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smashandslash’s 1st Place Utah Regionals Report “Now that I’ve gotten that out of the way, here’s some detailed descriptions on how my rounds went. Seniors had 54 players in total, with 6 rounds, and a Top 8 cut. R1 vs Speed Darkrai: WW My opponent didn’t run a Mewtwo-EX, and she didn’t draw very well both games. Game 1 I get Gallade out and take a couple of Prizes with it. Game 2 I didn’t get Maxie’s off but I managed to win before time was called. 1-0-0 R2 vs Metal Ray: WW When he flipped over a Rayquaza-EX ROS 75, I groaned. But then he…
smashandslash’s Top 8 SoCal Regionals Seniors Report “Hi SixPrizes, it’s Alex, or smashandslash from the forums. Before I get into this article, thought I would share some things about me: I’m a freshman in high school, and I live in Portland, Oregon. I have a younger sister, but no other siblings. I sometimes hike, and have been playing this game since the end of 2013-2014 Cities. I recently attended SoCal Regionals last weekend, and placed 8th overall. I had a blast there, meeting people in person, and playing new opponents. This report is going to be pretty long, so hold onto your Trainer caps, and make some…
When it trusts a Trainer, it will treat them to berries it’s decorated with cream. (Alcremie)