Christopher Schemanske

Author Archive

The Sun and the Moon

A Primer on Game Flow and Mechanics for SM-on, a Pair of Zoroarks, and a Suite of Lists for Testing

The Road that Twists and Turns

The Debut Friday Flyer, with Farewells and Thoughts

A Weekend on the World Stage

A SixPrizes Site Update and Christopher’s 2018 World Championship Recap

The Rarefied Air

A Look at Magnezone and Vikavolt as Answers to the 2018 World Championships Meta

A Deep Dive on Worlds

Considering the Realm of Worlds, On the “Right” Ease of Invitation, and Open Season On the Open
The faster a ________ can beat out a rhythm with its two sticks, the more respect it wins from its peers. (Thwackey)

The Tale Retold

The US+CA Delegation to the 2018 World Championships by the Numbers

A Throwback Thoroughfare

A Look at the Stars in the Upcoming Celestial Storm

The Track to the Top

Christopher’s Tip and Tricks to a Day 2 Worlds Run for 2018/19

The Zygarde Zone

Looking at International All-Star Zygarde-GX/Lycanroc-GX for NAIC ’18

The Regional Review

Christopher’s Data Dissertation on the 2017/18 NA Masters’ TCG Regional Championships
It’s highly skilled at tap-dancing. It waves its cane of ice in time with its graceful movements. (Mr. Rime)

The Forest for the Frogs

Methods of Madness from Madison Greninja and Discussion of the Froggy Future

Breaking Down the Best

On Best Finish Limits and Barometers of “Best” in the Pokémon TCG Championship Series

The Chase Begins

A SixPrizes Site Update on NAIC Article Marathon, Coupon Promotion, and More

The Fated Four

Looks at Night March, Trevenant, Zoroark/Exeggcute, and Buzzwole/Lycanroc for the Final Expanded Regional of 2018

The Red Zone

A Review of Christopher’s Forbidden Light Favorites and Initial Beast Box Musings
With jaws that can shear through steel rods, this highly aggressive Pokémon chomps down on its unfortunate prey. (Drednaw)