my CMT? Well, there are pros and cons to both, and I will go over them here.
pokemon-paradijs.comOf the two choices, Super Scoop Up is the more splashable of the two. That is, putting it into your list does not involve making any alterations to your list. However, it does have a major problem: it is based purely on the luck of a coin flip. Whether or not that’s a risk you’re willing to take is up to you; I’ll leave it at that.
When it comes to how many you should run, the best number in CMT is two. While you can get away with running only one copy, two is a better number because you can draw into them more consistently.
If Seeker is your choice, remember that when you play it, it will be your Supporter for turn. In short, if you play Seeker, you should run it in addition to two Smeargle and two or three Switch to utilize it effectively. When it comes to how many you should run, Seeker is a card that you can run only one of (with better success than Super Scoop Up), but running two Seeker improves your odds of drawing into it.
Another factor of Seeker is that it can help or hinder your opponent; so there is a level of risk in playing Seeker as well. This is because it allows your opponent to return a Pokémon to their hand as well. That Pokémon could be a damaged Pokémon-EX that would have gained you 2 Prizes (the help your opponent part), or return a Pokémon with a bunch of Energy attached to their hand so that they’re forced to reattach all those Energy (the hinder your opponent part).
Seeker and Super Scoop Up Split
While running three Super Scoop Up is, in my opinion, overkill in CMT, running two Super Scoop Up and one Seeker is a healthy mix of the two cards. It gives you the option of going for the flip and/or using the Seeker to guarantee one of your Pokémon returns to your hand.
F Energy or Prism Energy?
2.pokemon-paradijs.comRight, so you made the choice to run Terrakion, and now you have another choice to make: Should I use Prism or F Energy? If you choose to run only one Terrakion, then it would be best to run F Energy. This is because you only run a low number of the Energy for Terrakion, and once Prism Energy is in the discard, it’s gone for the rest of the game.
F Energy, however, can by retrieved from the discard pile via Energy Retrieval and/or Super Rod, making it the better choice when you run a lower amount of the Energy.
Now, if you choose to run two Terrakion and a larger number of energy, then Prism Energy has potential to be the more useful of the two, as Prism Energy gives you a new assortment of attack options. With Prism Energy, you can attack with Mewtwo EX’s Psydrive, which is not only an unexpected play, but a very effective one in the right situation.
It also gives you a new selection of attackers. One example of an interesting addition is Victini NVI 15. Why would this be worth adding to your CMT list? Well, the ability to smash out 100 damage for only two Energy is more than a powerful addition to your arsenal. V-Create Victini can 1HKO a Zoroark and, with a PlusPower, Tornadus and Thundurus EPO. The only issue is Victini’s abysmal 70 HP. This essentially makes the little fireball a free prize to your opponent, but after he takes a prize for you.
In the previous Question/Answer whatsit, I discussed how the two options could be split in the same deck. This is not the case this time; you must choose that which you prefer: F Energy or Prism Energy.
Celebi Prime?
3. Three or Fourfreefoto.comI’ll keep this short and to the point. If you choose to run only three Celebi Prime, then you should run two Smeargle so that you have higher odds of starting with a Pokémon that won’t make you cringe (Mewtwo EX, I’m looking at you). If you choose to run four Celebi Prime, then you can get away with running only one Smeargle; though I would still recommend running two copies of Smeargle.
Lastly, for those of you running three Mewtwo EX or a heavy retreater like Regigigas-EX, I would recommend running two Smeargle and four Celebi Prime, as starting with a Mewtwo EX or Regigigas-EX could cost you the game before you even flip your cards over. There, I told you it’d be short.
Dual Ball or Pokémon Collector?
4.Of all the choices you will have to make, perhaps the most easily overlooked is deciding to run Dual Ball or Pokémon Collector. More often than not, people choose to run Dual Ball because, well, that’s what everyone else is doing, right? Yeah, not quite how you should go about it. There are pros and cons to both, and I will lay them out for you here.
pokemon-paradijs.comBy far the most popular choice for CMT, Dual Ball fits into the synergy of CMT like a glove. It allows you to hopefully (as it is based on a coin flip) search your deck for one or two Pokémon, depending upon the luck of your coin flips, without using your Supporter for turn. I only have two qualms with Dual Ball.
