Xander Pero

Author Archive
  • Joined Oct ’16
  • “Purple Princess”

Bio: I started playing in December of 2009 after hearing about Pokémon tournaments from a friend. Before then, I casually collected cards and showed them off during recess. My initial 2.5 years in the Junior Division has led to me to Masters now, where I’m in the middle of my fourth year. I started writing for 6P Free in November, 2016, before fatefully winning Dallas and joining the UG team in February. Outside of Pokémon, I’m a sophomore at University of Illinois studying Industrial Engineering.

Major Accomplishments:
T4 Worlds ’17 (M)
T32 Worlds ’15 (S)
T8 Worlds ’14 (S)

1st D.C. Open w/ Checkmate! ’19
T16 LAIC (M)
T32 NAIC & OIC (M)
T64 EUIC (M)
T8 Nats ’15, ’13 (S)
1st Nats ’11 (J)

2nd Daytona Beach Regionals ’20
T4 Madison Regionals ’19
T4 Philly Regionals ’19
T8 Madison Regionals ’18
1st Roanoke Regionals ’18
1st Portland Regionals ’18
T4 Vancouver Regionals ’17
T4 Mexico Regionals ’17
1st Dallas Regionals ’17
J/S Regionals Stuff

You Have a Good Deck

Recapping the Players Cup Finals and the Future of TEU–DAA

It’s Hip to Be… Cubing!

A Discussion on Cubing and Using Tabletop Simulator

Dragapult to e4

Analyzing the Results of the Players Cup Kickoff Invitational and Limitless Invitational

Qualifier: Yellow Version

Investigating the Results of Limitless Qualifier #3, Plus My Glaceon-GX/Barbaracle Decklist for PokéStats Old Format Tournament #4 and Initial Thoughts on the Players Cup

Offseason’s Maintenance

Philosophies for Becoming a Better Player During the Offseason (or This Unexpected Break in Organized Play)
It absorbs the life-force of those who drink it. It waits patiently, but opportunities are fleeting—it tastes so bad that it gets spat out immediately. (Sinistea)

From A to Z

My Final ADP/Zacian V List for OCIC, Expanded in a Nutshell, and Shock Lock w/ SSH

The Crowned Card

Sword & Shield Set Rundown, ADP/Zacian V the BDIF, and Concept Lists for Hammertime and Fire Box

The Sylver Bullet

Closing the Book on RoxieChomp in Standard, and GardEon for Dallas

Toxic Gas

Exploring Expanded Garbodor Variants: Zoroark-GX, Ultra Necrozma, and Rogue Giratina-EX/Welder

That Which We Call a Rosa

Recapping My 2nd Place Rosa ADP List from Daytona Beach
When scared, this Pokémon cries. Its tears pack the chemical punch of 100 onions, and attackers won’t be able to resist weeping. (Sobble)

Story Arc

A Quick Recap on Perfection from LAIC and ADP for Daytona Beach

Beak of the Finch

UPR–CEC Meta Developments, Updating Pidgeotto Control, and Asides on Checkmate and Oranguru UPR

Big Brain Birds

Dissecting and Improving Pidgeotto Control from AC/Cologne for Knoxville

Check Check, Is This Thing On

Shifts in Standard, Malamar: the Squid-surgence, Sequencing, and a Checkmate Update

Advanced Strategies for Taking 6 Prizes

A Complete Guide to Naganadel-GX Checkmate w/ the DC Open Winning List
When it gets down on all fours as if to beg for forgiveness, it’s trying to lure opponents in so that it can stab them with its spear-like hair. (Morgrem)