SixPrizes! It’s great to be back for another article. I hope everyone had a happy Halloween and (if you are of age) went out and voted this Tuesday on Election Day. What do these topics have to do with Pokémon? Well I have a special, much more spooky edition of a top 10 deck choices ready for you today, along with a Phantom Forces election ballot for us to fill out!
Table of Contents
Election Ballot

With the official release of Phantom Forces yesterday, there are over 120 new cards (including other rarities) to consider when building new decks. In the spirit of Election Day this past Tuesday, I have a ballot for us to decide who the real standout candidates are in their respective areas. Let’s get to the booth and close that curtain!
When looking at the Mayor, we are looking for a candidate we can trust. The Mayor has to be a card that has proven itself in the past and has shown it can handle the responsibilities of being a true factor in decks.
Candidate 1: Enhanced Hammer
In the years of play this card has seen in recent years, he has shown a firm position on his Special Energy policy. He vowed to clean the streets of all Special Energy and fulfilled that promise to the players. In his absence from office, the Double Colorless, Rainbow, and Plasma Energy of the past, along with the new Strength and Herbal Energies have began to flood the streets with no end in sight—until now. If elected, Enhanced Hammer will bring the streets back to the clean, basic Energy formats of the past.
Candidate 2: VS Seeker
A true war hero from the past, VS Seeker looks to protect and serve the community once again. Back in the glory days of 2005, VS Seeker selflessly went to the discard to recover players’ Supporters in an effort to achieve victory. Now in 2014, he is here again to deliver when consistency and Supporters are at peak importance. With Professor Juniper, Colress, N, and especially Lysandre as the main focus of his campaign, it seems as if VS Seeker is the perfect candidate for Mayor.
My Vote
I have thought in depth about this position, and I truly believe both candidates will make a direct impact on the format. Enhanced Hammer would take office and rule with fear, as any deck that relies on Special Energy cards has to rethink its spot in the metagame. The issue here is the Enhanced Hammer can leave office and just the thought of Enhanced Hammer being in the format will continue to scare off Special Energy decks. VS Seeker, on the other hand, should instantly become a staple in most decks and never leave. The recovery of the game-winning Lysandre or the drought-ending Professor Juniper grab will be stories told at every event for years to come. For this reason, my vote for Mayor goes to VS Seeker.
Cast Your Vote Here: Enhanced Hammer or VS Seeker?
The vote for the Senate may be one of the most important this format has seen. The candidates for this position need to show the players that they won’t just follow party lines. New and inventive ideas are necessary to achieving the change necessary to see a shift in the format. Here are the Phantom Forces candidates:
Candidate 1: Dimension Valley
A true wild-card candidate has come onto the scene with this card. Dimension Valley stands firm on the position of the immediately termination of Virbank City Gyms. These Gyms are toxic to the communities they reside in, and with the absence of the Skyarrow Bridge constructions and visits to Tropical Beaches, a powerful Stadium presence was necessary. Gengar-EX, M Gengar-EX, and Mew-EX are three of the largest beneficiaries, and the addition of these cards to the format with simple attack costs could lead to instant change in the top tier decks.
Candidate 2: Battle Compressor
A man on a mission to rid the decks of this format of any excess resources. Battle Compressor’s main campaigning position was addition by subtraction, and the popularity of this mentality is spreading. Energy, Pokémon, and the occasional useless resources are volunteering with haste to go to the discard pile for the greater good of their deck’s strategy. Manectric-EX, Yveltal-EX, Bronzong PHF, and among the first to benefit from this idea, and with the success so far, it seems like Battle Compressor may be the best man for the job.
My Vote
The Senate race has two well-qualified Trainers for the job, but only one can take the seat. Dimension Valley is going to see immediate play in some very creative decks, giving some cards a chance in this format that wouldn’t be possible without it. Battle Compressor is one of the most interesting cards I have seen in a while. A strict discard with no additional benefit seems awful in theory until you think of all the decks that would love Pokémon or Energy in the discard early. Thinning a deck of useless cards is as simple as using this Item. When a tech is completely useless in a certain matchup you can just discard it completely and focus on your strategy without drawing those cards. The synergy between Battle Compressor and VS Seeker will also lead to exciting plays where the player can Battle Compressor a Supporter they want to use and then immediately VS Seeker it to their hand for play. Both Trainers will impact the format, but the most deserving of this prestigious position in my opinion is going to be Battle Compressor.
Cast Your Vote Here: Dimension Valley or Battle Compressor?
