3 results for: BuzzGarb
Meta Shifts to Hartford, How to Counter Shock Lock, Plus Zoroark/Vespiquen and Buzzwole/Garbodor/Jirachi for this Weekend “But before anything else, I want to talk about how the Daytona meta is likely going to impact what we see in Hartford. Over half of Top 8 was made up of Control decks Zoroark/Garbodor and Archie’s Blastoise fell off the map in Day 2 Seismitoad is back and still a major threat Shock Lock made two consecutive Top 8 placements by the same player Pikarom is easily the strongest deck in the game But what does this all mean? Hot Take #1: We should see more people playing Shock Lock. How does the game deal with this though? There…
T64 Toronto Report, PikaRom’s Revenge, and Contemplating Yveltal BREAK for Greensboro “Toronto went decently well for me, netting me another 50 Championship Points with a 48th place finish. I played an adaption of Pablo’s Buzzwole/Jirachi/Garbodor list that he wrote about in his last article. Based on the most popular decks (Pikarom, Archie, ZoroGarb, and Lucario), I should have had a free walk into Day 2 at least. However, TOM (Tournament Operating Manager) had other plans for me. Instead of the heavy counts of meta decks I hoped to play against, I managed to hit a whopping two total. R1: BuzzGarbShrine WW (1-0-0) R2: Mimigar/Omastar LWT (1-0-1) R3: Zorogarb WLT (1-0-2) R4: Fighting…
Latias & Latios-GX/Malamar and Buzzwole/Garbodor for Toronto “I believe in the potential of Latias & Latios-GX in Expanded for a few reasons (and it might even have some merit in Standard too in the near future): 250 HP means it’s out of Zoroark-GX range. Buster Purge deals 240 damage, which can OHKO Pikachu & Zekrom-GX precisely, and also deal with every other GX seeing play (except for Magikarp & Wailord-GX and its humongous 300 HP). Finally, the most interesting aspect of this card in Expanded is that it can make use of Double Dragon Energy, meaning Buster Purge can be used for 3 Energy cards (Double Dragon…
The shaking of its freezing upper half is what generates its electricity. It has a hard time walking around. (Arctozolt)