33 results for: Blacephalon
Baby Blowns Reinflated for Phase 2 (AKA Bracket Play) (AKA the Region Qualifiers) of the Players Cup II “Today’s article will analyze Baby Blowns, which, together with the Water Mew3 Box from my previous article, is one of my main choices for Players Cup II bracket play. After Fiery Flint rotated, Baby Blowns wasn’t the same and lost the monstrous strength it had in the first few turns. But, with a new strategy and way of playing the deck, I feel that Blacephalon still has the capability to be one of the best in the format. The great truth is that Baby Blowns had been so strong that it was necessary for decks to tech Tapu Fini UNM…
Three Tips for Online Events and a Look at Blacephalon for the Players Cup II “If you make the Top 256 (or 128) in your region for the Players Cup II, you will qualify to play in a double-elimination tournament that plays until four players are left in your region. This means that as soon as you lose two rounds, you are eliminated from the tournament. With such little margin for error, your deck choice becomes incredibly important if you plan to make it to the Players Cup Finals. It is important to note that the Regional Qualifiers will be played in a best-of-three format. So, if you do not have the best luck one…
Rolling the Dice on My Top Five Decks for POG 2020, Including Vikavolt V, Eternatus VMAX, ADPZ, Centiskorch VMAX, and Blacephalon “This is a hyper aggressive and turbo build of Vikavolt V, focused on trying to get an early Item lock of course, but leaning more towards the aggressive side of things after the initial “lock phase” with the Turbo Patch support. It has every single support Pokemon available at the moment, except for Oranguru SSH, which has made the deck consistent overall. Supporters-wise, it has a standard engine but the single copy of Bellelba & Brycen-Man is there to help vs. Eternatus VMAX decks in theory. In reality though, I never faced any, but I did utilize BBM to win…
My Top 5 Decks for Week 1 of Players Cup Bracket Play (Including: Spiritomb, Baby Blowns, PikaRom, Dragapult, and Zacian Combo) “Spiritomb/Ultra Beasts is a deck that emerged after the metagame was already established. If the metagame stays the way it is, then we have a great deck, but if opponents make a few changes to prepare for Spiritomb, it loses a lot of potential. In addition, it is a deck with very even matchups, without great advantages or disadvantages. Spiritomb needs other attackers because alone it will not be able to close out a match due to its low HP and limit of 4 copies. As much as you use Ordinary Rod or Lana’s Fishing Rod, you still need more…
Evaluating My PikaRom Play, Combo Blacephalon, Techy Dragapult, and General Thoughts from Playing in the Various Online Tournaments “Watch: I want to delve deeper into the second game from the Winners Finals match vs. Tord and provide an analysis as to why I in fact did not get “unlucky” to not draw the Electropower to basically seal the game. Instead, I actually didn’t play optimally the previous turn, and this will hopefully show why it’s so important to look back into what you could’ve done better in every match, rather than blame losses on luck. Here is the crucial turn where 1 Electropower off of this Dedechange hand would’ve allowed me to KO the Dragapult with Energy and…
It digs up the ground with its trunk. It’s also very strong, being able to carry loads of over five tons without any problem at all. (Cufant)
Blacephalon and Dragapult VMAX (My Two Favs to Grind With), Thoughts on PTCGO + the Players Cup, and Limitless Invitational Meta Musings “So far, my favorite decks to grind with have been Baby Blacephalon and Dragapult VMAX. Baby Blacephalon has been a new interest for me as I usually despised playing against it, and in general I felt like Welder decks were too hit-or-miss. Having played a lot with it recently though, with the mentality of “if you can’t beat them, join them,” I’ve enjoyed using it. Blacephalon really focuses on perfect sequencing and rewards optimal deck-thinning to put yourself in great spots where you’re basically guaranteed to not miss KOs, on top of trading extremely favorably against the big TAG TEAMs…
Investigating the Results of Limitless Qualifier #3, Plus My Glaceon-GX/Barbaracle Decklist for PokéStats Old Format Tournament #4 and Initial Thoughts on the Players Cup “The idea of a Pokemon-created online tournament series is amazing. I’m glad that organizations like Limitless and PokéStats have done a great job of organizing their own tournaments, but the fact that TPCi is getting involved takes it to another level. There’s a greater possible outreach through pokemon.com than on Twitter and each organization’s website. There are certainly players who didn’t know about Limitless’s tournaments that know about the Players Cup, and even more people who are motivated to play for the prospect of a free trip to an IC. I haven’t reviewed Tournament Rep (mentioned here) or the prospect…
