11 results for: Cinccino

The Drill That Will Pierce the Heavens

My Players Cup II Experience (So Far), Moving Forward to Phase 2, and Two Favs: Excadrill Control + Excadrill Beatdown

Down the Rabbit Hole

A Comprehensive Rodent-and-Bird-Filled Guide to Post-Rotation, Post-Bellelba & Brycen-Man Control

A Fortunate Catch of the Eye

The Debut of Gothita Lock

Making Do w/ the Sauce

A New and Improved Way to Play Cinccino Control

Rumors of Mill’s Death Have Been Greatly Exaggerated

An In-Depth Look at Cinccino Mill in the UPR–RCL Format
Only Farfetch’d that have survived many battles can attain this evolution. When this Pokémon’s leek withers, it will retire from combat. (Sirfetch’d)

Qualifier: Yellow Version

Investigating the Results of Limitless Qualifier #3, Plus My Glaceon-GX/Barbaracle Decklist for PokéStats Old Format Tournament #4 and Initial Thoughts on the Players Cup

The Spy Who Hydro Sniped Me

Inteleon VMAX/Energy Denial (w/ Clefable RCL or Cinccino SSH) and Toxtricity VMAX/Koga’s Trap

The Electric Sheep Test

Dethroning ADP/Z, Turbo ADP/Z, Sleep Mill (Best Mill), and, Yep!, Shock Lock

Make Do & Mill

A Close Look at Cinccino Mill, Early in the UPR–SSH/Standard Format

The Crowned Card

Sword & Shield Set Rundown, ADP/Zacian V the BDIF, and Concept Lists for Hammertime and Fire Box
__________ takes this form when enraged. It won’t stop spewing flames until its rage has settled, even if its body starts to melt. (Galarian Darmanitan)

Konnichiwa Kabigon

T8 @ Dallas w/ TrevNoir, Japanese Resources, Anticipated UPR–SSH Archetypes, and Snorlax VMAX for Expanded
When it gets down on all fours as if to beg for forgiveness, it’s trying to lure opponents in so that it can stab them with its spear-like hair. (Morgrem)