13 results for: 2020/04

A Decade-Plus of Pokémon

Looking Back on My Time in the Game, from Greenhorn Junior to Successful Senior and, at Long Last, When We Left Off, Top-Ranked Master

The Socially-Distant Poké Life

How I’m Dealing w/ Being Stuck Inside, Myriad Online Tournaments, and Introducing Project Old Decks

Stone Temple Piloting

The Untapped Potential of Pokémon Research Lab, Omastar TEU, and Stonjourner VMAX

The Sands of Time

A Retrospective on My First Worlds, the Fateful Beaches, What I Top 8’d With (Terrakion/Eels), That Awful/Great 2012 Format, and My Most Important Lesson, a Loss

The Underdogs

A Handful of Underappreciated Cards from Rebel Clash (w/ Nuzzle ft. Boltund V, Scoop Up Mewtwo, and Lapras/Frosmoth)
It attacks with rapid beats of its stick. As it strikes with amazing speed, it gets more and more pumped. (Grookey)

From Here to There

My Lapras VMAX for the Limitless Online Series, Updated from Q1 for Q2 and w/ Rebel Clash for Q3

Em’s Chatter

My First Foray into Commentary, the Four Common Criticisms of Casters, and What I’ve Learned Behind the Mic So Far

Rayquaza and Chill

My Life as a Competitive Pokémon TCG Player, from 2010 to Now

Sweet Sleeping Format

A Deep Look into HS–BLW, the Wild-Ride Anything-Goes 2011 Nationals and Worlds Format

Offseason’s Maintenance

Philosophies for Becoming a Better Player During the Offseason (or This Unexpected Break in Organized Play)
It ate a sour apple, and that induced its evolution. In its cheeks, it stores an acid capable of causing chemical burns. (Flapple)

Squid Now and Squid Later

What I Like About the Limitless Online Series, Mew3/Malamar (My Q1 Deck), and Malamar VMAX to Counter Dragapult, the Likely New BDIF

Wow, Look at That ‘S’ Car Go

My Other Standard Go-To, Magcargo-GX (for UPR–SSH Online Tournaments)

East to West Vol. 1

A Look to Japan for Rebel Clash’s Impact on Standard’s Top Tiers, Including Dragapult VMAX, Toxtricity VMAX, ADPZ, and PikaRom
This very aggressive Pokémon will recklessly challenge opponents stronger than itself. (Galarian Linoone)