Stephan Blake
Author Archive
Bio: My name is Stephan “Mayer” Blake, a Masters division player from Virginia. I have been playing Pokémon since 2008 with the release of Diamond and Pearl: Majestic Dawn, and started playing competitively with the release of HGSS: Undaunted.
A Top 4 Maryland State Championship Report “1 Keldeo-EX I decided to run a Keldeo-EX because I had seen a lot of Hypnotoxic Laser being played the weekend before at Virginia States. It turned out to be a great play. 1-0-1 Dusknoir, 1 Rare Candy My reasoning behind running Dusknoir is that you also run Yveltal XY. The idea is simple; you get a lot of damage on the field early with Hypnotoxic Laser and Virbank City Gym plus Oblivion Wing and Muscle Band, and then you use Sinister Hand later in the game to move all of that damage around and set up all your knockouts…
Sudden climate change wiped out this ancient kind of _______. This Pokémon absorbs others’ life-force through its branches. (Galarian Corsola)
The lessons of many harsh battles have taught it how to accurately judge an opponent’s strength. (Corvisquire)