Sam Liggett

Author Archive
  • Joined Nov ’10
  • ✍ 9 articles written

Bio: I’m a Junior in High School, I’ve been playing Pokémon competitively for about five years now. My best achievements include placing 5th at the National Championships in 2009, top 32 at Worlds in 2009, and 1st place at States 2011. Aside from Pokémon TCG, some of my hobbies include playing the guitar, playing basketball, and playing Ultimate Frisbee. I live in Memphis, Tennessee and I’m looking forward to writing for SixPrizes.

Lead the Way

VA Top 8 Report, The Exemplary Player, and My Top Three Plays for States

The Boss Toad and Other Writings

On Seismitoad/Garbodor, Bronzong/Mewtwo, and Yveltal/Hard Charm

Phantump of the Opera

A Detailed Look at Trevenant/Accelgor, Blastoise, and Emboar
With their great intellect and flying skills, these Pokémon very successfully act as the Galar region’s airborne taxi service. (Corviknight)
It’s famous for its high level of intelligence, and the large size of its brain is proof that it also possesses immense psychic power. (Orbeetle)