10 results for: -pokemon tcg
North American PTCG Power Rankings #3 (Post-Winter Regionals Edition) “Oh what an exciting player to introduce to the list. If you have followed the competitive scene for any amount of time, this name is probably very familiar to you. As a three-time World Champion, it is hard to make an argument against Jason not being a shoe-in for the βGreatest of All Time.β However, outside of Worlds, he is always faulted for having some lackluster performances at smaller events. I have decided to included him at #10 because he placed very well at Winter Regionals. I was (un)lucky enough to play him at both St. Louis and Florida and…
A Look at the Stars in the Upcoming Celestial Storm “Sceptile Unfortunately, as clever as this seems on paper for dealing with the Buzzwole swarm, I don’t think a soft-lock Stage 2 prevention mechanism is going to be something with all that much potential in the end. Maybe back in the Forest of Giant Plants days we’d have had something to work with here, but since Grass is mortal, there’s probably not as much as we’d need. Shiftry-GX Normally, I probably wouldn’t even mention this, but considering Grass is the competitive equivalent of a desert wasteland in this set, I’ll toss it a mention. Confusion is never a bad thing…
(re-)Introducing the SixPrizes Podcast, Episode 1 “Hey everyone! Today, we’re re-introducing the SixPrizes Podcast. Many years ago, Adam ran something of this nature, and we’re back now with an edition by Alex and I. We’re going to be doing these on a roughly biweekly basis, talking about current events in the game, picks for upcoming tournaments, and giving general thoughts on the TCG. Alex and I will be on most episodes initially, with other writers (and outside guests) mixing in and out as we move along. Today’s episode covers what went down in Wisconsin, our thoughts on some decks from that event, and thoughts on decks…
Feedback on Fall Regionals “As you can see from the graph, the majority of players that participated in the survey attended Fort Wayne Regionals, with Philadelphia coming in second, and Houston in third. Additionally, the Masters division overwhelmingly dominated the responses. First, let’s take a look at what everyone thought about the tournament structure. Jason asked players to rate the amount of time they thought was needed for each portion of the tournament. Most players thought that the time they spent in line waiting to register was reasonable, but bordering on being too long. However, when it came to the time spent waiting for…
Common throughout the Galar region, this PokΓ©mon has strong teeth and can chew through the toughest of berry shells. (Greedent)
Aided by the soft pads on its feet, it silently raids the food stores of other PokΓ©mon. It survives off its ill-gotten gains. (Nickit)