Aaron Tarbell
Author Archive
A Shadowy Study of the Dark Archetypes with a Concentration on Y/Z for This Weekend in Fort Wayne “In biology, speciation is the formation of new and distinct species in the course of evolution. Pokemon mimics this trend with an evolving metagame. In the Pokemon TCG, each new release introduces new “mutations” to how the game can be played, and large tournaments are the means of selection. Generally, if a deck does well, it will lead to more people adopting it, and the deck will be declared more fit overall. Vice versa, if a deck performs poorly, it will likely see less play unless it has the ability to thrive in a field full of the deck that…
The Ins and Outs of Playing Trevenant Against the Expected Phoenix Meta “The basis for the deck is insane: it has the ability to stop the strongest cards in the game (Items) from being played before the opponent ever gets a turn. Thus, as Items become increasingly integral to decks and strategies, Silent Fear becomes more and more effective, so in a format where all of the strongest Items are available for use and will likely see play (Expanded), Trevenant requires little change to maintain its potency over the opposition. I also adore Trevenant due to its simple setup and ability to win against anything with enough luck. It’s got some great matchups…
When this Pokémon sounds as if it’s strumming a guitar, it’s actually clawing at the protrusions on its chest to generate electricity. (Toxtricity)