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Thought to be the oldest form of _________, it moves in zigzags and wreaks havoc upon its surroundings. (Galarian Zigzagoon)
It’s very curious, but its means of investigating things is to try to punch them with its tentacles. The search for food is what brings it onto land. (Clobbopus)

Can We Lost Zone Zoroark?

SixPrizes Podcast Ep. 28

The Flying Foe

Isaiah on Rayquaza/Garbodor for the World Championships

The Zoroark Zone Remains

A Final Look at Zoroark/Lycanroc and Zoroark/Gardevoir for Worlds
Most of its body has the same composition as coal. Fittingly, this PokΓ©mon was first discovered in coal mines about 400 years ago. (Rolycoly)