Anthony Smith
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Bio: Hi, I’m Anthony Smith, an Australian Masters Division Pokémon TCG player. I’ve been playing since Supreme Victors, just after Silvestro won worlds with Raybees.
Pokémon World Championships 2013 Report “I wake up and it’s Thursday before the first day of events. After breakfast with Ray, Azul and Adam I head to the Vancouver Convention Centre where people are already playing on the 2nd floor anywhere there is a place to sit. At this point the open play area was not yet open – it wouldn’t open until 6 PM. Another issue appeared to be with the Japanese sellers attending the event not being allowed to sell their products bought over from Japan. They were being closely monitored by the security staff and being moved along if it seemed like they…
The shaking of its freezing upper half is what generates its electricity. It has a hard time walking around. (Arctozolt)
Its tentacles tear off easily, but it isn’t alarmed when that happens—it knows they’ll grow back. It’s about as smart as a three-year-old. (Clobbopus)