Will Compere
Author Archive
Bio: My name is Will Compere , I am a senior and have been playing the Pokémon TCG for 3 years. My accomplishments are as followed:
(All of these are from the senior division)
Top32 Worlds 2012
Top32 US Nats 2013
Top 16 Regionals 2013
1st States 2014
2 2nd place States 2012
3rd States 2012
3rd States 2014
Many Cities and Battle Road Wins
(A side note about my dedication to the game)
I have been on and off a little bit with the game as of recent. I grind the game extremely hard when I am playing. I play 5 games a day at least. I can attribute this mostly to the fact that I am homeschooled. Therefore, I have a good amount of time to test. I will generally lose interest if the format becomes stale and not fun for me. Also, since I have a good amount of time I can write an article once every week or so.
A Quick Landorus/Mewtwo/Raichu/Garbodor Deck Overview “3 Pikachu XY I decided to play a 3rd Pikachu because when playing 2, you can have trouble getting them out quickly. In addition, a 3rd Pikachu makes it highly probable that you will get out 2 Raichu every game. Also, if you play 2 Pikachu and Prize 1, your opponent can Lysandre or Catcher your lone Pikachu and you can lose a game right there. 3 Professor Juniper Brandon played 4 in his list. I am opting for 3 as of now because I don’t want to be forced to dump resources like Switch, Laser, or Muscle Band. I…
1st Place Seniors 2014 Alabama States Report “About three weeks before States began, I decided that a Virizion/Genesect variant would be the ideal deck for me. I realized early on though that a straight, streamlined version of the deck would not be optimal for multiple reasons: With Rayquaza/Emboar/Delphox decks around, having a deck that is all weak to Fire will almost always result in me losing. I refused to play a deck that had any severely bad matchups. Yveltal-EX caused me trouble in testing with a straight Virizion/Genesect deck. This is mainly due to them being able to 1-shot a Genesect-EX sometimes. In addition, the ability of…
After many battles, it evolved dangerous claws that come together to form daggers when extended. (Perrserker)