Preliminary Expanded Decklists ×4 and Mew3/Fire Box + Green’s Blowns for Standard “The biggest things to happen in Expanded with the release of SSH are easily the emergence of Zacian as an archetype and the turn 1 no Supporter rule. Both of these things have had a decent impact on the format, and made some of the old archetypes much better and some much worse. In my initial breakdown of SSH I mentioned some of the cards that got better, so check that out for that info. I believe that I may have initially overvalued EggLet in this format though. I initially thought the card, and the deck, would be incredibly good,…
Blacephalon/Naganadel Updated and Matched Up for UPR–SSH/Standard “-1 Poipole LOT +1 Poipole FLI -1 Heatran-GX +1 Blacephalon-GX -1 Blacephalon CEC -1 Marshadow UNB +1 Mew UNB -3 Cherish Ball +3 Quick Ball -1 Great Catcher +2 Pokemon Catcher I decided to keep all Poipole the same (with the Spit Poison attack) since the 10 damage ticks can actually make a difference at times. I also ended up finally dropping Heatran-GX for a 4th copy of Blacephalon-GX for a couple of reasons: First, our best starter is Blacephalon-GX. When we start with it, we can Burst-GX as soon as possible. Second, GardEon will likely not exist anymore…
Steven’s PikaRom in San Diego, Treasures & Traps (Post-Bans Edition), and Two Concepts for Dallas “I was feeling fairly confused heading into San Diego Regionals, following Daytona the week before. My top pick had been an Arceus & Dialga & Palkia-GX list not too dissimilar from the one Diego would take to a Top 4 finish later on, followed by a Malamar list which featured Ultra Necrozma-GX and Gengar & Mimikyu-GX, inspired by that of Daniel Altivilla. However, I wasn’t really feeling satisfied with either pick; I knew both were good, but ever since I had been working with Lost March, I wanted to find something else that felt like it had surprise factor. Speaking…
By rapidly rolling its legs, it can travel at over 18 mph. The temperature of the flames it breathes exceeds 1,800 degrees Fahrenheit. (Carkol)
Recapping My Runs w/ Blacephalon/Naganadel at LAIC + Daytona Beach and Looking at the Top 16 Ability Zard from Daytona Beach “The List: Blacephalon/Naganadel I started 0-3-0 then got a Round 4 bye, which I thought was hilarious. I started to bounce back and found myself at a record of 5-3-0. One more win and I would make Top 128, net 100 Points, and keep my OCIC stipend. I knew how important my last round was. Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to win my last round, which was against Green’s/Zard. My opponent played very well and we took it to Game 3, but I couldn’t pull it out. It was a heartbreaking loss because I knew what was at stake for me.…
The Enigmatic QuagVally (Quagsire/Silvally) and Actual Big Brain Blowns (Blacephalon-GX/Naganadel) for San Diego “Warning: This deck is excessively difficult to play. With most decks, you can pick it up and have a good feeling for the strategy within 10 games. This is not the case with QuagVally. With this deck, you need to commit yourself to playing many practice games, wherein you carefully analyze every action you take. The first I heard of a Quagsire/Silvally deck was my good friend Michael Catron pitching the idea to me at Richmond Regionals. You use Red & Blue to get Energy into play instead of Naganadel LOT, then Wash Out the Energies to your attackers. As…
LAIC by the Numbers, Pidgey Power, and My Top 2 Plays for Daytona Beach “Thanks to RK9 Labs, we have access to the entire Day 1 field across all age divisions for LAIC. We’ll focus on Masters for our purposes, but there are a few interesting numbers in the other two divisions as well—notably 5 Reshiram & Charizard-GX/Flareon-GX decks in Seniors, and 2 Naganadel/Rayquaza-GX decks in Juniors. Masters saw a Day 1 meta dominated by Arceus & Dialga & Palkia-GX (ADP) decks, as well as Mewtwo & Mew-GX decks. Based on numbers provided by Limitless, we know some number of players brought a Green’s Exploration-based ADP list, as opposed to the midrange list with…
Pidgeotto Control and Pidgeotto/Blacephalon for LAIC “With the release of Cosmic Eclipse, Pidgeotto Control has gotten a couple of tools (which I will detail below) that make it an even more formidable deck than it was before. Prior to Cosmic Eclipse, Pidgeotto Control had three Top 8 finishes between Atlantic City and Knoxville Regionals and a Top 8 finish at Worlds, which showed how powerful it was from the get-go. With its new additions, everyone attending LAIC should focus their attention on either (A) playing Pidgeotto Control or (B) countering it. As always, my lists going into testing are consistency-focused, and most of the techs are…
Blacephalon/Naganadel Pumped Up for LAIC “This card does wonders. Not only for its Ultra Conversion Ability that lets you draw cards, but also for its attack, Venom Shot. If the opponent does not play Mew UNB or benches it a turn too late, then Venom Shot is MVP when it comes to victory. So many decks play Dedenne-GX. That is 2 free Prize cards with Venom Shot. If they play a TAG TEAM attacker, then that’s 3 prize cards as well you can eventually take. Not to mention, Burst-GX gives you 1 free prize card, making for a total of 6 prize cards. This is…
It’s very curious, but its means of investigating things is to try to punch them with its tentacles. The search for food is what brings it onto land. (Clobbopus)