Mike Fouchet

Author Archive

Everything and Anything

The Creation of Vespiquen/Tech, Revisiting Orlando, From Standard to Expanded, and Favorites for Philadelphia

And Here We Are

Dear Deck Diary, the State of Expanded, Fates Collide Faves, and Meta-Meta Musings

Static Charge

A Manectric Medley and US Nationals 2015 Results Discussion

There’s No ‘I’ in Pokémon

The Five Ws and One H of Successful Teams and Playtesters
Long ago, during a time when droves of factories fouled the air with pollution, _______ changed into this form for some reason. (Galarian Weezing)
Apparently the Dreepy inside _________’s horns eagerly look forward to being launched out at Mach speeds. (Dragapult)
When this Pokémon sounds as if it’s strumming a guitar, it’s actually clawing at the protrusions on its chest to generate electricity. (Toxtricity)