Rahul Reddy

Author Archive
  • Joined Oct ’10
  • “Bee Revenge is best served Cold”

Bio: Top 16 North American Player, I started playing in 2011 casually and chased my first World’s Invite in 2015 (I didn’t get it). Since then I’ve been working hard to become better at the game every day and be as candid as I can be with my opinions. I also enjoy watching Anime, the NFL and just relaxing a bunch.

4× Worlds Invites
14× Regional Top 8s
1× IC Top 8

Admit One

Five Things I’ve Learned About the UPR–RCL Metagame, Format Favs (Fire Box, Mewtwo Welder, Inteleon VMAX/Frosmoth), the Players Cup, Playtesting, and Record Keeping

The Socially-Distant Poké Life

How I’m Dealing w/ Being Stuck Inside, Myriad Online Tournaments, and Introducing Project Old Decks

Down Down Under

My OCIC Zacian/ADP, 5-4/What Went Wrong, and Galarian Obstagoon’s Matchup Spread

More Power!

Dallas Recap w/ Shock Lock, Sword & Shield Top 5 (for Standard), and Electrocharger PikaRom for OCIC

A Good Aura

Marathon Watching, Expanded in Five Points, Lucario-GX, and Obligatory Bees
These Pokémon live in herds. Their trunks have incredible grip strength, strong enough to crush giant rocks into powder. (Copperajah)

GG End

Daytona Beach and San Diego Regionals Recaps with a Detailed Breakdown of Garchomp & Giratina-GX/Mismagius

Turbo Mode Engaged

A Thorough Top 32 LAIC Recap w/ Mew Box and Just-Maybe GardEon for Daytona Beach

Death, Taxes, and Vespiquen

My Top 2 Decks for Richmond and Top 5 Cards from Cosmic Eclipse

King of the Jungle

Another Take on Mew Box/Jirachi and a Bold Blacephalon-GX/Naganadel for Knoxville

It’s Good to Know Karate

Green’s Dojo ReshiZard and Reset Stamp PikaRom for Atlantic City/Cologne/São Paulo
This short-tempered and aggressive Pokémon chugs stagnant water to absorb any toxins it might contain. (Toxtricity)

Inside and Out

Five Final Tips, GG Malamar’s Matchups, and An Attempt at Stabilizing Dark Box

Fire and Extraterrestrial Spice

Testing Lessons, Green’s ReshiZard, and Beheeyem for the World Championships/DC Open

The Chef’s Electric Stove

Unified Minds: Top 10 Impact Cards and UPR-on PikaRom v1.10

Checkmate, Check-Pokémon

An NAIC Recap, What Made 1st–3rd Unique, My Own Tournament Report, and Reflections on Losing Your Head

Trial by Fire

A Santa Clara Tournament Report with the 1st Place ReshiZard, What I Learned From My Losses, the PikaRom I Didn’t Play, and Oh Yeah Madison
They diligently serve people and Pokémon so they can gather feelings of gratitude. The females are particularly good at babysitting. (Indeedee)