Xander Pero

Author Archive

Ear Kitty Kitty

Psychic Malamar, On Using Spell Tag, and the Pitfalls of Naganadel-GX Control

The Endgame Manual

Checkmating in UPR-on with Naganadel-GX Control, Worlds/DC Open Meta Overview, and a Peek at Meganium/Nidoqueen

Culminating w/ Coulombs 4 Columbus

A Complete Guide to PikaRom for NAIC, Including Matchups + Lists, and a Different Take on ZapBeasts

Tag Bolt, You’re It

EUIC Tournament Recap, Innovations, Our PikaRom List, and Vespiquen Honed for Hartford

Hungry Like the Wolf

Profiling Zapdos/Lycanroc-GX in Standard and Recapping Archie’s Blastoise in Expanded
After many battles, it evolved dangerous claws that come together to form daggers when extended. (Perrserker)

I’m a Lumberjack and I’m Okay

On Trevenant’s Torontonian Reign, the Future for Trees, the Case for Counterbox, and My Play (ZoroGarb) for Greensboro

More Than Hot Air

Synthesizing Collinsville’s Results at the Dusk of SUM–TEU Standard (and an Electrical Stab at Expanded)

Hype and Counter-Hype

A More Focused Look at Top Contenders Post-Team Up (Electric.dec, Psychic/”GasKan” Malamar, and Decidueye-GX)

The Insouciance of Spice

My Dallas Experience w/ Zoro/Garb, Final Notes on Expanded, and Team Up and Standard

The Definite Duo

Recapping a Collection of Tournaments with Zoroark-GX/Garbodor in Expanded
It manipulates the chemical makeup of its poison to produce electricity. The voltage is weak, but it can cause a tingling paralysis. (Toxel)

Zoroark’s Zenith

Discussing the Dominance of Zoroark-GX in the Entirety of the TCG

Shifting Sands

Profiling the Shift to Expanded with Lost Thunder in Gardevoir-GX and Archie’s Blastoise

The Roanoke Roundtable

A Synopsis of Xander’s Roanoke Contending Challengers Post-Latin America’s International Championship

Seeking the Top Tier

An Exploration of Lost Thunder’s Impact on the Best Decks of 2018 Standard

A New Lease on Life

A Look at Revitalizing Old Concepts in the Post-Bans Expanded
They say that any patisserie visited by _______ is guaranteed success and good fortune. (Milcery)