Scott Creech
Author Archive
Bio: I’ve been playing Pokémon since 2008 and have loved every second of it. Lately, however, I’ve been putting playing the game on a back-burner in pursuit of content creation in various forms.
The Rebel Clash Up-and-Comers, Including Falinks V, Malamar VMAX, and Lost March Rebooted “To start off, we have Falinks V, a Fighting-typed brute reminiscent of Passimian SUM decks from a couple of formats ago. The deck utilizes Falinks V’s Iron Defense Formation Ability to decrease damage done to your Falinks’ by 20 damage. This pairs incredibly well with your main attacker, another Falinks! This single-Prize version does 30 damage for each of your Benched Falinks. With all 4 Vs and a 5th Falinks on board, you’re attacking for 150 with no other buffs and having damage reduced by 80, effectively giving Falinks at least 170 HP. Even better, the deck sets up incredibly…
A Look to Japan for Rebel Clash’s Impact on Standard’s Top Tiers, Including Dragapult VMAX, Toxtricity VMAX, ADPZ, and PikaRom “To understand some choices with Japanese decklists, we first have to understand Japanese tournaments. Their tournament levels roughly mirror ours: Trainer Challenges, City Leagues, Champions Leagues, and Japan Championship. Tournaments are Swiss + Top Cut, Best-of-1 with a 25-minute timer, except for Trainer Challenges. Much like our League Challenges, Trainer Challenges lack a Top Cut. Ties do not exist in Japanese tournament structure. This has an interesting effect on Stall decks. If a game would result in a tie by our standards, it results in a double loss in Japan. Because of this, Stall and Control decks don’t have nearly…
LAIC by the Numbers, Pidgey Power, and My Top 2 Plays for Daytona Beach “Thanks to RK9 Labs, we have access to the entire Day 1 field across all age divisions for LAIC. We’ll focus on Masters for our purposes, but there are a few interesting numbers in the other two divisions as well—notably 5 Reshiram & Charizard-GX/Flareon-GX decks in Seniors, and 2 Naganadel/Rayquaza-GX decks in Juniors. Masters saw a Day 1 meta dominated by Arceus & Dialga & Palkia-GX (ADP) decks, as well as Mewtwo & Mew-GX decks. Based on numbers provided by Limitless, we know some number of players brought a Green’s Exploration-based ADP list, as opposed to the midrange list with…
Pheromosa & Buzzwole-GX/Mismagius Hand Lock for UPR–HIF/Atlantic City/Köln “For completion’s sake, here is the Day 2 meta breakdown from Sheffield Regionals: Reshiram & Charizard-GX: 18/55 (32.73%) Pikachu & Zekrom-GX: 8/55 (14.55%) Mewtwo & Mew-GX: 8/55 (14.55%) Malamar: 6/55 (10.91%) Blacephalon-GX: 4/55 (7.27%) Gardevoir & Sylveon-GX: 3/55 (5.45%) Oranguru/Pidgeotto: 3/55 (5.45%) Blacephalon UNB: 1/55 (1.82%) Keldeo-GX/Bronzong TEU: 1/55 (1.82%) Quagsire DRM/Naganadel LOT: 1/55 (1.82%) Shedinja Control: 1/55: (1.82%) Dark Box: 1/55 (1.82%) So what does all this mean for the meta? ReshiZard decks still have a hold as the most popular deck—and for good reason too. Having a powerhouse of an attacker and strong support in the forms of…
Brave and prideful, this Pokémon dashes airily through the forest, its steps aided by the psychic power stored in the fur on its fetlocks. (Galarian Rapidash)