Peter Kica

Author Archive
  • Joined Apr ’14
  • “Eager to Night March”
  • ✍ 10 articles written
  • 🌎 4× Worlds qualifier
  • 🃏 Playing since 2013

Bio: I like saying nightmarch for KO.

The Rorschach Test

Malamar Three Ways (Standard, Ultra Necrozma, Unit Energy) and AbilityZard ×2 (Pidgey Teched, Max Consistency) for Daytona Beach

Bird is the Word

Pidgeotto Control and Pidgeotto/Blacephalon for LAIC

Turning Back the Clock

Archie’s Blastoise, Turbo Dark, and Ultra Night March for Richmond

Well, Well, Welder

On My Ability Zard from Atlantic City and the Wacky Eeveelutions Deck You’ll All Been Asking For

Raiding Area 51

Poipole Lock and Keldeo-GX/Vaporeon-GX Stall from Worlds, Updated
It sends electricity through its legs to boost their strength. Running at top speed, it easily breaks 50 mph. (Boltund)

To Go Full Berserk

ReshiBlowns 2.0 and PikaRom in My Pocket (for That Tournament This Weekend)

Win Conditions…

The Evolution of Wall Stall (from Hoopa/Gigas to Counter Attackers + Metal for NAIC), Blacephalon-GX, and Beyond—To the Lurking Tier 2

Oops!… You Decked Out Again

A Full Look at Hoopa Wall Stall (Tournament Report, Deck Updates, and In-Depth Matchup Guide) for Madison

Remember Us? (Mwahahah…)

Midrange Zoroark-GX and the Sinister Vileplume Stall Reformulated for Santa Clara

Footprints Ashore, Turtles & More

Powerhouse Plays—Nightmarch/Lucario-GX and Archie’s Blastoise—for Daytona
After it’s eaten its fill, its movements become extremely sluggish. That’s when Cramorant swallows it up. (Arrokuda)