2 results for: Beheeyem
The Alien Beheeyem/Zoroark/Walls for Richmond “A couple of weeks ago, I was sitting in a hallway about to take a midterm, and about 15 minutes before it started, this idea just came into my head. Naturally, instead of continuing to study, I started to think about this list, and after a lot of testing, this is where I landed with it. The theory behind this deck is that you use Beheeyem to Item lock, then switch into a wall such as Pyroar or Honchkrow-GX. Then Zoroark provides the incredibly powerful draw engine the deck needs to be able to find Beheeyem pieces every turn. Honchkrow-GX…
Testing Lessons, Green’s ReshiZard, and Beheeyem for the World Championships/DC Open “Lists are all wildly different for any deck. This is a lesson that needs to be taken into account because while two people could be playing PikaRom, one list could be Jirachi-based and one could be Turbo. One list could be playing heavy Lillie, whereas another could be playing 0 Lillie. It’s important to take notes on what version of a deck and what techs it sports in your testing and try a bunch of stuff out. Even content creators on YouTube have wildly differing lists and they’re pretty different from my lists that I’ve been using in my testing…
Trainers ___________ trusts will be allowed to experience its distinctive flavor and aroma firsthand by sampling just a tiny bit of its tea. (Polteageist)