Kenny Wisdom

Author Archive
  • Joined Jul ’10

Bio: Kenny Wisdom is a player, commentator, and content creator from the Pacific Northwest.

The Jungle Juice

Rillaboom VMAX/Rowlet & Alolan Exeggutor-GX for Limitless Q3

Welcome to the Party, ‘Zard

Santa Clara Regionals Wrap-Up, Featuring: A Zoroark-Less Top 8, an Analysis of Kian’s 1st-Place ReshiZard, and Other Important Takeaways

It’s Like a Sauna in Here

An Unbroken Bonds Review, Blastoise/Alolan Ninetales, and All-Basics ReshiZard

The Expanded Experience

On Doing Homework, the Archetypes Masters, and Three Reasons Why Comfort is Key in Expanded

Rocky Mountain, Hi

How to Approach a “Solved” Format and Kenny’s Play for Denver (Zoroark/Lycanroc/Lucario)
Though it has a gentle disposition, it’s also very strong. It will quickly freeze the snowball on its head before going for a headbutt. (Galarian Darmanitan)

Signs of the Times

Recapping Toronto’s Headlines, the Two Paths, and on Trevenant, Zoroark/Garbodor, and Night March for Greensboro

Three On (and In) One

Pikachu & Zekrom-GX/Electric.dec, Lost March (SUM–TEU, Pre-Oceania IC), and Some Commentary on the Recent DQs and Suspensions

1,200 HP Over the Sea

Magikarp & Wailord-GX Stall/Mill for Dallas Regionals

A Ragged Race

Defending Yourself Against Shady Tactics and Tricks (Cheating) in the Pokémon TCG

Myriad Musings

Kenny’s Thoughts on a Mix of Current Community Conundrums
Its body is covered in sweet nectar, and the skin on its back is especially yummy. Children used to have it as a snack. (Appletun)

A Garbodor Garrison

Examining Drampa-GX/Garbodor’s Playability for the Expanded Portland Regional Championships

Beating Back the Buzzwole Band

On Countering Buzzwole/Shrine of Punishments, Zoroark/Golisopod, and Zoroark/Lycanroc for Philly

The Fiery Fumes

The Lowdown on the Likeliest Lists for Zoroark/Magcargo for Worlds ’18

A Storm Brewing

Initial Thoughts on Celestial Storm and How to Properly Evaluate New Cards

The Next Arena

Kenny’s Thoughts on Qualifying for Worlds 2019 and a Retrospective on the 2018 Season Structure
Its body is covered in sweet nectar, and the skin on its back is especially yummy. Children used to have it as a snack. (Appletun)