Matthew King
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Bio: Hello I am Matthew King and I have been interested in Pokémon for a long time now but I’m still pretty new to the competitive scene and last season was my first ever season in the final year of Seniors. My most notable achievements are 1st/2nd place Battle Roads, two 1st place Cities, two other top 4 Cities.
An Outline of Trevenant/Accelgor Matchup Strategies “Against most decks (e.g Yveltal/Garbodor, Rayboar, Flareon, etc.) you want to be following the same basic strategy of completely locking the opponent out of the game, and using Dusknoir to move damage around before taking all your remaining Prizes in a single swoop at the end of the game. Your goal in every matchup will be to try and set up a turn two Trevenant, and another one on the Bench, and then after that you will want to set up a couple of Accelgor and a Dusknoir. Then the deck just needs to stream Deck and Cover with either Mew-EX (using…
Thoughts on DarkGarb in the NXD-XY Format “The Basic List Options and Ideas Conception and Explanation Tournament Report Conclusion Open Spots – 7 This list represents what I consider to be the bare minimum requirements when building the deck, with a few exceptions. I know some people prefer another Energy over Professor’s Letter, and some people might not want to play Sableye in a very aggressive version. However from my testing this list feels like a reasonable basis to start from. You can see already this deck can be taken in a multitude of different directions dependent on your metagame, time constraints, and personal preference to an…
The Boisterous Rise of Dragonite “The list I have produced is just a sample 60 card list for the deck that I have been testing with relative success. Obviously the list will vary dependant on metagame and personal preferences, so ultimately the perfect list will come down to you, but I hope this will be a useful start. To help you out I’m going to break down some of the interesting card choices in the deck list and also discuss some other options that are available to the deck. 2-1-2 Reuniclus Reuniclus is a pretty crucial part of the deck in my opinion as it…
Five Cards That Benefit from the Catcher Errata “Pokemon Catcher now hinges on a coin flip, so naturally many people will be looking for alternative cards that guarantee gusting up a chosen Pokemon from the opposition’s Bench. There are two cards that immediately spring to mind: Ninetales DRX and Genesect EX. Unlike Genesect, Ninetales does not require a deck to be using Plasma Energies and use their Energy attachment for the turn to activate the Ability. The downsides, of course, to Ninetales are Bright Look only works immediately after you evolve your Vulpix, it can only be used once, it can’t be used Turn 1, and being a Stage…
This Pokémon lived on prehistoric seashores and was able to preserve food with the ice on its body. It went extinct because it moved so slowly. (Arctozolt)
An Analysis of Darkrai/Garbodor “Garbodor’s Place in the Metagame Deck List Inclusions and Exclusions Conclusion Looking at the big threats in the game right now (Plasma, VirGen, Blastoise) they all have a reliance on using Abilities as part of their game. Plasma often uses Keldeo EX’s Rush In Ability in order to enable Kyurem PLF to stream its Blizzard Burn attack every turn, and relies on Deoxys EX’s Power Connect Ability to hit those magic numbers on Pokemon-EX. VirGen uses Virizion EX’s Ability to prevent Special Conditions from cards like Hypnotoxic Laser on their Pokemon with Grass Energies attached making it harder for the opponent to knock out their attackers in…
Without a Dreepy to place on its head and care for, it gets so uneasy it’ll try to substitute any Pokémon it finds for the missing Dreepy. (Drakloak)