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Bio: Hey guys, I’m James from California. I started playing January 2013 but didn’t go to a tournament until Arizona Regionals in Fall of 2013 which I made Top 8 at. Currently in my last year of Seniors, and trying to make it the best season yet!
OshaWaterBottle’s Top 32 Nationals 2016 Tournament Report “With a long day of traveling ahead, I woke up at around 4 AM and had to be at the airport around 5 AM to allow extra time in case security lines were long. The flight departed from Lindbergh Field at around 6:30 AM and headed to Denver for a layover since Southwest didn’t have any direct flights to Columbus. Each flight was around two hours long, which isn’t terrible, but got worse with layovers. My mom and I made it to Columbus at around 3 PM, and my friend Dominic was waiting there to take us to our hotel…
OshaWaterBottle’s 2015-16 Cities Recap “Deck Choice: Mega Manectric/Raikou Pretty standard outside of the 2 Parallel City; I wanted an answer to Tyrantrum mainly. Recap R1 vs. Metal — W R2 vs. Bunnelby/Crawdaunt — W R3 vs. Mega Sceptile — W R4 vs. Yveltal/Vespiquen/Crobat — W R5 vs. Manectric/Crobat — ID T4 vs. Yveltal/Vespiquen/Crobat — WW T2 vs. Manectric/Crobat — LWL 2nd place, +40 CP Reflections The deck ran solid until the finals … Game 1 consisted of my Manectric with an Energy attached getting KO’d on his T2, and the game basically ended there. Game 2 things went well — I hit the T2 Turbo…
OshaWaterBottle’s 2nd Place Arizona Regionals 2015 Seniors Tournament Report “I got to the venue around 8:15, snagged my VIP package and then checked out the vendors. I bought a few Reverse Holo cards for my deck, then waited impatiently for the rosters to be posted. At around 9:30, the rosters finally went up and there are 80 Seniors! That is the most I’ve ever been a part of for a Regional event, which is probably depressing for those of you living on the East Coast. After a bit, online pairings went up and I found my table. Game 1 I set up Archie’s T1 — after having to burn 2 Superior…
OshaWaterBottle’s 2015 World Championship Report “Leading up to the event I was testing Stefan Tabaco’s Groudon deck a lot and really liking it. I continued to test it exclusively with friends like John D’Alotto, Michael Stromp, Raymond Cipoletti, and Israel Sosa. After countless hours of testing on PTCGO, I decided it would be “the play” a few days before the event. I wanted to make my deck max rarity since Worlds is a special occasion and playing good-looking cards for the biggest event sounded cool, so I traded and borrowed a few alternate holos to make my dream a reality. I went to the airport Tuesday night and departed for…
A Look at Seismitoad and Turbo Lugia in BCR-on “The main strategy of the deck is to use Seismitoad’s attack Quaking Punch by turn one or two to prevent your opponent from playing Item cards on their next turn. This may not seem very powerful since Quaking Punch only does a base damage of 30, but when you combine it with Hypnotoxic Laser and Muscle Band, the damage adds up fast. We also have some partners since Seismotoad cannot do the job alone. Now that we have the strategy down, let’s take a look at the list: 3 Seismitoad-EX Four Seismitoad is overkill. Sure, it increases your chance of starting…
This Pokémon has slumbered for many years. Some say it’s Zamazenta’s elder sister—others say the two Pokémon are rivals. (Zacian)
When ________ is content, the cream it secretes from its hands becomes sweeter and richer. (Alcremie)