1 result for: BuzzMosa
Pheromosa & Buzzwole-GX/Mismagius Hand Lock for UPR–HIF/Atlantic City/Köln “For completion’s sake, here is the Day 2 meta breakdown from Sheffield Regionals: Reshiram & Charizard-GX: 18/55 (32.73%) Pikachu & Zekrom-GX: 8/55 (14.55%) Mewtwo & Mew-GX: 8/55 (14.55%) Malamar: 6/55 (10.91%) Blacephalon-GX: 4/55 (7.27%) Gardevoir & Sylveon-GX: 3/55 (5.45%) Oranguru/Pidgeotto: 3/55 (5.45%) Blacephalon UNB: 1/55 (1.82%) Keldeo-GX/Bronzong TEU: 1/55 (1.82%) Quagsire DRM/Naganadel LOT: 1/55 (1.82%) Shedinja Control: 1/55: (1.82%) Dark Box: 1/55 (1.82%) So what does all this mean for the meta? ReshiZard decks still have a hold as the most popular deck—and for good reason too. Having a powerhouse of an attacker and strong support in the forms of…
The swirl pattern in this Pokémon’s body is its weakness. If it gets stirred, the swirl loses its shape, and ________ gets dizzy. (Sinistea)