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Streaming Through Time and The Top Five Basic-and-Stage 1 Decks of NXD–FLF “Pokémon TCG Live Streaming Through Time The Past The Present The Future The Top Five Basic-and-Stage 1 Decks of NXD-FLF Conclusion The Top Cut // YouTube, Twitch I would like to start this look back by thanking the founding members of The Top Cut: Kyle “Pooka” Sucevich, Michael Pramawat, Josue “Crimz” Rojano, and Drew Holton. As players for years with a true love for the game, they took it into their own hands to solve a major issue facing the TCG: How can we provide more Pokémon TCG coverage to the community? During the summer of 2011, they cemented their plans and…
It wraps prey up with its heated body, cooking them in its coils. Once they’re well-done, it will voraciously nibble them down to the last morsel. (Sizzlipede)