2 results for: Brazil
2014 Brazilian Nationals 8th Place Masters Report “I had two choices: Plasma/Lugia or Virizion/Genesect. Blastoise quickly became the deck to defeat in our country, as it managed to get to several Regional finals around the world and people in our country are very influenced by the worldwide results. With this scenario, a lot of people would choose VirGen, to catcher Blastoise out of play. So did I, feeling confident in my VirGen list: The tournament started a little bit later than expected. It was good to talk with people from all over the country about everything. Round 1 vs. ??? (Plasma/Lugia) I have to admit my heart…
2014 Brazilian Nationals 1st Place Masters Report “This year Nationals happened on May 3rd and 4th, with more than 200 players. My choice of deck was very difficult this year. I played the beginning of this season with VirGen/Munna BCR/Musharna NXD and got a 2nd place in Brasília’s Regional. I played in two Cities with Ho-Oh-EX/Garbodor LTR/Techs and got a 2nd place in Brasilia as well. I played April Regionals near my town with Darkrai-EX/Yveltal-EX/Absol PLF in Brasilia where I had a 2nd place (AGAIN) and in Goiânia with Darkrai-EX/Yveltal-EX/Garbodor LTR where I got 7th place. I was calm about my CPs as I totaled them high…
It’s famous for its high level of intelligence, and the large size of its brain is proof that it also possesses immense psychic power. (Orbeetle)