Greg Stempien
Author Archive
Bio: Current Undergrad student at Central Connecticut State University, studying for a Degree in Communication. I have been a fan of Pokémon all my life, but have only recently begun playing the TCG competitively. My favorite Pokémon is Garchomp!
A Philadelphia Regionals 2014 Report “Going into Philly this year, my friend Adrian and I tested the format extensively. We narrowed the format down to a few big decks that we expected to see at Autumn Regionals: Fighting/Big Basics, Virizion/Genesect, and Yveltal. We believed that Yveltal would not be too high in presence due to its poor performance against our Big Basics list, but that ended up being a large oversight on our part. During the week before Philly, Adrian started testing a deck that focused on using Crushing Hammer and Team Flare Grunt to cripple the opponent’s board. After refining the list, we thought that the deck would…
Evolutions on the Rise “These are some of the Stage 1 and Stage 2 Pokemon that could see a rise in play thanks to the new rules going into effect on Friday. Do you agree or disagree with any of the choices? Did I fail to mention a Pokemon who you think could make a mark on the new format? Let me know in the comments section below!
A Philadelphia Regionals 2013 Report “During my long testing period with the deck, I found that it had favorable matchups against Plasma and other Darkrai variants (straight and Garbodor), an even-to-slightly favorable matchup against Virizion/Genesect builds, a slightly unfavorable matchup against Big Basics (with or without Garbodor), and a near auto-loss to Blastoise. I attempted to change this through testing the deck with things like Tropius PLB, Frozen City, Ghetsis, and more, but in the end none of the things I did changed the matchup into an even one, so I stuck with what I thought would work best against the rest of the field. Here is…
Its mighty legs are capable of running at speeds exceeding 40 mph, but this Pokémon can’t breathe unless it’s underwater. (Dracovish)