- It is a card based on coin flips, and I have seen more than a few people flip double tails, often costing them the game.
- There are situations (albeit they are very specific and not altogether common) when you do need three Pokémon at once or when you need two Pokémon exactly (which would require a double heads with Dual Ball).
Past those foibles, Dual Ball is a solid choice for CMT.
Of the two choices, Pokémon Collector is the less preferred of the two, but that doesn’t mean it should be overlooked. To run Pokémon Collector involves making alterations to your CMT list. There should always be two Smeargle in a list that runs Collector, as Smeargle allows you to use a Supporter in your opponent’s hand (provided there is one); thus allowing you to play two Supporters in one turn.
Tyrogue also becomes a staple, on the grounds that he is able to attack without having an Energy cost; and with Pokémon Collector in the list, it isn’t uncommon for you to not have the Energy required to attack with Pokémon such as Tornadus EP.
pokemon-paradijs.comWith all of these rather unappealing requirements, why would you even want to run Pokémon Collector? It could be you just don’t like the risk involved in playing Dual Ball, or you may prefer being able to search for three Pokémon at once.
To me, playing Collector and then putting a Smeargle in the Active Spot is something you would do with Dual Ball, so why not have the benefit of having two extra Pokémon on the bench or in hand to go with it? In the end, it really just burns down to personal preference.
Pokémon Collector and Dual Ball Split
A split line of Dual Ball and Pokémon Collector is not a new or foreign concept in CMT. It is actually one of the most effective splits in found currently in our format at the moment, but how would you do the split? Well, while you can get away with a 1/3 split of Pokémon Collector and Dual Ball, a 2/3 split is a much more effective way to run the split.
Well, you have reached the end of my CMT look-into. I hope that it has given you valuable insight to the workings and options of CMT. It was a challenge to complete, but I’m happy with how it has turned out. Now the question is, what do you think?
Until next time,
Good article. I’m going to build a CMT deck in the coming weeks. Hopefully I do well with it at Battle Roads. Thanks for the insight.
Eli Norris
You never really want to split Collector/Dual Ball in any deck. Dual Ball greatly outclasses Collector in CMT anyway, as you honestly only need like 2-3 Pokemon in play at the beginning of the game, plus you start with one anyway and are likely to draw another one or two with your draw supporter/starting hand or even multiple Dual Balls.
Mark Hanson
General comments:
I think you really need a 3rd switch in your lists that don’t run switch. I see that you’re running 3 Skyarrow for Tornadus EX and Smeargle, but many of your lists only have 1 Tornadus EX so it won’t really be able to take advantage of the 3rd Skyarrow. A lot of people feel like Tornadus EX is going to be a dead card against Zeels, but that’s only true in the mid-late game. Tornadus is a monster that can hit for 100 on T1, and continue to do so from there-on. Zeels may be able to 1HKO it mid-game, but if you’ve devestated their start, giving up Tornadus for 2 prize cards will be more than worth it. And of course, Blow Through for 30-60 is great for the cheap Tynamo prizes. I would probably only use a Super Rod and not Energy Retrieval either… for the sake of that extra consistency card.
Other than that, I like your lists as a whole, but would probably only play a pure CMT :P I wouldn’t include Tyrogue though. Not anymore. Tyrogue does nothing that the other attackers in your deck can’t already do better.
I’d add Copycat is a considered tech for more pure builds with low counts of Pokemon (4 Celebi, 3 Mewtwo, nothing else). The idea being you can mulligan your opponent into a large hand and Copycat them giving you a large hand, which should be more advantageous for you since you’re the deck that can donk on T1. And then the deck also runs N to negate the problems when you didn’t get Copycat.