Presidential Ticket
The Presidential race has finally come down to two pairs of candidates. The Presidential and Vice Presidential offices are demanding positions that may require a full takeover of the format once introduced. Qualities of a strong leader and commander for this format include being strategic, efficient, versatile and powerful. Without further ado, the candidates:
Candidate 1: M Gengar-EX/Gengar-EX
This combination of Pokémon have caught the attention from players everywhere. Hailing from the Dimension Valley, this ghastly duo takes a one-two punch approach to any problem. Gengar-EX’s Dark Corridor is a strong attack, poisoning the opponent along with keep Gengar safe from any danger. M Gengar-EX really allows for some tricks, as he may use any attack on your opponent’s field. These two are the embodiment of classic politicians throwing the first punch and hiding, and then using their opponent’s personal information against them. Is the Pokémon community ready for their first Ghost-type President/Vice President?
Candidate 2: M Manectric-EX/Manectric-EX
Speed and power is what you get with M Manectric-EX and Manectric-EX. These candidates keep their foot on the pedal the whole match with the intention of overwhelming any opponent. With the newest addition of tool cards that a player can attach to their opponent’s Pokémon, Manectric-EX can really stack up the damage quick. Any issues with mid-game consistency and keeping multiple attackers can be resolved with M Manectric-EX’s Turbo Bolt adding Energy to the field. These Pokémon come highly endorsed by Battle Compressor, as they complement each other’s positions greatly.
My Vote
The community needs a President and Vice President that can land a prominent role in the format without question. Both candidates are strong and worthy of being considered for the positions at stake, however only one duo really stands out in my opinion. M Gengar-EX/Gengar-EX are impressive with Dimension Valley’s assistance and some help from the opponent’s field to give a variety of attackers. The problem is that your opponent has a lot of control in your success with counter Stadiums and selective benching/evolving. M Manectric-EX needs no assistance besides a Manectric Spirit Link Tool to really start pressuring opponents. Being fragile is not a leadership quality for a Presidential candidate, and for that reason I choose M Manectric-EX/Manectric-EX.
Cast Your Vote Here: M Gengar-EX/Gengar-EX or M Manectric-EX/Manectric-EX?
I hope you enjoyed this section of the article, and be sure to vote for your favorite candidates using the links provided!
The Top 10 Decks for Cities

10. Yveltal
After the strong performances Yveltal has seen at Autumn Regionals, it’s odd to see this deck sitting at number 10 on the list. With the release of Manectric-EX this deck should see a steady decline, but it should not be counted out. As we have seen over the past couple years, these Dark decks have often been doubted as contenders, but continue to perform well.
Pokémon – 14 3 Yveltal-EX |
Trainers – 35 4 Professor Juniper
Energy – 11 7 D |
This list is very similar to the one that my brother Ryan and I piloted to 9-0 and 6-2-1 finishes at Philadelphia Regionals on day 1, with the exception of a few cards. With the release of Phantom Forces, VS Seeker will provide the deck with a boost in consistency. One change that I feel is necessary from our previous list was the addition of Keldeo-EX over any switch cards. With the strength of Seismitoad-EX right now with all of the new Item cards, Keldeo-EX seems to be a strict upgrade. Multiple Seismitoad-EX in this build also gives this deck a fighting chance against Manectric, as an early Item lock can shut down Manectric Spirit Link.
9. Flareon
After the earlier hype from when Dylan Bryan revealed this deck at the 2013 Pokémon World Championships with a strong top 16 performance, it has declined dramatically in popularity. With the new release of the Items like Battle Compressor and VS Seeker, along with an ability to type match for Weakness, Flareon can definitely expect to see some play at City Championships.
Pokémon – 19 4 Eevee PLF 90 |
Trainers – 32 4 Professor Juniper
3 VS Seeker
Energy – 9 5 F |
In my opinion, Battle Compressor is one of the most powerful cards in this set. In the past, Flareon decks have had an issue with placing a necessary amount of Pokémon in their discard pile in a timely manor. With the addition of Battle Compressor, the discard pile will overflow with Pokémon in the early turns of the game. This deck also can take advantage of the unusual draw engine of VS Seeker and Battle Compressor that I mentioned earlier, where the Battle Compressor can discard a Supporter you want to play and the VS Seeker will get it from the discard pile for you.
This list has a focus on Fighting-type Pokémon due to the likely popularity of Manectric-EX and M Manectric-EX. Landorus-EX along with a Terrakion LTR should help in handling what would normally be a bad matchup. Training Center also helps, as Flareon can survive a Manectric-EX or M Manectric-EX attack. The Training Center also comes in huge for other matchups like Seismitoad decks, where a counter Stadium is necessary to limit Hypnotoxic Laser damage.
8. Pyroar
This is not just an Expanded format play, although that is the best home for this deck. I believe that in some select metagames Pyroar could see action with success. If your area has low counts of Seismitoad and Donphan, don’t count out the king of the jungle.
