Kenneth Ecker
Author Archive
Bio: I used to be a Pokémon Master like you… but then I took a Spearow to the Cottonee
Three Ways to Play Miltank FLF “4-1-4 Empoleon DEX, 1 Exeggcute PLB This card combo provides an excellent draw engine to draw an extra 2 cards per turn. Empoleon’s Ability “Diving Draw” allows you to draw 2 cards from your deck if you discard a card from your hand. This is where Exeggcute comes in to play. If Exeggcute is in your discard pile, you can activate its Ability “Propagation” which allows you to put Exeggcute back into your hand. You can discard Exeggcute with Diving Draw and get it right back with Propagation! 2-1-2 Dusknoir BCR One of the main problems with Miltank is that it…
A Quick Look at Xerneas/Aromatisse “Xerneas XY This baby deer is one of the most important cards of your deck. For 1 Fairy Energy, ‘Geomancy’ allows you to pick two Pokemon on your Bench and search your deck for 1 Fairy Energy to attach to each of them. Not only is this a great way to accelerate your Energy attachments, but this also thins your deck into drawing your consistency cards. Rainbow Spear isn’t too much to brag about, but it can be useful in certain situations. This attack is your answer to Klinklang PLS, Sigilyph DRX, and Suicune PLB, as most of your other…
It barely moves, but it’s still alive. Hiding in its shell without food or water seems to have awakened its psychic powers. (Dottler)