Still, great article :) Really covered the deck well and provided some insight for anyone considering CMT.
Orrin Wilson
Great job! I liked all of the lists. +1
Guy at league used a Regigigas in CMT. Worked like a charm.
oh, i thought this was going to be like an alternate to CMT… like Cofragrigus DEX, Meganium and Tornadus- EX
good article for CMT buffs
Christopher Henson
I thought your article was very insightful, I’m a newb to Pokemon and uber-newb to Sixprizes and I love the articles, especially those geared towards us free members. I’ve recently started to try to play competitively in addition to playing for fun in league and with my family. I learned a lot from playing in States (LB, CA) and this article was very insightful fom me as I am not familiar with the older cards (like Celebi, Tyrogue, etc.). I currently have 2 Mewtwo ex’s and several of the others as well and so now I’d like to run CMT as I tried my own variant of Regiphlosion (Regigigas and Typhlosion Prime) at states and didn’t do so well. Again some exposure to the older cards and energy accelleration used in CMT and Zekeels has helped me learn alot about deck building in todays format. Thanks again for your great article.
P.S. I’m still not sure as to why all the hate towards pokemon collector. I recently became aware of dual ball and always though of it as a good augment to collectors, not a replacement. Again though maybe not the place to discuss strategies I don’t want to get out of line.
Really? They’re regurgitating info from other sites and making you pay $3 for the full article. This site should switch to free and ad-based so we can actually see the articles. The previews are just summaries of what we already know, and it’s not even great advice. No pluspowers in a CMT deck? Really?
theo Seeds
Adam makes more money off of Underground, and that’s what matters.
It helps a lot because Underground is written by really good players, no offense to free 6p writers.
Mark Hanson
The UG isn’t just regurgitating info and making you pay $3 for the full article. The UG articles are approx. 10 page discussions (if you copied and pasted it onto MS Word) of intimate details on the topic, written by accomplished players in the TCG. The preview usually goes up until a decklist is about to be given out, or some lesser known topic is about to be discussed.
And yeah, this article isn’t providing the greatest lists, but it’s a free article written by someone who just wanted to share their experience.
That’s the difference between UG and free articles.
Christopher Henson
sorry double post
This deck’s going to die when Celebi rotates out of the format… Or am I wrong?
theo Seeds
When will Celebi rotate?
Do we even know?
Will it be September 1st, 2012?
Will it be September 1st, 2013?
Will it be July 1st, 2013?
Will it possibly be July 1st, 2012?
Can you answer this question now?
Gaetano Alberto Malta
Really Great Article! :D Thank you!
Though I think at least 2 Tornadus EX is worth of being played in each list…
Joshua Myles Lim
Zeels is still running rampant, wait til’ that stops then play 2 or even 3
Eli Norris
Actually, Tornadus EX hitting early enough does hurt Zekeels a lot. It one shots Thundurus with PlusPower, kills Tynamos quick with a simple DCE, and also kills Eelektriks pretty easily. Mid game then yeah, Tornadus EX is pretty much useless, but if you can get them really early on then you are in good shape.
Gaetano Alberto Malta
Yeah I’d include 2-3 Tornadus EX as aggressive starters…in a Zeels match-up they’d work just at early game. If I can’t start Tornadus EX…well I doubt I’ll bench it when Eels are set up…probably gonna be junipered XD
theo Seeds
Great article, and it helped me out with understanding CMT better, as I haven’t actually tried to build it with real cards yet, just to test against it.
Pooka Pookerson
Good article!
I have a few nitpicky points – I think Tyrogue and Energy Retrieval are superfluous in the first list, and the list fills out better with a 3rd or even 4th Tornadus EPO and a second Smeargle. Obviously a lot of this is personal taste, but when you run only two Tornadus EPO, any game where they are both prized is a lot harder to plan for.
I tested CMT exhaustively, and Shaymin EX is a very risky play. Starting Shaymin EX basically guarantees you the game loss, and it doesn’t make up for that risk in late-game wins, in my experience.