Kyle Sabelhaus

Author Archive
  • Joined Sep ’11

Bio: Hey everyone! My name is Kyle Sabelhaus and i’ve been playing the Pokémon TCG for over a decade now with my brother, Ryan. I currently live and play in the Carolinas.

Summer of Champions

Nats Recap, Emergences Explained, and the Top 10 Decks for Worlds

Gym Challenge!

A Pokémon Journey with Raichu Post Roaring Skies

The Champion’s Test

A Pokémon Progress Report and Top 10 List for State Championships

The Tale of Mally Mal

The Georgia Marathon and Metagame Prophecy

Election Day

Voting Phantom Forces into Office and the Top 10 Decks for City Championships
It spews sand from its nostrils. While the enemy is blinded, it burrows into the ground to hide. (Silicobra)

Falling for the Format

Relevant Techs, RPS Reborn, and This or That Deck Building

I Will Survive

Kyle Sabelhaus’ 2014 US Nationals Report and Nine Top Plays for the Grinder

We’re Live!

Streaming Through Time and The Top Five Basic-and-Stage 1 Decks of NXD–FLF

What Does the Fox Say?

1st Place 2014 North Carolina State Championship Report
This Pokémon will look into your eyes and read the contents of your heart. If it finds evil there, it promptly hides away. (Galarian Ponyta)