Mike Fouchet
Author Archive
The Creation of Vespiquen/Tech, Revisiting Orlando, From Standard to Expanded, and Favorites for Philadelphia “Going through and analyzing the deck-building process can provide wonderful insight for even the best players. I hope you can draw some parallels from the way this deck was constructed and how we prepared for the main event. Even though the deck looks a bit like a binder-drop, every card was deliberately included. For reference, here was the list myself and Ross played on Day 2 (and quite a few piloted on Day 1 but unfortunately did not make it through the grind): 4-4 Vespiquen: This was our main attacker and should not need too much explanation, but one thing to…
Dear Deck Diary, the State of Expanded, Fates Collide Faves, and Meta-Meta Musings “Pennsylvania Regionals: Vespiquen/Raichu (1-1-3, drop) League Challenge (Expanded): Vespiquen/Flareon (2nd) City Championship (Expanded): Seismitoad/Crobat (2nd) City Championship (Expanded): Seismitoad/Crobat (Top 4) City Championship (Standard): Yveltal/Zoroark/Gallade (Top 8) City Championship (Standard): Mega Rayquaza (Top 4) City Championship (Standard): Mega Mewtwo/Zoroark (2nd) City Championship (Standard): Gallade/Octillery (Top 8) Virginia Regionals: Seismitoad/Crobat (Top 16) Pennsylvania States: Greninja (Top 8) New York States: Greninja (Top 8) League Challenge (Expanded): Seismitoad/Crobat (1st) As you can see, I’ve had a pretty consistent season after my debacle at PA Regionals. You’ll notice my variety of decks, but you will also notice a bit more stability: Seismitoad/Crobat quickly…
A Manectric Medley and US Nationals 2015 Results Discussion “Surprisingly, Manectric-EX never made the list of decks I played at major tournaments this year. Indeed, I always felt it was a bit underpowered, yet many of the decks I chose to play throughout the year had iffy or bad matchups against it! However, some of my close friends (Bryan Aing, Simon Narode, Sam Chen) had played it a bit over the course of the season, so I had some good lists and ideas to jumpstart my testing. But wait — why did I even initially think to start testing Manectric-EX, especially if I felt it was underpowered all year?…
The Five Ws and One H of Successful Teams and Playtesters “Worlds 2014 had my team and me preparing… probably less than we should have. After my poor Nationals performance with Yveltal/Darkrai/Sableye/Hammers, I wanted to play an Evolution deck. I was very impressed with Ishaan’s Empoleon/Miltank list and played around with that a bunch in testing. Falling in love with Miltank, I experimented with other Stage 2 decks, including Flygon/Miltank and straight Dusknoir/Miltank, utilizing both Dusknoir BCR and Dusknoir FLF. While all of these decks were pretty good, I didn’t think any of them would be a super strong play for the Grinder. At Nationals I had also seen my good…
Long ago, during a time when droves of factories fouled the air with pollution, _______ changed into this form for some reason. (Galarian Weezing)
Apparently the Dreepy inside _________’s horns eagerly look forward to being launched out at Mach speeds. (Dragapult)
When this Pokémon sounds as if it’s strumming a guitar, it’s actually clawing at the protrusions on its chest to generate electricity. (Toxtricity)