7 results for: ArchieStoise

Turning Back the Clock

Archie’s Blastoise, Turbo Dark, and Ultra Night March for Richmond

What We Thought, and Not

Daytona Top 8 Recap, Archie’s Blastoise and Shock Lock for Hartford, and a Bonus ZapBeasts List for the EUIC

Your Daily Dose of Vitamin Bee

Inspecting the Big Two (to Counter) for Daytona and Bringing Back Bees

Footprints Ashore, Turtles & More

Powerhouse Plays—Nightmarch/Lucario-GX and Archie’s Blastoise—for Daytona

Hungry Like the Wolf

Profiling Zapdos/Lycanroc-GX in Standard and Recapping Archie’s Blastoise in Expanded
This hungry Pokémon swallows Arrokuda whole. Occasionally, it makes a mistake and tries to swallow a Pokémon other than its preferred prey. (Cramorant)

The Fun Police and Other Silly Tales

PikaRom, A Bunch of Zoroarks (Garbodor, Golisopod, Golisopod/Lucario), Rayquaza/Ho-Oh, and Archie’s Blastoise for Toronto

Levee Overflow

One-Fish/Two-Fish, the Renegade Rancher, and Texas Ranger for Dallas Regionals
If this Pokémon senses a strong emotion, it will run away as fast as it can. It prefers areas without people. (Hatenna)