Xander Pero

Author Archive

Digging Deep

Short Recap on Xander’s NAIC Run and Looking Ahead to New Options from Burning Shadows for Anaheim

The Elusive Fox

Examining the Success of Drampa/Zoroark, Considering the Proper List, and NAIC Potential

From Start to Finish

A Primer Guide on All Aspects of Tournament Preparation and a Dive into Greninja’s Resurgence

¡Viva Garbodor!

Xander’s Top 4 Mexico City Regionals Report and Review with Espeon-GX/Garbodor

Seattle Science Center

Xander’s Seattle Recap, Methods and Madness for Beating Garbodor, and a Patient Waterbox.
The one with the best drumming techniques becomes the boss of the troop. It has a gentle disposition and values harmony among its group. (Rillaboom)

Full Circle

The Return of Raichu and M Gardevoir

Rising Tides

Virginia Hopefuls, Looking Ahead to Guardians Rising

Now You See Me

Standard as a Whole and In-Depth Analyses of Mega Rayquaza, Mega Gardevoir, and Quad Lapras-GX!

That Deck Exists?!?!

Mega Gardevoir, Revisiting on Umbreon/Zoroark, Mega Mewtwo, An Interesting Lurantis Build, and Vespiquen!

Gardy Boys in Dallas

1st Place Dallas Regionals 2017 Tournament Report
It’s usually peaceful, but the vandalism of mines enrages it. Offenders will be incinerated with flames that reach 2,700 degrees Fahrenheit. (Coalossal)

Natural Selection

Evolutions, How It Will Impact Standard, and Fairies for Fort Wayne
It starts off battles by attacking with its rock-hard horn, but as soon as the opponent flinches, this Pokémon bites down and never lets go. (Chewtle)