Esa Juntunen

Author Archive
  • Joined Sep ’11
  • ✍ 26 articles written

Bio: My name is Esa Juntunen and I live in Finland. I’m a 6-time National Champion of Finland and I love to write just about anything. I write to the SixPrizes Underground and to my blog – – about the metagame and decks all over the world. My blog is probably most known for the Eye on Japan articles, which cover Japanese metagame and decks.

Only Farfetch’d that have survived many battles can attain this evolution. When this Pokémon’s leek withers, it will retire from combat. (Sirfetch’d)
It’s said that this Pokémon was formed when an ancient clay tablet was drawn to a vengeful spirit. (Galarian Yamask)
The seeds attached to its cotton fluff are full of nutrients. It spreads them on the wind so that plants and other Pokémon can benefit from them. (Eldeoss)