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Yeah, I Scoop

SixPrizes Goes on Pause; 2020; the State of the Game, the Community, and Content Creation; Thanks; and Where to Find Me

This Deck’s Got Legs

What I Played for the Qualifier Period (ADPZ + LMZ) and Finely-Tuned Centiskorch VMAX for Phase 2 of the Players Cup II

The Drill That Will Pierce the Heavens

My Players Cup II Experience (So Far), Moving Forward to Phase 2, and Two Favs: Excadrill Control + Excadrill Beatdown

A Weird Flex

Qualifiers Recap, Notes on ADPZ Moving Forward, and Welder/Aurora Energy Toolbox (WelderBox) for Players Cup II, Phase 2

Mister Squishy

Baby Blowns Reinflated for Phase 2 (AKA Bracket Play) (AKA the Region Qualifiers) of the Players Cup II
It lived in snowy areas for so long that its fire sac cooled off and atrophied. It now has an organ that generates cold instead. (Galarian Darumaka)

King PikaRomulus

My Current Fav (PikaRom) for Phase 2 of the Players Cup II (and a Recap of Phase 1)

The Container Store

A Guide to Learning and Understanding the Control Archetype in the PokΓ©mon TCG

Release the Owls

Players Cup Finals Mini-Recap, Tips for Players Cup II, On Overcoming PokΓ©mon Fatigue, and Finding Fun in Silly (But Competitive!) Decklists

Going Nuclear

The Success of Crushing Hammer and Power Plant, PikaRom/Hammers, Eternatus VMAX/Power Plant, Green’s BraixZard, and My Wet Mew3 (Updated)

Chasing Perfection

Atlas League, the Online TEU–DAA Metagame Progression, Players Cup II: Qualifying Hindsight, and Mewtwo & Mew-GX Toolbox (in Expanded)
Thought to be the oldest form of _________, it moves in zigzags and wreaks havoc upon its surroundings. (Galarian Zigzagoon)

Just Clowning Around

Three Tips for Online Events and a Look at Blacephalon for the Players Cup II

You Don’t Have to Win in Five Turns!

A Crash Course on the Slow and Sturdy Deck of the Format, Lucario & Melmetal-GX/Zacian V

This Article is Cursed

“Optimal ADPZ” and Galarian Cursola V for Players Cup II, How to Test Properly (the Spreadsheet Testing Method), and Notes on Building Rogues

I Say Pika, You Say…

A Look at Green’s PikaRom and Ability PikaRom

No Bats, No Rats

Two Decks That Omit Crobat V and Dedenne-GX (Green’s/PikaRom and Decidueye/Obstagoon) for the Players Cup II Qualifier Period
When it trusts a Trainer, it will treat them to berries it’s decorated with cream. (Alcremie)