144 results for: "hello sixprizes"

Chasing Perfection

Atlas League, the Online TEU–DAA Metagame Progression, Players Cup II: Qualifying Hindsight, and Mewtwo & Mew-GX Toolbox (in Expanded)

You Don’t Have to Win in Five Turns!

A Crash Course on the Slow and Sturdy Deck of the Format, Lucario & Melmetal-GX/Zacian V


A Look at One of the TEU–DAA Format’s Emerging Rogue Decks, TinaChamp/Magneton

A Crash Course in Sol Burst

Hot Thoughts on the POG Format (UPR–DAA), All the Decks I Want to Work On More, Eternatus VMAX Two Ways, and How, Now, to Play Ultimate Mewtwo

Make Way

Charizard VMAX/Volcarona-GX and ADPZ for the Post-Rotation Format (TEU–DAA)
When it uses its special stick to strike up a beat, the sound waves produced carry revitalizing energy to the plants and flowers in the area. (Grookey)

Temple of the Dog

My Top 5 Decks for Week 1 of Players Cup Bracket Play (Including: Spiritomb, Baby Blowns, PikaRom, Dragapult, and Zacian Combo)

Picture in Picture

Top 64 @ Limitless Q2 w/ ADPZ, the Hidden Benefits of Livestreaming Yourself, Upgrading to ADPZZ, and Toxtricity VMAX for LQ3

Making the Most of the Quarantine

A Three-Step Plan for Preparing for the Return of the Pokémon TCG

The Too Good Dog

ADPZ, What Makes It So Strong, How to Curb It, Deck Updates, and a New Idea

Welcome to the Jungle

Top 8 @ Collinsville w/ Sceptile/Vileplume, Vileplume Variants Moving Forward, and Looking Toward Charlotte
They say that any patisserie visited by _______ is guaranteed success and good fortune. (Milcery)

Altered Creation

Building a Competitive Deck in Three Steps w/ Case Studies on Zacian V/ADP, PikaRom, and Lapras VMAX for OCIC

Closing It Out

My Top 5 Plays for São Paulo Regionals, the Last Major Event of UPR–CEC

One Old, One New, One Red, One Blue

Steven’s PikaRom in San Diego, Treasures & Traps (Post-Bans Edition), and Two Concepts for Dallas

Turning Back the Clock

Archie’s Blastoise, Turbo Dark, and Ultra Night March for Richmond

What We Thought, and Not

Daytona Top 8 Recap, Archie’s Blastoise and Shock Lock for Hartford, and a Bonus ZapBeasts List for the EUIC
It has many hidden capabilities, such as fingertips that can shoot water and a membrane on its back that it can use to glide through the air. (Inteleon)