355 results for: card evaluation

A Soft Spot for Stage 2s

Out in T64 of the Players Cup, Thoughts on the Event, and a Darkness Ablaze Set Review

The Crowned Card

Sword & Shield Set Rundown, ADP/Zacian V the BDIF, and Concept Lists for Hammertime and Fire Box

More Power!

Dallas Recap w/ Shock Lock, Sword & Shield Top 5 (for Standard), and Electrocharger PikaRom for OCIC

Are You Ready to Rock?

My T8 Regirock/Sableye from Dallas, Ideas for Adapting It to BLW–SSH (for Collinsville), and a Sword & Shield Set Review

20/20 Vision

Dallas Recap w/ Ultra Necrozma, Takeaways for BLW–SSH Expanded, Sword & Shield Top 5 Cards, and an Aside on Goal Setting
It can race around like a unicycle, even on rough, rocky terrain. Burning coal sustains it. (Rolycoly)

Beak of the Finch

UPR–CEC Meta Developments, Updating Pidgeotto Control, and Asides on Checkmate and Oranguru UPR

The First Circle of…Well…

UPR-on ReshiZard, Predicted Trends for UPR-on, the Transition Period (Goodbye, Cards…), and a Succinct NAIC Recap

It’s Like a Sauna in Here

An Unbroken Bonds Review, Blastoise/Alolan Ninetales, and All-Basics ReshiZard

Where There’s Smoke, There’s Fire

Fulop’s Fiery Unbroken Bonds Set Review, Exploring SUM–UNB w/ ReshiZard, GardEon, and Baby Blace, and Innovations at EUIC

A Good Thing Going

PikaRom and Hoopa/Umbreon for Berlin/the EUIC, and Unbroken Bonds Favs
It sneaks into people’s homes, stealing things and feasting on the negative energy of the frustrated occupants. (Impidimp)

High Voltage Down Under

Oceania IC Results Discussion, Breakout Cards, and the Four Major Decks Heading into Collinsville

Consistency and Blowouts

Team Up Notables, the Oceania Meta, Lost March, Psychic Malamar, and Impressions of the New Standard

Are You Squidding Me…

The Return of Fulop’s Korner, Malamar Goes Far, and a Special Poll (RED or BLUE?)

The Next Big Thing

Pikachu & Zekrom-GX, Rayquaza/Vikavolt, and Celebi & Venusaur-GX (for Standard)

What Comes After Three?

The Past (Dallas w/ ZoroToad), The Future (SUM–TEU Standard), and a Team Up Top 10
It stashes berries in its tail—so many berries that they fall out constantly. But this Pokémon is a bit slow-witted, so it doesn’t notice the loss. (Greedent)