Pokémon – 12 |
Trainers – 37 4 Professor Juniper
3 VS Seeker
Energy – 11 7 R |
Avoiding the glaring weakness to Seismitoad and Donphan mentioned earlier, this deck can handle some of the best decks in the format: Virizion/Genesect, Metal Bronzong decks, and it has a favorable matchup against Fighting decks too. The deck is simple, consistent, and can get the job done in a limited metagame, so don’t be surprised if an opponent flips over a Litleo!
7. Fighting

This is one of the decks I am most excited about with the addition of the Phantom Forces cards. Korrina is a highly versatile Supporter that can take full advantage of these new Items at the exact moment you need them. Let’s jump straight into the list:
Pokémon – 12 3 Hawlucha FFI |
Trainers – 38 4 Professor Juniper 2 Colress
4 Muscle Band
Energy – 10 6 F 4 Strong |
This list is built to be consistent and keep the user in any matchup they may face. With the new Head Ringer Item easily available from Korrina, Seismitoad matchups could have a simple solution in giving them a 3-Energy attack cost to set in the Item lock. Enhanced Hammer is another addition to this deck that, when well timed, can buy the Fighting deck that extra turn it needs to take over a game. The turns that this deck takes are usually easily foreseeable and simple, but the strength of the Pokémon along with these Items should continue to result in victory when City Championships begin.
6. Virizion/Genesect
This has been one of more dominant decks ever since its release, and the overwhelming strength of Virizion/Genesect at the 2014 Pokémon World Championships gave this deck new life. Virizion/Genesect has continued to take tournaments this year in both Standard and Expanded formats.
Pokémon – 11 4 Virizion-EX |
Trainers – 35 4 Professor Juniper 2 Colress
4 Ultra Ball |
Energy – 14 10 G 4 Plasma |
The biggest fear for this deck is Head Ringer. Missing the turn 2 Emerald Slash can be devastating, so with the addition of Phantom Forces I believe that the best way to play Virizion/Genesect is with a high Tool count to avoid a Head Ringer ever finding the Virizion. If it manages to rear its ugly head onto the board, this list plays 4 Skyla to go search out a Tool Retriever. High counts of Energy Switch and switching cards allow for this deck to switch attackers at ease, so if a Head Ringer is stuck on your Pokémon, send it to the Bench and use a different Virizion or Genesect.
Other than the emphasis on maintaining a turn 2 Emerald Slash, this list is pretty standard. Deoxys-EX should continue to see play to reach the perfect math for a knockout on Donphan. Another one of my new favorite plays that Deoxys-EX allows is the 210 damage G Booster on a M Manectric-EX.
5. Metal
A new deck with an old concept, Metal has received a lot of hype as the rebirth of the Eelektrik deck of the past. Steel has found plenty of great support with the release of Phantom Forces, with Bronzong as an engine to power up attackers like Dialga-EX and Aegislash-EX. If this deck avoids Fire Pokémon, I like its chances against many popular decks in the format.
Pokémon – 17 3 Dialga-EX PHF |
Trainers – 32 4 Professor Juniper
3 Battle Compressor
Energy – 11 8 M |
This deck’s versatility is the key to its success. Aegislash-EX’s Mighty Shield Ability prevents all damage done from Pokémon with Special Energy attached, countering Donphan, Seismitoad, Plasma, and all the other decks that take advantage of the great Special Energy available in this format. Dialga-EX can be a nuisance with his Chrono Wind attack not allowing the Defending Pokémon-EX to attack next turn, and the 150-damage Full Metal Impact is nothing to scoff at. Cobalion-EX is also a very simple fix to any early Seismitoad-EX with Double Colorless Energy attached. None of these Pokémon could ever dream of being charged up in time to attack without Battle Compressor discarding Metal Energy early and often for Bronzong. Overall, I see this deck being successful in certain pockets of the country, truly just depending on the amount of Fire and Virizion/Genesect in those areas.
4. Donphan

Donphan has become an established deck after Dylan Bryan’s day 1 performance at Philadelphia Regionals and it has continued to see successful results in the following weeks. The addition of Enhanced Hammer and Aegislash to this format will be an issue for Donphan, but this deck also found some new additions to continue in its victorious ways.
Pokémon – 15 4 Phanpy PLS |
Trainers – 33 4 Professor Juniper 2 Colress
2 Silver Bangle
Energy – 12 6 F |
Wobbuffet PHF and Robo Substitute add to layers to this deck that will impact matchups immediately. Wobbuffet can shut off Abilities like Red Signal, which was a disaster to Donphan decks of the past. Wobbuffet can also shut off other popular Abilities like Darkrai-EX’s Dark Cloak, Jirachi-EX’s Stellar Guidance, and Bronzong’s Metal Links. Robo Substitute can buy extra turns for Donphan’s damage to add up on your opponent’s side of the field. Expect to continue seeing Donphan as a top-tier deck during City Championships, and don’t be surprised to see techs like a Head Ringer from some variants.
