846 results for: 2012–2014

The Third Triumvirate

On the Tail of the Big Three


The Cities Metagame and the Two Most Pliable Plays

Uno, Dos, Tres

Kevin’s Brief City Championship Reports (Weeks 1 Through 3)

Buzz Topics

The Dreaded Bubble, IDs, SosaRai, and Commentary on the Not-So-New Theory

The Falling of the Forum

A Look at the Evolution of Communication in Pokémon TCG
When it uses its special stick to strike up a beat, the sound waves produced carry revitalizing energy to the plants and flowers in the area. (Grookey)

Marathon Season

How to Have Success at a Series of Cities

Professor Henry’s Not-So-New Theory

Applied Mathematics and Economics to Pokémon

Keep Ya Head Up

On Being a Positive Contributor to the Pokémon Community

Mind If I Roll Need?

What PTCGO Can Learn from Hearthstone, Blizzard’s Latest Cash Cow

May the Odds Be Ever in Your Favor

Surviving Cities, the “Careers,” and Underdogs
When ________ is content, the cream it secretes from its hands becomes sweeter and richer. (Alcremie)

I’ve Got the Power

North American PTCG Power Rankings (Vol. 2)

I Put That Stuff on Everything

The VS Seeker Engine Explained and Its Application to the Top Decks

Competitive Dissonance

A Discussion on the Flawed Structure of League Challenges

Sibling Surveys

Five Brotherly Interviews on Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of the Pokémon TCG

Welp, Time to Play Again

A Mini-Guide for Those Playing to the Tune of 300 CP
This very aggressive Pokémon will recklessly challenge opponents stronger than itself. (Galarian Linoone)