8 results for: Buzzwole
Meta Shifts to Hartford, How to Counter Shock Lock, Plus Zoroark/Vespiquen and Buzzwole/Garbodor/Jirachi for this Weekend “But before anything else, I want to talk about how the Daytona meta is likely going to impact what we see in Hartford. Over half of Top 8 was made up of Control decks Zoroark/Garbodor and Archie’s Blastoise fell off the map in Day 2 Seismitoad is back and still a major threat Shock Lock made two consecutive Top 8 placements by the same player Pikarom is easily the strongest deck in the game But what does this all mean? Hot Take #1: We should see more people playing Shock Lock. How does the game deal with this though? There…
T64 Toronto Report, PikaRom’s Revenge, and Contemplating Yveltal BREAK for Greensboro “Toronto went decently well for me, netting me another 50 Championship Points with a 48th place finish. I played an adaption of Pablo’s Buzzwole/Jirachi/Garbodor list that he wrote about in his last article. Based on the most popular decks (Pikarom, Archie, ZoroGarb, and Lucario), I should have had a free walk into Day 2 at least. However, TOM (Tournament Operating Manager) had other plans for me. Instead of the heavy counts of meta decks I hoped to play against, I managed to hit a whopping two total. R1: BuzzGarbShrine WW (1-0-0) R2: Mimigar/Omastar LWT (1-0-1) R3: Zorogarb WLT (1-0-2) R4: Fighting…
Latias & Latios-GX/Malamar and Buzzwole/Garbodor for Toronto “I believe in the potential of Latias & Latios-GX in Expanded for a few reasons (and it might even have some merit in Standard too in the near future): 250 HP means it’s out of Zoroark-GX range. Buster Purge deals 240 damage, which can OHKO Pikachu & Zekrom-GX precisely, and also deal with every other GX seeing play (except for Magikarp & Wailord-GX and its humongous 300 HP). Finally, the most interesting aspect of this card in Expanded is that it can make use of Double Dragon Energy, meaning Buster Purge can be used for 3 Energy cards (Double Dragon…
Examining the Viability of Buzzwole FLI/Weavile UPR/Shrine of Punishments for the Philly Standard “Here’s what I’ve come up with. A lot of the list is traditional, but there are a couple of differences from other lists. First, I’m unsure of Magcargo’s place in this deck. It seems amazing when paired with Acro Bike and Oranguru SUM, but those 4 spots can be allocated elsewhere. The 3-3 Weavile line, Energy Loto, and Marshadow are all conveniences available because of the extra space. These changes smooth the deck over, but in a different manner. 4 Buzzwole, 3-3 Weavile Simply put, these are the main attackers. I run 4 Buzzwole because it’s the best starter by…
On Countering Buzzwole/Shrine of Punishments, Zoroark/Golisopod, and Zoroark/Lycanroc for Philly “The Baby Buzzwole/Shrine of Punishment deck first appeared on the radar a few weeks prior to the 2018 World Championship. Although the playerbase at large had mixed feelings on the deck, it made it’s presence known on both days of that tournament, putting up a dominant performance in Day 1 and putting a few players into the money on Day 2 as well. Looking back, it’s no surprise this deck turned out to be great. The combination of the early game aggression of Buzzwole and the late game one hit KO potential of Trashalance is obviously very powerful, especially when…
Sudden climate change wiped out this ancient kind of _______. This Pokémon absorbs others’ life-force through its branches. (Galarian Corsola)
Jimmy’s SLC and São Paulo Recaps and Forbidden Light Favorites “R1 Zoroark-GX/Lycanroc-GX GRI WW R2 Ho-Oh-GX/Kiawe WW R3 Zoroark-GX/Glaceon-GX WW R4 Espeon-GX/Garbodor WW R5 Buzzwole-GX/Lycanroc-GX GRI WW R6 Zoroark-GX/Lucario-GX/Lycanroc-GX GRI WLW R7 Buzzwole-GX/Lycanroc-GX GRI ID R8 Zoroark-GX/Lycanroc-GX GRI ID R9 Zoroark-GX/Lycanroc-GX GRI WW R10 Zoroark-GX/Lycanroc-GX GRI WW R11 Zoroark-GX/Garbodor WLL R12 Tapu Bulu-GX/Vikavolt SUM WLL R13 Magnezone UPR/Dusk Mane Necrozma-GX LWL R14 Zoroark-GX/Golisopod-GX WW 9-3-2, 15th place Headed into this event, I knew that I wanted to play something consistent. I also prefer playing decks that have a chance against everything, as opposed to just a couple good matchups. This left me deciding between Golisopod-GX/Zoroark-GX and Buzzwole-GX/Lycanroc-GX. Both decks fit…
Expanded SLC Recap, Fighting for Toronto, and First Looks at Buzzwole and Malamar/Necrozma for FLI Standard “This weekend showed that Zoroark has become predictable to an extent, and decks are adapting more successfully. We saw a huge surge of Fighting type decks, an important Drampa-GX/Garbodor presence, along with a Korrina based Gardevoir-GX deck, and even Sableye/Garbodor have a strong showing (with the latter taking the big win in the end). With only a single Zoroark deck in the Top 8, maybe the format will prove to be more varied than it felt to me personally this weekend. I’m not sure I can say I’d be happy with a more varied format that includes decks like Sableye/Garbodor…
Alex Discusses Post-LAIC Standard with Buzzwole and Ultra Necrozma “As we’ve seen from this weekend, you can play Buzzwole in any number of different ways. There are 2-3 tech slots that you can use for some number of the following cards: Fighting Energy Energy Switch (Multi Switch) Super Rod 2nd Mew-EX counter (Oricorio, Mew FCO, Mewtwo, Sudowoodo) Enhanced Hammer Zygarde-EX That seems to be the exhaustive list, and allows you to take the deck in a handful of different directions. Extra Fighting Energy and/or Super Rod help you be more consistent with Max Elixir. The 2nd Mew-EX “counter” and Enhanced Hammer give you a bit of an edge against…
This Pokémon consumes particles that contaminate the air. Instead of leaving droppings, it expels clean air. (Galarian Weezing)