3. Gengar
Gengar is basically the new Donphan deck with a twist. Gengar’s Dark Corridor attack providing the Poison damage allows for the deck to add another dimension that Donphan can’t match. Other additions from the Phantom Forces set like Wobbuffet, Dimension Valley, and Mystery Energy all play into the synergy of this deck, making Gengar number 3 on the list.
Pokémon – 13 4 Gengar-EX |
Trainers – 35 4 Professor Juniper
3 VS Seeker
Energy – 12 5 P |
With the help of Dragalge and Virbank City Gym, Gengar takes the effect of hiding behind a Robo Substitute, Sigilyph, or Wobbuffet to another level. A Pokémon like a Manectric-EX, for example, would take 80 damage from a Gengar with a Muscle Band, and then 30 from Poison and be unable to retreat, and on top of all that have to stare down a Sigilyph that it cannot damage. The strategy isn’t too difficult to set up and can provide a real headache for opponents. So long as Yveltal isn’t a prominent deck in the area, Gengar should be very successful in the upcoming City Championships.
2. M Manectric-EX/Black Kyurem-EX PLS
Manectric-EX and M Manectric-EX are likely some of the most hyped cards from the new set. The question on everyone’s mind has been, “Who do I pair them with?” In my testing, I believe one of the best options is Black Kyurem-EX PLS. This card has been waiting for an opportunity to Black Ballista ever since Blastoise lost Tropical Beach, and M Manectric-EX has risen to the task.
Pokémon – 12 4 Manectric-EX |
Trainers – 34 4 Professor Juniper
4 Ultra Ball 3 Battle Compressor |
Energy – 14 |
Another simple concept with speed and unbelievable damage output makes Manectric number 2 on the list. A quick Manectric Spirit Link and Battle Compressor can lead to Manetric/Black Kyurem mimicking the turn 2 Emerald Slash of Virizion/Genesect decks, but with much more damage. Head Ringer can be an issue for Manectric, so it is important to max out Manectric Spirit Link and leave no place for that evil Tool. With 4 Skyla, this deck and also mimic the versatility of Virizion/Genesect’s Item lines, such as the 1 Energy Switch to surprise Black Ballista. I am also a huge fan of a non-EX attacker for this deck, so I went with Kyurem PLF. The spread option and 120 damage can certainly change a game, and with a 7-Prize game, your opponent will have to deal with this Kyurem and gain next to nothing on the exchange. Of all the new Pokémon released, I believe this Manectric variant will see the most success during the early stages of City Championships.
1. Seismitoad

Seismitoad takes the number 1 spot on my top 10 list today. Just as Dialga G deafened its opponents to victory years ago, I believe Seismitoad will begin to assert its dominance. In a format flooded with new Items from Phantom Forces, the answer to solving this issue is usually the simplest: don’t let those Items be played. Quaking Punch along with these helpful new Items on your side is a force to be reckoned with. Let’s get into the list:
Pokémon – 9 4 Seismitoad-EX |
Trainers – 42 4 Professor Juniper
4 Crushing Hammer 3 Head Ringer 3 Ultra Ball 1 Life Dew
Energy – 9 5 W |
This list is built to consistently T1 or T2 Quaking Punch while using Items that disrupt your opponent’s setup. With the addition of Head Ringer, Seismitoad now has the ability to lock this Tool in place on your opponent’s field, leaving their Pokémon at a massive disadvantage. When your opponent moves onto a different Pokémon to power up to take down the toad, this list has 4 Crushing Hammer and 2 Enhanced Hammer to once again slow them down. With Quaking Punch damage and Hypnotoxic Laser damage adding up, games can be decided early in favor of Seismitoad.
If your opponent does manage to start taking Prizes, the trick up this deck’s sleeve is the Life Dew. This ACE SPEC opens up the 7-Prize game, allowing for this deck to attack with 4 Seismitoad-EX and keep an Item lock in place even longer. Expect Seismitoad decks and tech Seismitoads in other metagame decks all over the place during City Championships!
There you have it! I hope you enjoyed this article and use this information to help begin your testing for City Championships. Be sure to vote in the polls under each available position, as I am very interested in seeing what cards the readers believe will be most successful from the upcoming set. As always if you would like to reach me you can message me here at SixPrizes, on Facebook, or on Twitter. I wish you all the best with your upcoming City Championships!
– Kyle Sabelhaus
…and that will conclude this Unlocked Underground article.
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