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A More Focused Look at Top Contenders Post-Team Up (Electric.dec, Psychic/”GasKan” Malamar, and Decidueye-GX) “In my opinion, Electric.dec is the most hyped newcomer in the meta. There have been plenty of lists published, both from USA and Japan, and I can safely say I’m a fan of Pablo’s which he posted last week. Electropower is a worthwhile card in hitting numbers, and other support cards like Raikou SLG and Zapdos TEU are there as sidekicks, not the main show. The part of this deck as a whole that I’m unsure about is its capability to get rolling initially. The first Full Blitz leads into the next, but the path to the first looks somewhat dicey. Using…
A Close Look at Cinccino Mill, Early in the UPR–SSH/Standard Format “This deck recently saw a lot of success in Japan’s smaller events, but I always take those results with more than one grain of salt. Their structure is different than ours and they have different styles of decks that they like to play, but I think Cinccino Mill blurs the line here quite a bit. I had actually been testing the deck before seeing these results, but some of their lists certainly gave me ideas to make mine better. The strategy with this deck is pretty simple. You need to deck your opponent out before they win. Make Do is the new Trade…
Pablo on Dallas, Magnezone and Glaceon, and the Misses of Ultra Prism “Dallas was one of the most difficult tournaments for me so far, as it definitely didn’t start out as well as I had hoped it would. After logging in over 200 games of Expanded in January alone for the tournament, I sat down in Round 1, confident in my list (shown below), and in Games 1 and 3, I simply started lone Exeggcute going second, and got Hypnotoxic Laser + Virbank City on turn 1—and I didn’t even get to play. Needless to say, this definitely put me on tilt, and caused me to heavily misplay round 2, causing me…
Podcast Ep. 11: Looking Ahead to Internationals in Sydney “If you haven’t noticed, Mike Fouchet is running the podcast these days and it’s better than ever! Join him this week as he talks with Bodhi Cutler and Jordan Palmer of Australia, Benjamin Pham of The Netherlands, and our own Christopher Schemanske about the upcoming International Championship in Sydney, Australia. Look forward to another episode of the podcast in the near future, featuring discussion on Ultra Prism and it’s impact on Standard for Collinsville!
It drifted in on the flow of ocean waters from a frigid place. It keeps its head iced constantly to make sure it stays nice and cold. (Eiscue)
Searching for an opponent to test its skills against, it emerges onto land. Once the battle is over, it returns to the sea. (Grapploct)
An All-Inclusive Tome on the Early NXD-XY Format “(This is a very long article. You may want to click the links below to skip between sections.) XY Set Review The Big Picture Winter Regionals Fallout Incorporating XY Emboar/Delphox Trevenant/Garbodor Trevenant/Flareon Darkrai/Garbodor Darkrai/Yveltal Hydreigon Virizion/Genesect Plasma Yveltal/Bouffalant Fairies Conclusion Venusaur-EX Well, let’s look at our next round of “Evolution” EXs. This guy is a bit of a stinker. It has high HP, but its attacks are really underwhelming. A middling 3 Energy (2 with a DCE) poisoning attack isn’t very good. I guess you do get 90 damage out of it with a Virbank, but even if you do…
It’s skilled at both offense and defense, and it gets pumped up when cheered on. But if it starts showboating, it could put itself in a tough spot. (Cinderace)