Kiernan Wagner
Author Archive
A Seniors Kansas Regionals Report and Reflecting on Myself as a Player “The list is fairly standard, aside from a few things, which I’ll go over here. 1 Mr. Mime BKT With Dark being the deck to beat from the past two weeks, we wanted Mr. Mime to protect us from things like Fright Night and Night Spear, not to mention the occasional Fighting deck, which we felt may see popularity due to the release of things like Carbink BREAK. I actually never played against the Dark mirror all day, making this card useless for me, though I still think the inclusion was warranted. 1 Xerosic Xerosic was put in with the…
Ft. Wayne Regionals Flashback and Musings on Sableye “To kick things off, I’m going to go ever the event where I fell in love with this deck, and became hooked on this particular form of lock: total denial. I won’t go into too much detail with my tournament report, since it’s pretty dated at this point. I had heard about the deck before and had kept it in the back of my mind, as fellow writer Dylan Dreyer posted a list for it a few weeks earlier, but it wasn’t until my good friend Austin Baggs gave Nick Robinson and myself a list for the deck on Friday…
When it contracts its body, over 220 pounds of sand sprays from its nose. If it ever runs out of sand, it becomes disheartened. (Sandaconda)