Adam Capriola
Author Archive
Bio: Hey there! I’m Adam and I created this very website you are perusing during the summer of 2009. When I’m not working on SixPrizes, I enjoy going for walks, reading books, and drinking coffee … sometimes all at once!
SixPrizes Goes on Pause; 2020; the State of the Game, the Community, and Content Creation; Thanks; and Where to Find Me “I’ve talked about this with my girlfriend recently: I’m irked by people blaming anything that’s unfortunate on the current year. By doing this we’re being myopic and willfully ignorant. “2020 strikes again!” The year’s become a neobiblical hot take or an amorphous scapegoat (i.e., coping mechanism) that society has adopted in mass. Yes, many Bad Things have have happened since the most recent new year, maybe more than usual. But by broadly labeling issues as “2020,” we’re losing sight of the actual problems and possible solutions. We’re being lazy. Here’s what’s happened the past year-plus to bring us to this…
Sure, Why Not, It’s a Friday “My most general philosophy is SixPrizes needs to be fast. The reason why written content is still relevant in the world of video is because it’s faster to consume. It’s more efficient to skim an article for pertinent information than a video. The average person can read faster than they listen or watch. Some people learn better through audio or video, and that’s fine, but others do better with written content, and I want to make sure our content as approachable as possible for them. With alacrity in mind, I reassessed everything about the previous design and attempted to make…
A Redesign Six Weeks in the Making, Hello, and How Are You “The original. Nothing like it! (Or maybe there were thousands of other websites with similar layouts …) This design was created with the (at the time) super popular Atahualpa theme which fell the way of, well, Atahualpa himself after new, better themes were released by the coming horde WordPress developers seeking fortune in the years following. It was an attractive option in 2009 though because it was flexible (up to four columns!) and easy for newbies like myself to customize. The screenshot above was taken to showcase ad placement areas (highlighted in red) for potential advertisers; I have only one…
The Top 5 Items You Need but Might Forget to Bring to Worlds “Not because the Lincoln Memorial Reflecting Pool will be blinding your eyes at high noon, but because it is hard to keep a stern poker face for two days straight. And I recommend not just any sunglasses. In commemoration of the 10-year anniversary of his World Series of Poker Main Event win, we need to channel the transcendent powers of Greg “Fossilman” Raymer: The reptilian shades project the perfect combo of confidence and confusion. Your opponents won’t know what to make of you. The psychological edge is yours. While you want to strike fear and uncertainty into your opponents, you also do not want to overextend your prowess.…
Quantifying the Most Skilled Format of All Time “1. United States only. I began recording participants from all countries, but quickly realized the data would not be very telling considering how few invites certain countries receive (meaning their sample size is probably too small to be statistically significant), plus certain countries have received notably more or less invites over the duration of the World Championships. Brazil, for example, had 13 attendees in 2013, but none in 2011. That’s a big jump! Also considering the differences in invite and tournament structures between nations, I think it makes sense to hone in on the country that has had the most continuity…
Its conspicuous lips lure prey in as it lies in wait in the mud. When prey gets close, ________ clamps its jagged steel fins down on them. (Galarian Stunfisk)
On Entitlement and Why Winning Should Never Be Made More Painful Than Losing “In two years I have seen two authors (and undoubtedly missed many pundits on social media) implore the community to refrain from entering the last chance for Championship Points events at US Nationals unless an invite is on their horizon. Having too little CP means you have nothing to play for, and having too many means you are “grinching.” I find this discussion interesting, and I’ve done some contemplating to come up with my own position on the matter. But first, a story. Back in 2007, one of my buddies, who is a better friend than he was a player, faced off in an early-round…
Cost-Effective Deck Options for Fall Regionals “I think it’s pretty safe to say “Yes, you do.” Neither of those decks have an accessible turn 1 attack (unless you run Colress Machine and Team Plasma Badge in Genesect), thus you are often best off attempting to get a Beach in play (often through the assistance of Skyla) and filling your hand in hopes of bolstering your second turn potential. But let’s say you only own 2 Tropical Beach and the optimal Blastoise list plays 3 Beach. Or you only own 1 and the best play is 2 in Genesect. (You own at least 1 Beach but 1…
When it gets down on all fours as if to beg for forgiveness, it’s trying to lure opponents in so that it can stab them with its spear-like hair. (Morgrem)
Common throughout the Galar region, this Pokémon has strong teeth and can chew through the toughest of berry shells. (Greedent)