66 results for: @jayhornung @roarchomp
Jay’s 3rd Place 2012 US Nationals Report “Having Worlds in Hawaii also creates a very interesting dilemma as far as article writing goes. Only a handful of players are making the long (and expensive) trip to Hawaii to either compete in the World Championships or do their best to grind in. For the rest though, this season has drawn to a close with the end of US Nationals and they already have their eyes set on next season. What this means is some people want to hear about what did well at Nationals and what the best play is for the Grinders and Worlds. The other group…
Infinite amounts of energy pour from this PokΓ©mon’s enlarged core, warping the surrounding space-time. (Eternamax Eternatus)
A constant collector of information, this PokΓ©mon is very smart. Very strong is what it isn’t. (Blipbug)
Living with a savage, seafaring people has toughened this PokΓ©mon’s body so much that parts of it have turned to iron. (Galarian Meowth)