2 results for: Aromatisse
Streaming Through Time and The Top Five Basic-and-Stage 1 Decks of NXD–FLF “Pokémon TCG Live Streaming Through Time The Past The Present The Future The Top Five Basic-and-Stage 1 Decks of NXD-FLF Conclusion The Top Cut // YouTube, Twitch I would like to start this look back by thanking the founding members of The Top Cut: Kyle “Pooka” Sucevich, Michael Pramawat, Josue “Crimz” Rojano, and Drew Holton. As players for years with a true love for the game, they took it into their own hands to solve a major issue facing the TCG: How can we provide more Pokémon TCG coverage to the community? During the summer of 2011, they cemented their plans and…
A Look into Aromatisse in the NXD–FLF Format “Open Spots – 10 The main reason for introducing a Skeleton list is because of how many different options there are for this deck. 2-2 Aromatisse XY Compared to decks like Hydreigon, this deck needs a smaller line to get its Energy switching up and going. A 2-2 line has worked for me well, and I’ve never felt like I’ve wanted a 3rd of either copy with Sacred Ash in the deck. 2 Thundurus-EX Thundurus-EX is one of the main reasons why this deck can function. For its 1-Energy attack, Thundurus can deal 100 damage to Lightning-Weak Pokémon such as Lugia-EX and…
When it trusts a Trainer, it will treat them to berries it’s decorated with cream. (Alcremie)