Sam Liggett
Author Archive
Bio: I’m a Junior in High School, I’ve been playing Pokémon competitively for about five years now. My best achievements include placing 5th at the National Championships in 2009, top 32 at Worlds in 2009, and 1st place at States 2011. Aside from Pokémon TCG, some of my hobbies include playing the guitar, playing basketball, and playing Ultimate Frisbee. I live in Memphis, Tennessee and I’m looking forward to writing for SixPrizes.
VA Top 8 Report, The Exemplary Player, and My Top Three Plays for States “After detailing my top three choices for Winter Regionals back in February, I attended Virginia Regionals where I piloted Seismitoad/Garbodor through the nine rounds of Day 1. The list that I played was card for card the exact same list that I posted in my previous article. For reference, here is the Seismitoad/Garbodor list that I piloted to a 5-0-4 finish Day 1 of Virginia Regionals: I was very confident in this list for Day 1, and I managed not to drop a single match the first day. I finished with 19 points, guaranteeing me a spot in the Top 32…
On Seismitoad/Garbodor, Bronzong/Mewtwo, and Yveltal/Hard Charm “Now I would like to go over some cards that I have chosen not to include in my current list. All of these cards are good cards, and I have tested with them at one point or another, but they just did not make the final cut for one reason or another. Crushing Hammer, Enhanced Hammer Most lists that I have seen for Seismitoad/Garbodor have played three to four Crushing Hammer and one to two Enhanced Hammer. I am not saying that this is a poor route to take — I just have never been a huge fan of “all-or-nothing”…
A Detailed Look at Trevenant/Accelgor, Blastoise, and Emboar “Trevenant/Accelgor Blastoise Emboar Conclusion The first deck that I would like to discuss is Trevenant/Accelgor. I had a fairly successful run with Gothitelle/Accelgor at US Nationals this past year, and the deck did end up taking the title. When Gothitelle was reprinted in Legendary Treasures, I revisited the deck and piloted it to a 3rd place finish at a City Championship back in December, hitting a Virizion/Genesect in Top 4 and taking a very hard loss. What makes Trevenant better than Gothitelle? Because Trevenant is a Stage 1 as opposed to a Stage 2, it is incredibly easier to set…
With their great intellect and flying skills, these Pokémon very successfully act as the Galar region’s airborne taxi service. (Corviknight)
It’s famous for its high level of intelligence, and the large size of its brain is proof that it also possesses immense psychic power. (Orbeetle)