Gabriel Semedo

Author Archive
  • Joined Mar ’12
  • “All the way from Brazil”

Mister Squishy

Baby Blowns Reinflated for Phase 2 (AKA Bracket Play) (AKA the Region Qualifiers) of the Players Cup II

Going Nuclear

The Success of Crushing Hammer and Power Plant, PikaRom/Hammers, Eternatus VMAX/Power Plant, Green’s BraixZard, and My Wet Mew3 (Updated)

No Bats, No Rats

Two Decks That Omit Crobat V and Dedenne-GX (Green’s/PikaRom and Decidueye/Obstagoon) for the Players Cup II Qualifier Period

Bring Out the Hammer

The Remarkable ADaPting Metagame and Welder/Mew3 Box for Players Cup II

Let Them Mew as They Please

Should ADP Be Banned? and Water Mewtwo & Mew-GX w/ Frosmoth (aka Wet Mew3)
A clay slab with cursed engravings took possession of a ______. The slab is said to be absorbing the ______’s dark power. (Galarian Yamask)

Lightning Strike

Post-Rotation Inteleon VMAX and Vikavolt V, the Two Ends of the Lightning-Nerfed Spectrum

Make Way

Charizard VMAX/Volcarona-GX and ADPZ for the Post-Rotation Format (TEU–DAA)

Infinity Times Two

Straight Zacian (My Winningest Deck of UPR–RCL) and Eternatus VMAX (Pre- and Post-Rotation)

Temple of the Dog

My Top 5 Decks for Week 1 of Players Cup Bracket Play (Including: Spiritomb, Baby Blowns, PikaRom, Dragapult, and Zacian Combo)

A Summer Cookout

Fire Box Box and Zacian V/Lucario & Melmetal-GX, A More Well-Known Pair of Decks, Updated, to Compete with Tier 1
It’s highly skilled at tap-dancing. It waves its cane of ice in time with its graceful movements. (Mr. Rime)

Cats Out of the Bag

Water Mew3 Box and Silvally-GX/Alolan Persian-GX, Two Crazy Decks to Compete with Tier 1

Eyes Wide Shut

Analyzing the Limitless Q3 Meta and Exploring New Ideas for Q4 (Zacian V/Galarian Perrserker + Torkoal V/Magcargo-GX)

Picture in Picture

Top 64 @ Limitless Q2 w/ ADPZ, the Hidden Benefits of Livestreaming Yourself, Upgrading to ADPZZ, and Toxtricity VMAX for LQ3

From Here to There

My Lapras VMAX for the Limitless Online Series, Updated from Q1 for Q2 and w/ Rebel Clash for Q3

Making the Most of the Quarantine

A Three-Step Plan for Preparing for the Return of the Pokémon TCG
It can race around like a unicycle, even on rough, rocky terrain. Burning coal sustains it. (Rolycoly)