Henry Ross-Clunis
Author Archive
The Philadelphia Big Five and Early Thoughts on Evolutions for Standard “Instead of providing you all with rogue decks or new archetypes, I simply want to show you the five decks I am liking the most. I will be discussing the decks themselves briefly and then explaining some of the cards choices in them that you might not normally see, along with other options. Hopefully this will give you insight on what will commonly be seen this coming weekend. Coming off of a disappointing Worlds finish with the ghost tree, I lost almost all of my faith in Trevenant. After some list adjustments, and William Herrmann’s second-place finish in Phoenix, I have…
The Key Tips Forgotten, New Standard Decks for Florida, and Retooled Classics for Philly “If you have not already read my “Step by Step” article that I posted in June, check it out! Inside that article I provide my guide for preparing yourself for big tournaments. I want to add a little bit more to that guide since I have learned a lot since then. There are three main points I want to dive into that I believe to have a huge impact on success at tournaments: playtesting with tournament rules, feeling confident enough to play fast, and always planning ahead. Going into the World Championships, I had clocked in about 50-60 hours of…
The Story of Three Types and Their Effort to Fend off the Night “Fire, Water, and Grass. We all recognize these types from the three starter Pokemon we choose from at the beginning of every video game. In the past, one or two of the three types has usually dominated competitive Pokemon TCG. I believe now that all three have almost an equal chance of performing well at this year’s World Championships. For each starter type I have two different decks based around that type. On top of that, I will be going in depth on each deck’s matchup against Night March, giving you somewhat of a guide on how to play against…
Henry’s Guide for Big Tournaments, Origins Results Discussion, and the New Meta “Even though I feel as if I could write a book on the proper ways to test and fuel your body on tournament day, I want to make it as simple as possible and break the process down into somewhat of a timeline. Though the timeline has been altered a little bit due to the Origins tournament, I still believe there to be five different phases. These phases are: “Research & Record,” “Test, Test, Ten,” “The Final Four,” “Selection Eve,” and “Gameday Diligence.” I want to give you all a schedule as to when I think each of these phases…
Random Thoughts on Randomizing, A Greener View from the Dark Side, and the Final Week “Is there a proper way to shuffle? This has been a question on my mind ever since I started playing the game … wondering if my shuffling caused this terrible dead draw or how my hand ended up so perfect. I could never figure out what was the best process to randomize my deck. If you really want to find the perfect technique, go ahead and do all the numerous statistics and probability problems in order to get to as few dead draws as possible. However, no matter what the outcome is, I am thoroughly convinced you will always have…
This Pokémon has a jaw that’s as sharp as a spear and as strong as steel. Apparently ___________’s flesh is surprisingly tasty, too. (Barraskewda)