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The Sylver Bullet

Closing the Book on RoxieChomp in Standard, and GardEon for Dallas

The Rorschach Test

Malamar Three Ways (Standard, Ultra Necrozma, Unit Energy) and AbilityZard Γ—2 (Pidgey Teched, Max Consistency) for Daytona Beach
As it digs, it swallows sand and stores it in its neck pouch. The pouch can hold more than 17 pounds of sand. (Silicobra)

Alphabetical Order

An Analysis of the ABC Metagame, the Last of PRC–EVO, Nash’s Choice, and League Cups with Toad/Bats + Turbo Darkrai
As it digs, it swallows sand and stores it in its neck pouch. The pouch can hold more than 17 pounds of sand. (Silicobra)

Here Comes the Sun

Plume Doom in Dallas, Frog Party in Athens, a Case Study on Consistency, and Three Decks Updated with Sun & Moon

Well, Well, Welder

On My Ability Zard from Atlantic City and the Wacky Eeveelutions Deck You’ll All Been Asking For
When it contracts its body, over 220 pounds of sand sprays from its nose. If it ever runs out of sand, it becomes disheartened. (Sandaconda)